ENTSO-E and how we can use this new body in the future in terms of market, planning and operations 13 May 2009 CIM user group meeting, Genval, Belgium Konstantin Staschus, Ph.D. ENTSO-E Secretary-General Overview Background: 3rd IEM package Purpose, activities Overall structure Start-up Committee structures
2 ENTSO-E Background: 3 rd IEM package Proposed amended Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity Article 4: European network of transmission system operators for electricity Completion and functioning of the internal market in electricity and cross-border trade Optimal management, coordinated operation and sound technical evolution of the European electricity transmission network. Article 6: Establishment of network codes Article 8: Tasks of the ENTSO for Electricity Network codes Common network operation tools Non ‑ binding Community ‑ wide 10 ‑ year network development plan, ("network development plan"), including a European generation adequacy outlook, every two years Work programme, annual report, summer/winter outlooks, monitoring ENTSO-E founded ahead of 3 rd package because completion of the IEM and renewables integration require quick action
Separation of transmission networks from production and supply Yet stronger unbundling rules in 3 rd EU Directive Individual players' initiatives Push for investments in interconnections Capacity constraints in existing infrastructure Security of energy supply within each country Emergence of market coupling, e.g. trilateral and soon Central- Western Europe EEX- Powernext-Belpex Vertical disintegration Phase I Interconnection reinforcements Creation of power exchanges Integration of EU landscape EU grouped countries into 7 … + regional markets Extension of market coupling between countries European integration Phase II In parallel: growing importance of renewables Drive towards sustainable energy with increasingly volatile production profile Evolution towards pan- European backbone? Sustainability The TSOs’ need for stronger and faster evolution towards EU integration
~ 500 million citizen served 650 GW Generation km EHV-HV lines km MV/LV lines Demand: TWh/year Exchanges: 300 TWh/year Investments by 2030 for T&D: ~500G€ ENTSO-E: 42 TSOs from 34 countries
Purpose of the association Pursue cooperation of the European TSOs - pan-European and regional Promote the TSOs’ interests Active, important role in European rule setting process - EU legislation Cooperation among TSOs, and also external communication on: Reliable operation Optimal management Sound technical evolution Security of supply Meeting the needs of the IEM / facilitating market integration Develop and monitor network plans (Commission, ACER roles) Develop and monitor network codes (Commission, ACER, comitology roles) Promoting R&D and public acceptability of transmission infrastructure Positions, consultation 5 Activities
ENTSO-E start-up timetable ENTSO-E established (1 st Assembly) Secretary-General appointed; first budget approved (2 nd Assembly) First meetings of the Committees Secretariat Terms of Reference (TOR), corporate identity, new premises (move 1 Nov) decided, website Regional Groups’ TOR prepared – prerequisite for winding up 6 existing associations 3 rd Assembly: Committees’ + Regional Groups’ TOR approved, UCTE MLA transfer signed, start recruitment for Secretariat positions Transfer of contracts and obligations of existing associations Winding-up of existing associations ENTSO-E fully operational 19/12/08 5/02/09 03/09 04/09 08/05/09 06/09 30/06/09 01/07/09
ENTSO-E‘s start-up 1 market – 5 synchronous regions Transfer activities from 6 existing associations Proud long histories, e.g. UC(P)TE since 1951, ETSO with very well established influence in EU electricity market policy Achievements, well established processes to continue without interruption (e.g. Operation Handbook) through systematic transfer of activities, contracts etc. HU DE PL IE NI GB FR ES PT CH IT AU SI AL GR MK RO CZ SK BE NL DK NO SE FI EE LV LT BG HR ME BA LU IS RS CY
Assembly BoardSecretariat System Development Committee System Operations Committee European Planning Standards Network Modeling and Data 10 Year Network Develop. Plan Research and Development S. Adequacy & Market Develop. Asset Implem. & Management EWIS Project North Sea Baltic Sea Continental CE Continental CS Continental SE Continental SW Northern Europe Isolated Systems Continental Europe Nordic Baltic Great Britain Ireland - N. Ireland Market Committee Market Integration Ancillary Services Market Information (incl. SG EDI) Economic Framework RES Working Groups Regional Groups Legal & Regulatory Group Voluntary Regional Groups European Operational Standards Critical Systems Protection
9 Structure of the System Development Committee
10 Main tasks of the System Development Committee Coordinate, at the pan European level, the network development and planning activities undertaken by TSOs comprising : Transmission system adequacy Generation adequacy Demand forecasting Medium to Long Term Market driven scenarios and related modelling and planning approaches Winter/summer Outlook and Review General Investment & planning criteria Planning data, formats, models and tools Will build on existing international plans, e.g. NORDEL, UCTE, but go beyond them with new methodologies Prepare the Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) Introduce technical rules or standards related to the planning of transmission systems and new technical concepts within its R&D activities Promote public acceptability of transmission infrastructure
11 Structure of the System Operations Committee
12 Main tasks of the System Operations Committee Promote reliable operation and security of the transmission electric systems in Europe Develop, maintain and update technical and operational standards, recommendations and co-operation frameworks for regions and individual TSOs in ENTSO-E Make proposals for pan-European harmonisation of the Network Codes and rules Monitor, assess and, where appropriate, report on the quality-level of transmission system operation and important transmission network operation events on a regular basis Maintain the timeliness and effectiveness of inter TSO normal and emergency operating procedures
13 Structure of the Market Committee
14 Main tasks of the Market Committee The long-term objective is an integrated and seamless European electricity market Harmonised market design and rules for the integration of physical and financial markets in all timeframes Consistent and transparent congestion management principles and schemes for the allocation and use of transmission capacity Regional cross-border harmonisation and integration of balancing mechanisms Establishment of Inter-TSO compensation mechanism, and when applicable, adequate methodologies in sharing joint revenues/costs Market-oriented integration of the renewable energy sources (RES) and decentralized generation
ENTSO-E Secretariat Provides the manpower and Brussels presence to help achieve ENTSO-E’s purposes Performs and supports external communications of ENTSO-E. Promotion of the interests of ENTSO-E towards the European Commission, European Parliament and the Council, the European bodies for Energy Regulators Has a central function supporting handling of data related to statistics, publications, system adequacy, power flow data and ENTSO-E Vista (maintenance, plausibility and consistency checking) Receives support from a Data Expert Group, which tackles pan-European standardization of data handling 15
ENTSO-E Secretariat has a central function of coordination, maintenance and support of Common Information Model (CIM) related issues and therefore, it is the interface to international organizations 16 - Maintenance ENTSO-E CIM tools; - contacts with providers Requests that concern CIM must be submitted to Secretariat ENTSO-E Data Expert Group System Development Committee Operations Committee Market Committee WGs defining needs International organizations: IEC, EPRI, CIMug, … - Liaisons, - Submitting ENTSO-E needs, - - Participation in the discussion, - etc - Discussion on Committees/WGs requests; - Information on IEC opinion; - Possible solutions - etc. CIM tools Secretariat WGs defining needs
Summary ENTSO-E speaks for all TSOs in the EU and others connected to their networks ENTSO-E and the European TSOs stand for Reliable operation Optimal management Sound technical evolution of the European electricity transmission system Security of supply Meeting the needs of the IEM / facilitating market integration ENTSO-E is already active ahead of the 3rd package ENTSO-E takes its new tasks described in the 3rd package very serious, in particular network codes and network development plans These plans should play an important role for the overall European energy policy, including for continental scale planning for the integrated European market, CO 2 reductions, energy efficiency and renewable energy system integration 17