Asthma Management In Educational Settings Physical Education Teachers and Coaches Education Module
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 2 Overview Asthma Basics Asthma and exercise Asthma management in athletics Medications Support for student Preventive actions to take How to handle an asthma emergency How to read an asthma management plan Resources
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 3 Asthma Basics What is asthma? Chronic lung condition that causes breathing problems (asthma attacks) Manageable disease Who has asthma? 4.8M US, 150K (1 in 10) Washington children Level of severity varies from student to student
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 4 Asthma Basics (cont.) What happens during an asthma attack? Airways in lungs become smaller; extra mucus in airways can further block air Symptoms include: coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath What can trigger an asthma attack? Respiratory illness, allergens, weather, irritants, emotions, exercise Students may have different triggers
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 5 Asthma Basics (cont.)
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 6 Asthma and Exercise Encourage physical activity and participation in sports When asthma is under good control, students should be able to participate in all physical activities
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 7 Asthma Management in Athletics: Medications Medications Preventive medications taken daily (will not reverse an asthma attack) e.g., Azmacort, Flovent, Singulair, Intal Rescue medications to treat and relieve symptoms as needed e.g., Ventolin, Proventil, Maxair Using a metered dose inhaler/peak flow meter Understand the possible side effects drowsy/different/anxious/embarrassed/withdrawn
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 8 Asthma Management in Athletics: Support for Student Balance maintaining expectations vs. flexibility Treat students with asthma as part of the group, but discuss asthma concerns privately
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 9 Asthma Management in Athletics: Preventive Actions to Take Eliminate triggers (e.g., mold, dust) Have student take medication before activity Provide minute warm-up and cool- down Adjust activity as necessary Consider: type of activity, pacing, weather, nasal breathing Monitor student for warning signs Using a peak flow meter
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 10 Asthma Management in Athletics: Preventive Actions to Take (cont.) Know how to read an asthma management plan Contact information Common signs of asthma attack Use of medications Treatment plan Other conditions Special instructions (field trips, etc.)
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 11 How to Handle an Asthma Emergency Contact the school nurse, if available Provide medications as directed by School Emergency Asthma Plan Encourage student to relax and take slow, deep breaths Always have someone accompany the student with asthma symptoms when going to the office or nurse’s office
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 12 How to Handle an Asthma Emergency (cont.) Call 911 if: No improvement minutes after initial treatment with medication Medications are not available and student has signs of asthma attack Lips or nail beds turn gray or blue (students with light complexions) Paling of lips or nail beds (students with dark complexions) Decreasing or loss of consciousness
Property of The Amerrican Lung Association of Washington 13 Resources Spokane Camp Champ Statewide Websites