the customer of the e-age Stuart Henshall GBN Global Business Network March 9, 2000
The Empowered CoMsumer Consider: Information belonging to communities of consumers will be the most important resource in the knowledge economy
Who will control the customer’s information assets?
Richness Reach Traditional marketing trade-off E- marketing enabled From a Suppliers Pt of View Direct Scope / Scale Transparent values / prices 24/7 -- Real-time Search / Finding Multipliers Info-mediaries Rich info
Changing Forms Value Creation Integrator (linear to market) P&G, Nestle, NZDB Market Manager (e.g. portal) Sabre, Autobytel, Marshall Industries Orchestrater (Knowledge Strategies) Nike, Sara Lee Layer Player (horizontal resources) Temporary Employment Agency
Richness Reach Value of connectivity Quality of Relationships Empowered CoMsumer Traditional marketing trade-off E- marketing enabled Tangibles Intangibles From a Consumer Pt of View What happens if your consuming community takes charge? Consumers’ control and aggregate rich sources of information in real-time. How is this space expanding? Internet communications fueling massive new data sources. Think consumer information accounts and infomarkets Aggregation power driven by increasing computing power and declining cost of connectivity. From singular to community aggregation.
Competing for Knowledge Competing for Attention Many to One C2B Many to Many C2C One to Many B2C End to End B2B Explicit Transparency Tacit Trust Demand Driven Open / Facilitating Closed/ Mediating Supply Driven New Space fueled by knowledge and global connectivity
Both Buyers and Sellers now compete to use the same information Knowledge is the capacity to act. Who will control the information?
Upcoming Source Data Explosion Wireless SMART things, things that think, SENSORS Voice, voice activation Wearable always on computing Nano, manufacturing at the molecular level Genomics and Bio-informatics
What if consumers decide to band together and control their own personal information? Are you ready to freely give your customer their data record?
Conversations Facilitated Co-creation Efficiencies Connectivity Processes Recipes Customization Datamines Collaborative Filters Aggregation Agents / Bots Navigators Info-mediaries Competing for Knowledge Competing for Attention Many to One C2B Many to Many C2C One to Many B2C End to End B2B Demand Driven Open Explicit Transparency Tacit Trust Closed Supply Driven Value Optimization Real-time Functions Privacy / Permission Amazon Yahoo Dell Short-term attention is here, but how important is it? Where are the new models coming from? Are CoMsumers inventing the new functionalities and opportunities here?
CoMsumer Forces at Play How long before real dotcom enabled communities of consumers emerge / are empowered? How quickly will your business be commoditized? What is the role of transparency and trust? At what point is data collection an invasion of privacy and permission withdrawn? What is the impact of “real-time” on developing new consumer functionalities?
Data-markets not Data-mines
Facilitate Markets don’t Mediate Space
Info-Markets Blind Packets Negotiation without name My Data Private my eyes only Our Info Community Leverage Data for Sale My info for payment Private PublicPrivate Public If CoMsumers own their data then is this how they think about it?
CoMsumer Challenges Invest in creating new data-markets, rather than data mines. Internet courtesy means seamlessly providing your customer with an electronic copy of the transaction deposited in their info-account. Standards and formats for data exchange will grow in importance. Real-time aggregation will enable the info record to be held by the consumer.
Still a weak voice????? see also March 2000 article on Linux.