6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 1 PROTOCOL ON NITROGEN OXIDES Greek presentation in the 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long- Range Transboundary Air Pollution Greek presentation in the 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long- Range Transboundary Air Pollution Prof Ziomas Alex Karavanas NATIONAL CENTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 2 General Information 1. According to 2005/4 Decision of the Executive Body as repeated in the ECE/EB.AIR/2008/3 Decision of the Implementation Committee, Greece must make a presentation in accordance with paragraph 8 of EB decision 2005/4 during the discussion under item 9 "Compliance by Parties with their obligations". 2. The final report describing the progress that has been made and the measures referred to in paragraph 5 of decision 2005/4 (as reiterated in 11th report par 2.12.f), will be submitted to the Implementation Committee by March 31, A draft informal report is accompanying this presentation. From this report we can conclude that Greece is in compliance with the relevant provisions of NOx Protocol for the year It must be taken into account that even though Greece is in line without taking further measures for the year 2010, it has the intention to take new measures for better results after the year 2010.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 3 Obligations 1. Greece taking into account all the pending obligations to the EB and Implementation Committee is going to fulfill all its obligations to the Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides 2. submit a final report describing the progress it has been made and the measures referred to in paragraph 5 of decision 2005/4 until Make a presentation of the above in the 26th Session. 4. To submit the EMEP 50x50 km2 Inventory the soonest (available now). 5. To complete the questionnaire 2008 that has not been submitted so far.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 4 Requirements to be reported. 1. According to the Decision EB.AIR/2005/3 of the September 13, 2005 the Executive Body : 2. urges Greece to consider taking additional measures in order to fulfill its obligation under article 2, paragraph 1, of the NOx Protocol as soon as possible 3. To fulfill its emission reduction obligations under the NOx Protocol, setting out a timetable with annual steps for the achievement of these measures and indicating the projected effects of each of these measures on its NOx emissions per year up to and including the year of predicted compliance; 4. Invites Greece, when deciding on the measures indicated above, to consider areas with high potential for achieving reductions of NOx emissions 5. Requests Greece to provide the Implementation Committee, with a report
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 5 Energy Sector Emissions Big scale state investments in the energy sector are not foreseen until Another announced private investment is not going to be realized until In previous document sent to the Implementation Committee in early 2008, a considerable emissions increase was associated with increasing production of electricity in small Aegean islands. Although, as the whole installed capacity in the islands represents only a small percentage of the total installed capacity of the country, this statement seems rather unreliable.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 6 Emissions and projections 2010 reported. Total emission values exceeded the threshold of 290 Kt/y for the period NOx emissions projections for the year 2010 as submitted in previous years. This remarkable increase in NOx emissions projections for 2010 as reported in 2008, is due to an overestimation of future investments in the energy sector.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 7 Measures planned for the emissions reduction – Energy sector. The measures that will be taken are the following: Replacement of existing units with new technology ones following the Best Available Techniques (BAT) as it is required by the IPPC Directive, and Decommissioning of lignite installations which will be replaced later by new ones with Natural Gas as fuel and Photoboltaic installations. After 2010, new hydro plants will be added.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 8 Energy Sector Emissions Until 2010, two lignite units with a Nominal capacity of 913 MWth and one unit using Heavy Fuel Oil and Natural Gas with a capacity of 1185 MWth will be decommissioned. Several internal combustion engines of total capacity of 200 MWth will be replaced by new engines of 180 MWth in the Aegean Islands. After 2010 and by the end of 2014 another 2000 MWth (public sector) will be installed. Installations of a total capacity of 1000 MWth (private sector) are expected to enter in operation after NOx emissions from public electricity and heat production are expected to be 80.9 kt for These estimations will be verified with detailed plans from the Public Power Corporation and the Competent authorities for the operation permits.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 9 Energy Sector Emissions Calculations The models MARKAL, WASP IV and COSTPLUS were used for the calculations and projections The use of these models leads to the conduction of analytical quantitative targets per technology, such as the demanded power for wind turbines, small - scale hydro or biomass or the quantification of energy savings in the industrial and residential sectors, etc. The estimation of NOx emissions for years 2010, 1015 and 2020 is based on projected fuel consumption
