April 23-24, 2009/ARR 1 Proposed Effort Over the Next 1-2 Years on ARIES-DB DCLL A. René Raffray, Siegfried Malang, Xueren Wang University of California,


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Presentation transcript:

April 23-24, 2009/ARR 1 Proposed Effort Over the Next 1-2 Years on ARIES-DB DCLL A. René Raffray, Siegfried Malang, Xueren Wang University of California, San Diego Laila El-Guebaly University of Wisconsin, Madison ARIES Project Meeting University of Wisconsin, Madison April 23-24, 2009

April 23-24, 2009/ARR 2 Proposed Effort on ARIES-DB DCLL Blanket Three-part effort over next year to develop DCLL blanket design for ARIES-DB and Integrate it with Sector Maintenance 1.Develop blanket layout for sector maintenance based on example plasma shape from system code including updated radial build from neutronics analysis + integration in system code (~ 6 months) 2.Develop details of blanket configuration including supporting analysis (~ 6 months) 3.Integrate He-cooled divertor design in overall ARIES-DB (~ 6 months)

April 23-24, 2009/ARR 3 Power Core Maintenance in ARIES-RS ARIES-RS utilizes self-cooled lithium/vanadium blankets, segmented toroidally into 16 sectors. The divertor plates are cooled by lithium. ARIES-RS is designed for quick replacement of the power core components, which are inserted and withdrawn horizontally through ports. The hardback structure consists of the inboard reflector, upper and lower divertor structure and outboard reflector to withstand the large loads caused by gravity and disruption forces. Overall layout of the ARIES-RS power core Removable sector Withdrawal of removable sector

April 23-24, 2009/ARR 4 Power Core Maintenance in ARIES-AT ARIES-AT blanket and divertor designs are based on Pb-17Li as coolant and breeder, and low-activation SiC f /SiC as structural material. The removable sector contains the first wall, inboard/outboard blankets, upper/lower divertor plates and structure, and inboard/outboard HT shield. The removable sector is withdrawn as a single unit through the corresponding maintenance port between TF coils. Withdrawal of removable sector Layout of ARIES-AT power core Removable sector

April 23-24, 2009/ARR 5 Some Initial Ideas to Start our Effort (initiated by Siegfried) All the blankets and divertor elements are enclosed by a stable skeleton ring which serves as a permanent HT shield. This ring is supported at the bottom only by the VV, and all coolant access pipes are connected close to the mechanical support point to IB blanket, OB blanket, and lower divertor region. For the upper divertor coolant access pipes are routed through the outer part of the skeleton ring. All connections between coolant access pipes and the individual components are made at the outer side of the skeleton ring where the He-generation should be low enough to allow for re-welding. At the IB region the blanket and the replaceable shield are combined to one component which extends over the entire height of the power core. This component has its geometrical fix point at the bottom, and sliding bearings at the top to transfer for example disruption forces to the skeleton ring. The same principles are employed for the OB blanket. Upper and lower divertor targets as well as the "dome" there are attached to a cassette-like strong structure which can be replaced in the hot cell without dissembling blankets. As in ARIES-RS it is suggested to use hydraulic lifts between the sector and the VV for a precise alignment of the sector in the VV, and to use a “meltable” metal between the sector and the VV support for a strong attachment after the alignment. INITIAL EXCHANGE OF IDEAS STARTED. DRAWINGS WILL FOLLOW.

April 23-24, 2009/ARR 6 Questions to be Addressed through First-Part Effort 1.How should the vertical cross section through the VV look like to allow for a replacement of entire power core sectors through large maintenance ports arranged between each pair of TF coils? -Subdivision into breeding blankets, divertor targets, replaceable shields, permanent shields. 2.Where and how can the coolant access pipes be connected to the in-vessel components without the need for in-vessel tools on long articulated booms for the replacement of power core components? -This includes estimates for the number and diameters of the access pipes. 3.Where and how can sufficiently large ducts for vacuums pumping in the divertor region be arranged? 4.Where and how can the replacement components be attached to the permanent sector structure? 5.Where and how can the sectors be attached and supported by the VV? 6.How can the entire sector and especially the divertor targets be aligned after a replacement?