The future is bright, for those who plan it right!! Plan today for a
Have you planned for your retirement?
Why you should plan for your retirement?
Increased life expectancy Better standards of living and access to good medical facilities have increased the average age of life expectancy in India from 42 years in 1960 to almost 70 and above today Reason No. 1 Life expectancy in India (in years)
Therefore there is a Risk of Outliving Retirement Income How Long will your Savings Last ? If Rs is withdrawn every month from Rs.10 lakh corpus then the saving will drain as under :- Rate of Interest Amount withdrawn at the beginning of each month 6 %4 Years and 9 months 8 %5 Years and 1 month 10 %5 Years and 4 months
Inflation will seriously impact your lifestyle Monthly expenses as on today Inflation rate Inflated expenses in different stages of retirement period Age 30Age 60Age 70Age 80 Rs %1,14,8702,05,7143,68,403 Rs %2,01,2534,34,4909,38,032 Rs %3,48,9889,05,18523,47,817 Reason No. 2
Future cost of living for a person aged 35 years ItemPresent CostAge 55Age 65Age 75 Rice (10 kg) Atta (10kg) Tur Dal (1kg) Milk (1 litre) Oil (5 kg) Apple (1kg) Coffee (100g) Dinner for Inflation considered – 8% per annum
Increasing age also brings increasing health challenges Reason No. 3
Why depend on your children/ relatives/ friends after retirement? According to a recent study most Indians still believe that their children will take care of them in their old age This can be a big mistake because such people often end up neglected and uncared Reason No. 4
The best way to predict your future is to create it