KARNA PRAYAG TRUST No.10, Raja Krishna Road Teynampet, Chennai 18.
WHY CARINGS The adoption process aims at a loving home for every child The e-governance initiative of CARA simplifies the process and procedures and makes information available online for all stakeholders - parents, NGOs, State Government etc.
WHAT IS CARINGS A web based management information system.
CARINGS is based on the principles of Care convenience and comfort: Simple to handle and User-friendly Information Access Improved communication between all stakeholders - CARA, SARA/ACA), RIPA, LAPA, SAA and Enlisted Foreign Adoption Agencies (EFAA), Parents. Online Monitoring Ensuring transparency in the adoption process Making Database available for research & analysis, for policy making
Karna Prayag Trust – using the system since it was installed. Initial hiccups were overcome with the support of the CARA help desk Our data has been regularised The dash board correlates with children at our centre. We have been helping the other adoption agencies in Tamilnadu in CARINGS updation.
DATA ENTERED FOR ALL CHILDREN Registration Photograph For Special Needs - MER and CSR Report For Older Children - School details. CWC Clearence
All the PAPS are directed to register Online with CARINGS. If needed, we help them with the registration by giving them computer access. On receipt of information from CARINGS, PAPS are requested to apply & register with the necessary documents. After verification of the documents, they are included in the waiting list category online. When the child is matched the data entered online, they move into ‘under process’ category. On completion of legalization, the information is entered. In short, at every step data is updated in CARINGS. IN-COUNTRY ADOPTION
DATA ENTERED FOR IN – COUNTRY ADOPTION Registration Check list and Home Study acceptance Child Matching Pre-adoption foster care Adoption Order
INTER COUNTRY ADOPTION When CARA allots an approved Home study report to our agency, we can view online and download the HSR The EFAA sends us the dossier with all documents except article 17. Once dossier is checked and updated by us in CARINGS, the file goes into the PAPS waiting list category. Next the details of the child selected by us, are ed to the EFAA On acceptance of the child by the PAP, the file is updated and it goes into ‘under process’ category. At every stage, up to the completion of the process, the file in CARINGS is updated.
DATA ENTERED FOR INTER – COUNTRY ADOPTION Parents Registration with EFAA Home Study Child Matching Issue of No-Objection Certificate (NOC) by CARA Adoption Order Passport and Visa Child travels with adoptive parents Post Adoption follow up Inter-Country
KARNA PRAYAG SUCCEESSFUL MATCHING’S Inter country files received through CARINGS since January 2012 to February Adoption completed [Spl needs =2, older child =1, dark complexion = 1 ] 4 Under process ( Spl. Needs = 6, normal =1 )7 Referred3 PAP withdrawn3 To be referred2 Total19
SOFTWARE FOR DATA PROCESSING AT KARNA PRAYAG TRUST We use a customised data base maintenance system, using software, specially designed for us. The system is used to update the details of all the children. The data is updated since inception, 30 years back to date. All background documents are scanned into the files such as : Surrendered deed or Child Welfare Committee clearance order for each child, Court order for the adoptions Photograph of the child and the PAP. All statistical information about the adoptions, details of the children, on surrender and abandonment etc. can be easily compiled and printed from the system. Our data base system is a great help for us for updating CARINGS.
DATA AVAILABLE In-country adoptions Registration Check list and Home Study acceptance Child Matching Pre-adoption foster care Adoption Order Inter – Country Adoption Parents Registration with EFAA Home Study Child Matching Issue of NOC by CARA Adoption Order Passport and Visa Child travels with adoptive parents Post Adoption follow up
CARINGS – ADVANTAGES LAPAS are able to process inter-country placements through the linkage with RIPAS, without physically moving the child from the LAPAS. It is simpler for EFAAs to update online Follow up updates of children can be viewed through CARINGS. The help desk is very useful, when we have difficulties to be rectified. Still there is long way to go.
Glitches / difficulties Action required from CARA 1 LAPAs are not able to make their entries as they are not able to open with the id given Operational IDs for LAPAS 2 Linkage between RIPA and LAPA is not getting connected for referral on special needs children Procedure to be simplified for the system to work 3 For Special needs children - EFAA should block only if they have suitable families to accept such a child. EFAAs to be instructed 4 When the PAPs who have registered online do not respond, what should the agency do? Clear guidelines required 5Frequent interruption and time out when updating data online.To be corrected 6 Dash board does not show under process category children as children in the home in inter-country adoptions This has to be done 7When a PAP or Child ‘s file is rejected / withdrawn/ transferred, it is not removed from the list. Prompt up-dation needed
Thank you