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 10 Energy Sector Emissions Calculations Projected fuel consumption for Electricity and Heat Production for mainland’s interconnected system. Projected fuel consumption for Electricity and Heat Production for mainland’s interconnected system.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 11 Energy Sector Projection Scenarios Projected fuel consumption for Electricity and Heat Production for non interconnected islands Projected fuel consumption for Electricity and Heat Production for non interconnected islands
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 12 Energy Sector (6) NOx emissions and projections
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 13 Transportation Sector Emissions During the period 1990 – 2006 GHG emissions from road transport present an average annual rate of increase of approximately 4.2%. The projections are clearly shown that emissions are going to considerably decrease mainly because of the measures announced by the Government for the withdrawal of older cars. These measures are planned to be started in Annual NOx emissions from road transport in 2010 will be 87.7 kt/y (scenario A) 95.5kt/y (scenario B)
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 14 Transportation Sector Emissions Population of circulating vehicles according their age (first circulation year before and after 1995) and their type
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 15 Transportation Sector Emissions Contribution of each vehicle type to total NOx emissions from road traffic
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 16 Transportation Sector Emissions Contribution of older and newer vehicles to NOx emissions of each vehicle category
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 17 Measures planned for the emissions reduction – Transportation sector Main Target These measures will lead to a considerable decrease of NOx emissions due mainly to the withdrawal of older vehicles.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 18 Transportation Measures (1) Environmental charges of vehicles circulation Yearly circulation charges will increase according to the environmental impact of each vehicle engine (passenger cars, 2- wheelers, trucks etc.) For the payment of the charges and in order to receive the corresponding sticker, the presentation of the emissions control card will be required.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 19 Transportation Measures (2) Environmental fees Introduction of environmental fees concerning vehicles circulation as the following: Introduction of variable road tolls with respect to the environmental impact of each vehicle engine. Introduction of parking fees varying in accordance to the environmental impact of each vehicle engine. Congestion charges for vehicles entering the city centre. The charges will vary according to the environmental impact of each vehicle engine.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 20 Transportation Measures (3) Environmental circulation restrictions (green ring) Implementation of a system of restricted entrance to the city centre applying to the more polluting vehicles of all types.
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 21 Transportation Measures (4) Environmental circulation restrictions (green ring)
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 22 FUTURE PROJECTION: 2010 SCENARIO A FUTURE PROJECTION: 2010 SCENARIO A For this scenario, the following assumptions were made: All the governmental measures are applied in % of passenger cars older than 15 years old are withdrawn 70% of light duty vehicles older than 15 years old are withdrawn 35% of heavy duty vehicles older than 15 years old are withdrawn 35% of buses and coaches older than 15 years old are withdrawn Nitrogen oxides emissions are 87,728 t/y
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 23 FUTURE PROJECTION: 2010 SCENARIO B All the governmental measures are applied in % of passenger cars older than 15 years old are withdrawn 50% of light duty vehicles older than 15 years old are withdrawn 25% of heavy duty vehicles older than 15 years old are withdrawn 25% of buses and coaches older than 15 years old are withdrawn Nitrogen oxides emissions are 95,472 t/y
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 24 Transportation Sector Emissions (2) For the estimation of emissions from road transportation the model COPERT IV, Version 5.0 (December 2007), will be applied. Air emissions from road transportation in 2006 in Greece kt/y
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 25 Projections 2010 (scenario A for Road transport ) Based on the above, total expected NOx emissions for the year 2010 will not exceed the threshold of 290 kt/y.Projections will be reported for all sectors in the final report
6/5/2015 Greek presentation in 26 th session of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution 26 Projections 2010 (scenario B for Road transport) Based on the above, total expected NOx emissions for the year 2010 will not exceed the threshold of 290 kt/y.Projections will be reported for all sectors in the final report