Law approximation and implementation in Hungary Ministry for Environment Department of Integrated Pollution Control Nicosia, May 2001 Andrea Nám, desk officer
Hungary’s accession to the EU target is to become a MS in January 2003 provided detailed additional information to the negotiating position paper reduced the extension and amount of transitional periods preliminary closure of the environmental chapter in June 2001
Reduced requests for transitional period concerning Council Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste: request for transitional period until June 2005 (only regarding the 50% recovery target) Council Directive 88/609/EEC concerning large combustion plants: for plants operating in the non- energy sector reduced transitional period (from 2008 to the end of 2004). Council Directive 91/271/EEC on the treatment of municipal waste water: for the sensitive areas request reduced from 2015 to Council Directive 94/67/EC on the incineration of hazardous waste: no request for transitional period concerning incinerators of waste oils.(In other cases the request for transitional period maintained until June 2005).
Withdrawn requests for transitional period concerning Council Directive 80/68/EEC on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances Council Directive 84/360/EEC on the combating of air pollution from industrial plants Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major- accident hazards involving dangerous substances (Seveso II) Council Directive 76/464/EEC on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community and its “daughter” directives Council Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC)
Major programs helping the preparation National Environmental Program (1997 – 2002) National Program for the Adoption of the Acquis ( ) National Law Approximation Program ( ) (yearly based implementation plans incl. updating )
Tools helping implementation Programs (e.g. Urban Waste Water Program, Drinking Water Program, National Waste Management Plan) ISPA ad PHARE co-financed projects (e.g. waste water treatment, measuring/monitoring network, laboratory equipment) Institution building and education (incl. staff increase at central and regional level) Special committees, units (e.g. inter-ministerial committee to co-ordinate the implementation of the WFD, inter-ministerial committee concerning chemical safety, IPPC unit)
Joining EU institutions/programs: European Environment Agency and European Information and Observation Network (agreement signed in 2000) LIFE III Program (2001 – LIFE-Office established)
Progress in law approximation 27 pieces of legislation adopted in one year Major framework legislation adopted since 2000: - Gov. Decree on EIA (updated in 2001) - Act on Waste Management (2000) - Framework Gov. Decree on the protection of ambient air (2001) - Act on Chemical Safety (2000) - Gov. Decree on the protection of groundwater (2000) - Gov. Decree on the protection against major accident hazards involving dangerous substances (2001)
Progress in law approximation (continued) Major framework legislation in pipeline (to be adopted in 2001): - Gov. Decree on the protection of surface water - Gov. Decree on the integrated permit for the use of the environment (IPPC) Draft pieces of legislation allowing voluntary participation: - Gov. Decree on assisting companies in the preparation for EMAS registration - Gov. Decree establishing the institutional and legal background for applying the EU Eco-Label Regulation
Pieces of legislation issued recently (including industry related ones): Air: - Min. decree on EQSs and ELVs - Min. decree on VOCs Waste: - Gov. Decree on the selection of public service providers for waste management - Gov. Decree on setting fees for municipal waste management services - Min decrees on disposal of waste oils, PCB/PCT and on handling batteries and accumulators and their wastes
Pieces of legislation issued recently (continued) Water: - Gov. Decree designating the sensitive areas - Gov. Decree on nitrates from agricultural sources Chemicals: - Min. Decrees on restriction of certain activities concerning specific dangerous substances and preparations - Min. Decree concerning import and export of certain dangerous substances and preparations (PIC consent) - Min. Decree on risk assessment of chemicals and reduction of risk - Gov. Decree on the chemical load fine
Legislation in pipeline Air: - Min. Decrees on emission measurement and ozone depleting substances Waste: - Gov. Decree on packaging waste Water: - Min. Decrees on EQSs, ELVs, monitoring Chemicals: - Decrees on asbestos, biocides, GMOs
Expected achievements by introducing new environmental legislation Protection of the environment as a whole Better co-operation between regulators and regulated: consensus based and not prescriptive approach Use of BAT: realistic target Improved information exchange: improved environmental awareness Meeting the environmental criteria set by the EU