Online Course Withdrawal Presentation by: Gwen Whitaker, Director of Records/Registrar Forsyth Technical Community College
Section I Student-Initiated Online Course Withdrawal
Student initiates Online Course Withdrawal Email Confirmation of Receipt sent to Student Email Notification requesting completion sent to Instructor Instructor submits completed Online Course Withdrawal Records receives “Instructor Reviewed” completed Online Course Withdrawal Email Notification of Receipt sent to Instructor Records processes the Online Course Withdrawal of Completion sent to Instructor of Completion sent to Student
Login Page
Student Confirmation Email Hi [Student_Name], We’re writing to inform you that your request to drop the course [Course_Name] has been received and is currently being processed. Your drop request reference number is: [Form_ID] If you have any questions, please do not respond to this email as it is not monitored. Please contact your instructor or the Records Office at: Records Office Allman Building Room 106 Phone: 336-734-7472
Instructor Email Hi [Instructor_Name], [Student_Name] has requested to drop from your course [Course_Name]. To complete this process, we need some information from you. Please go to the following URL to fill in the required information: Information Needed: [Form_ID] Fill in their grade, last date of attendance, and any comments you may have. This information is due by [Date_Due]. You will receive an email reminder until the Records Office receives this information. Student Name: [Student_Name] Student ID: [Student_ID] Course: [Course_Name] Reason(s) for Dropping: [Reasons] Thanks, Forsyth Tech Records Department.
Instructor Notification Email Hi, [Instructor_Name] We have received your portion for the Online Drop Form: [Form_ID]. The form will now be reviewed and processed. Student Name: [Student_Name] Student ID: [Student_ID] Course: [Course_Name] Reason(s) for Dropping: [Reasons] Let us know how the process went via this short survey:, your feedback is appreciated! Thanks, Forsyth Tech Records Office
Instructor Confirmation Email Hi [Instructor_Name], The Online Drop Form [Form_ID] has been processed. Student Name: [Student_Name] Student ID: [Student_ID] Course: [Course_Name] Reason(s) for Dropping: [Reasons] Thanks, Forsyth Tech Records Office
Student Confirmation Email Hi [Student_Name], You have been withdrawn from [Course_Name]. Your withdraw reference number is: [Form_ID] If you have any questions, please do not respond to this email as it is not monitored. Please contact your Instructor.
Section II Instructor-Initiated Online Course Withdrawal
Online Course Withdrawal Email Notification sent to Instructor Instructor initiates Online Course Withdrawal Email Notification sent to Instructor Email Alert sent to Records to review & process Records processes “Instructor Reviewed” Email Confirmati on of Completio n of Online Course Withdrawal sent to Student
Instructor View No withdrawals for this term found.
Instructor Notification Email Hi, [Instructor_Name] We have received your portion for the Online Drop Form: [Form_ID]. The form will now be reviewed and processed. Student Name: [Student_Name] Student ID: [Student_ID] Course: [Course_Name] Reason(s) for Dropping: [Reasons] Let us know how the process went via this short survey:, your feedback is appreciated! Thanks, Forsyth Tech Records Office
Instructor Confirmation Email Hi [Instructor_Name], The Online Drop Form [Form_ID] has been processed. Student Name: [Student_Name] Student ID: [Student_ID] Course: [Course_Name] Reason(s) for Dropping: [Reasons] Thanks, Forsyth Tech Records Office
Student Confirmation Email Hi [Student_Name], You have been withdrawn from [Course_Name]. Your withdraw reference number is: [Form_ID] If you have any questions, please do not respond to this email as it is not monitored. Please contact your Instructor.
Process Summary