Kanban Training A Comprehensive Training Tool for Using Kanban
Agenda Defining Kanban Brainstorming Exercise Kanban in Depth How it works Example of Kanban Exercise using Kanban Summary
Defining Kanban Kanban is Japanese for “card, ticket, sign, or signboard.” Comes from Toyota’s Production System Manages flow of production and materials –Used in a JIT “pull” system
After Using Kanban Before Using Kanban
Brainstorming Exercise Goals and hopes for kanban –Why are you implementing this system? What will a pull system do for you, the company, your employees? What are some things you could do with the potential savings from using kanban?
Kanban in Depth Kanban card example System attributes –Types of kanban cards Functions Rules
Kanban Card Example Supplier Pull From ContainerCard 1Order Quan. Part NumberDescription Kanban Card Special Instructions
System Attributes Material vs. Production cards –What to pull/produce –When to pull/produce –How much to pull/produce –Where to pull from Visual process helps people
System Attributes Kanban is used to eliminate waste and level production Typical production looks like this:
Functions Serves as the “nervous system” for production Improve and strengthen the factory
Rules 1.Don’t send defectives to the subsequent process 2.The subsequent process comes to withdraw 3.Produce only the quantity withdrawn 4.Equalize the processes 5.Kanban is a means to fine tuning 6.Stabilize and rationalize the process
How Kanban Works Push vs Pull activity Calculating: –How many kanbans are needed –Finding takt time –How many operators are needed ABC Classification
Kanban System Suppliers Production Process Final assembly Material Kanban Production Kanban Signal sent from Customer Customer
Calculating How Many Kanbans
Finding Takt Time
How Many Operators Needed
ABC Classification A- frequently ordered items, high volume B- somewhat frequently ordered, medium volume C- infrequently ordered, small volume
Example of Kanban US Synthetics has been using lean principles, including kanban USS was able to stabilize their production, along with their customers’ and suppliers
US Synthetic 7 Years Ago Batch Processes (Extremely Difficult To See and Fix Problems) Production Forecast (Almost always wrong) Push Systems (Producing even if there is no demand) Hero mentality / Constant Expediting Working overtime, but never working on the right stuff
Going Lean, Using Kanban
US Synthetic Kanban
US Synthetic Customers
Exercise for Kanban Demand Analysis
Demand Analysis Worksheet Part #Daily Demand A-B-CMachine 1 Cycle Time Machine 2 Cycle Time Selected Machine Machine Center Load A B C AA BB CC XYZ
Finished Demand Analysis Part #Daily Demand A-B-CMachine 1 Cycle Time Machine 2 Cycle Time Selected Machine Machine Cnt Load A12335B1525M B12325B1525M C12375A2030M11500 AA32195A2035M13325 BB32120C3550M21000 CC32115C4555M2825 XYZ10150A6085M
Summary Define Kanban Brainstorm Exercise Kanban In Depth –Material vs. Production Kanban –Rules of Kanban Activity Review
Reading List Kanban, Just-In-Time At Toyota by Japanese Management Association-David Lu Kanban For The Supply Chain by Stephen Cimorreli Implementing a Mixed Model Kanban System by James C Vatalaro Kanban For The Shopfloor by Productivity Press Development Team