The Importance of Clean Water II
1.Water 1.Blue 2.Grey 3.Green 2.Water pollution 1.In Scotland 2.In Germany 3.In China 4.In Estonia 3.Illnesses 1.Developing Countries 2.Diseases 3.Different reasons Index
Collectable water from rainfall. The water that falls on roofs and hard surfaces usually flowing into rivers and the sea and recharging the ground water. In nature the global average proportion of total rainfall that is blue water is about 40%. 1.1 Blue water
About 4,000 to 5,000 km3 are annually withdrawn from blue water sources On average, the rate of withdrawal of blue water has been about two and a half times faster than the rate of population increase during this century. About 70 % of the total is supplied for irrigation purposes Facts about Blue water
1.2 Grey water Water from our bathroom, showers, washing machine, etc. It`s not from the toilet It is a safe and even benefical source of irrigation water in a yard
Water transferred back to the atmosphere from soils, natural foliage and rain-fed agriculture. The United Nations Water Program Climate change is significantly affecting the availability of freshwater in many regions around the world. 1.3 Green Water
Pollution that affects our rivers, lochs and wetlands is often characterised in two different forms. Point source pollution Diffuse source pollution Point source pollution can come from sewage treatment works, factories and input from fish farms. The impacts of pollution can be a loss of biodiversity, as well as adverse effects to our own health. 2.1 Water pollution in Scotland
Quality of water: 57 th place in the world - measured lakes and rivers - polluted due to farming and industry Germany’s freshwater is one of the best in the world - drinking water is one of the cleanest all over the world. 2.2 Water pollution in Germany
All Chinese rivers are polluted to some degree: Household water Industrial water Agricultural Water 2.3 Water pollution in China
Condition of water bodies In the last decade the population has decreased 8% and in connection with that the load of domestic wastewater discharged into water has decreased. Major water pollutants: Phosphorus Nitrogen 2.4 In Estonia
Every day 4500 children die, because they don`t have clean water One in six human have dirty or polluted drinking water 3.1 Developing Countries
Diseases: Cholera Typhus Diarrhoea Hepatitis A and E 3.2 Diseases caused by water Pollution
Climate Bacteria Poor water systems Contaminated water e.g Radioactive substances In Chernobyl. 3.3 Reasons for Disease
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By Julius, Sandra, Max, Paul and Rebecca. The END