English Language Learners in the Arizona Accountability SYSTEM Arizona Department of Education, Research & Evaluation Division Hildie A. Cohen
ELL Points in the A-F Letter Grade System English Language Learners ELL Points in the A-F Letter Grade System
ELL Point Criteria Schools/LEAs can receive 3 additional points if they meet 3 criteria: School wide n count of greater than or equal to 10 ELL students Test 95% of students with an ELL need on the Spring 2013 AZELLA 30% Reclassification of FAY ELL students
ELL Point Criteria N-Count Criteria: All ELL students counted (A.R.S 15-756) ELL Need ELL Program Students withdrawn due to SPED criteria and withdrawn by parent request are included in n count.
ELL Point Criteria 95% Tested on AZELLA: Based on enrollment as of the first day of Spring 2013 AZELLA testing window. January 14, 2013 Spring 2013 AZELLA 95% Tested Report will be posted on Common Logon on January 15, 2013.
ELL Point Criteria Students included in 95% Tested: Students with an ELL need in the current year or continuing need from prior Fiscal Year ELLAR students re-enrolled in an ELL program in the current or prior Fiscal Year Students with an ELL service program withdrawal code of ‘Withdrawn by parent request’ in FY 2011 or later (until they score proficient)
ELL Point Criteria Students excluded in 95% Tested: IFEP FEP 1 & 2 ELLAR students NOT re-enrolled in an ELL program in the current Fiscal Year Students with an ELL service program withdrawal code of ‘Withdrawn due to SPED criteria’ and not re-enrolled in an ELL program
ELL Point Criteria Reclassification Rate: Only Full Academic Year (FAY) ELL students are included in the Reclassification Rate Students with an ELL program code of ‘Withdrawn due to SPED Criteria’ are removed
ELL Point Criteria In SY 2011-2012, 63% of eligible schools received ELL points under the A-F Letter Grade criteria.
Title III: Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) English Language Learners Title III: Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs)
AMAO The No Child Left Behind Act (2003) states that every LEA must be evaluated on three measures: ELLs Making Progress on AZELLA Reclassification of ELLs An Achievement Index (formerly known as adequate yearly progress) for ELL subgroup
AMAO Which students are included in AMAO calculations? All ELL students as identified in Arizona Revised Statute 15-756: Students with an ELL need Students currently in an ELL program
AMAO AMAO 1: ELLs Making Progress At the LEA level, 23% or greater of ELL students must make progress across AZELLA performance levels for Fiscal Year 2013.
AMAO AMAO 1: ELLs Making Progress* Making Progress for Kindergarten Pre-Emergent/ Emergent Basic or Intermediate or Proficient Basic/ Intermediate Proficient *Proposed change to USED
AMAO AMAO 1: ELLs Making Progress* Making Progress for Grades 1 through 12 Pre-Emergent/ Emergent Basic or Intermediate or Proficient Basic Intermediate or Proficient Intermediate Proficient *Proposed change to USED
AMAO In SY 2011-2012, 97% of LEAs met Making Progress.
AMAO AMAO 2: Reclassification of ELLs At the LEA level, 23% or greater of ELL students must reclassify in FY 2013.
AMAO In SY 2011-2012, 81% of LEAs met Reclassification.
AMAO AMAO 3: An Achievement Index (formerly known as adequate yearly progress) The LEA must test 95% of the students in the ELL subgroup in every grade/subject combination on AIMS Meet the 2013 Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Have an attendance rate of 90% or a graduation rate of 80%
AMAO In SY 2011-2012, 90% of LEAs met AMAO 3.
AMAO for 2013 ADE will submit the change to the calculation of AMAO 1 to the USED by December 31, 2012 USED will review changes and determine requirements We will send a memo regarding any changes as soon as we hear back from the USED
For questions on the AMAOs, please email AMAO@azed.gov Thank You Questions? For questions on A-F Letter Grades, please email Achieve@azed.gov For questions on the AMAOs, please email AMAO@azed.gov