Library Service Quality Survey Results Yeo Pin Pin Li Ka Shing Library April 2013
LibQUAL Since 2000, more than 1,200 libraries have participated domestically and internationally, with participating institutions in Africa, Australia, Asia, and Europe Helps libraries understand and act upon users’ opinions of service quality Based on SERVQUAL
Representativeness by Discipline 1,994 respondents (24%)
Core Dimensions Users finding information independently Users’ interaction with library staff
Understanding Radar Charts Adequacy Gap = Perceived - Minimum Dimensions rated on scale of 0 to 9 Superiority Gap = Perceived - Desired
SMU Radar Chart 2012 ARL Libraries
Overall Place Norms LibQUAL 2012 ARL Libraries Notebook n=17,988 LibQUAL 2012 Survey Highlights n=93,196 Library as PlacePerceived MeanAdequacy MeanSuperiority Mean SMU ARL LibQUAL
SMU Place Dimensions IDQuestion Text Minimum Mean Desired Mean Perceived Mean Adequacy Mean Superiority Mean LP-1Library space that inspires study and learning LP-2Quiet space for individual activities LP-3A comfortable and inviting location LP-4A getaway for study, learning, or research LP-5Community space for group learning and group study Add A place for reflection and creativity ARL Libraries
Overall Information Control Norms Info ControlPerceived MeanAdequacy MeanSuperiority Mean SMU ARL LibQUAL LibQUAL 2012 ARL Libraries Notebook n=17,988 LibQUAL 2012 Survey Highlights n=93,196
SMU Info Control Dimensions IDQuestion Text Minimum Mean Desired Mean Perceived Mean Adequacy Mean Superiority Mean IC-1Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office IC-2A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own IC-3The printed library materials I need for my work IC-4The electronic information resources I need IC-5 Modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information IC-6 Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to find things on my own IC-7Making information easily accessible for independent use IC-8Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work AddEase of use of electronic resources LibQUAL 2012 ARL Libraries
Service Norms Affect of ServicePerceived MeanAdequacy MeanSuperiority Mean SMU ARL LibQUAL LibQUAL 2012 ARL Libraries Notebook n=17,988 LibQUAL 2012 Survey Highlights n=93,196
SMU Service Dimensions IDQuestion Text Minimum Mean Desired Mean Perceived Mean Adequacy Mean Superiority Mean AS-3Employees who are consistently courteous AS-8Willingness to help users AS-4Readiness to respond to users' questions AS-5 Employees who have the knowledge to answer user questions AS-6Employees who deal with users in a caring fashion AS-7Employees who understand needs of their users AS-9Dependability in handling users' service problems AS-1Employees who instill confidence in users AS-2Giving users individual attention AddAvailability of subject specialist assistance ARL Libraries
SMU Thermometer Chart 2012 ARL Libraries
International Perception Ratings PercentileARLSCONULCanadaHong Kong SMU This shows that Singapore survey results are more similar to ARL or US libraries Source: Thompson, Brian “Using National and International Score Norms as a Library Service Quality Benchmarking Tool.” Paper presented at the 17 th Meeting of the Greek Academic Libraries, Ioannina, Greece. September
Additional Questions 1.A place for reflection and creativity (Place) 2.Availability of subject specialist assistance (Service) 3.Ease & timeliness in getting materials from other libraries 4.Ease of use of electronic resources (Info control) 5.Teaching me how to access, evaluate, and use information
Satisfaction Overall Mean ARL 2012 How would you rate the overall quality of the service provided by the Library? In general, I am satisfied with the way in which I am treated at the Library In general, I am satisfied with library support for my learning, research, and/or teaching needs
Satisfaction by Group Overall Mean UG Mean PG Mean Faculty Mean How would you rate the overall quality of the service provided by the Library? In general, I am satisfied with the way in which I am treated at the Library In general, I am satisfied with library support for my learning, research, and/or teaching needs Sample size
Information Literacy Outcomes Overall Mean ARL 2012 The library enables me to be more efficient in my academic pursuits or work The library aids my advancement in my academic discipline or work The library helps me distinguish between trustworthy and untrustworthy information The library provides me with the information skills I need in my work or study The library helps me stay abreast of developments in my field(s) of interest
Overall Dimensions of Excellence IDQuestion Superiority Gap Perceived Mean AS-3Employees who are consistently courteous AS-8Willingness to help users AS-4Readiness to respond to user’s questions AS-5Employees who have the knowledge to answer user questions AS-6Employees who deal with users in a caring fashion AS-3 AS-8 AS-4 AS-5 AS-6
Overall Dimensions for Improvement IDQuestion Superiority GapPerceived Mean LP-1Library space that inspires study and learning LP-2Quiet space for individual activities LP-3A comfortable and inviting location LP-Add A place for reflection and creativity LP-4A getaway for study, learning, or research LP-5Community space for group learning and group study LP-1 LP-2 LP-3 LP-Add LP-4 LP-5
Postgraduate Dimensions of Excellence IDQuestion Text Superiority Mean Perceived Mean AS-8Willingness to help users AS-2Giving users individual attention AS-6Employees who deal with users in a caring fashion AS-5 Employees who have the knowledge to answer user questions AS-4Readiness to respond to users' questions AS-3Employees who are consistently courteous
IDQuestion Text Superiority Mean Perceived Mean LP-2Quiet space for individual activities LP-1Library space that inspires study and learning LP-4A getaway for study, learning, or research LP- AddA place for reflection and creativity IC-1Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office IC-2A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own Postgraduate Dimensions of Excellence
Faculty Dimensions of Excellence IDQuestion Text Superiority Gap Perceived Mean AS-3Employees who are consistently courteous AS-8Willingness to help users AS-4Readiness to respond to users' questions AS-9Dependability in handling users' service problems AS-5Employees who have the knowledge to answer user questions
IDQuestion Text (Gap from Desired are largest) Superiority Gap Perceived Mean IC-2A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own IC-8Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work IC-1Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office IC-4The electronic information resources I need IC-6Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to find things on my own LP-2Quiet space for individual activities Faculty Dimensions of Excellence
Comments 1160 comments (856) 304 with nil, NA, - 15 comments on equipment 70 comments on collection 88 general comments (88 +ve) 90 comments on information control (70 –ve, 20 +ve) 250 comments on place (220 –ve, 30 +ve) 324 comments on service (319 +ve, 5 -ve)
Place Comments The entire atmosphere at the library - feels too cramped and crowded with people for it to be a place for reflection or creativity There isn’t enough space for quiet study If zones for group work and individual were more clearly demarcated, students will know where the appropriate place to go
Information Control Comments I appreciate that you generally acquire requested materials quickly. The link that appears in could be improved. (Faculty) I did not actually know what are the resources and databases that we have until a librarian comes to class and tell us about it Some of the databases are quite hard to navigate Has awesome databases and research resources but picking up the skills to use them effectively is a bit harder than it seems
Service Comments The service has been top notch for years. The librarians go out of their way to be helpful. (Faculty) I believe that SMU has a leading library team that understands and cares for the needs of every individual student. The library team has played an integral role in my academic pursuits thus far. I like how the librarians are always eager to assist me whenever I approach them with questions. The library training I received in class is also very useful. They are probably the ONE AND ONLY group of staff in SMU that really cares and goes out of their way to give aid, bring laughter, joy to the students
Collection & Equipment Comments More full text More journals More books More concurrent logins More Course Reserves copies, latest editions, longer loan periods More leisure reading Computers & LCDs need to be replaced/updated/ in working condition Computers to be installed with Firefox, Chrome, etc
Singapore Management University
ARL Libraries
Conclusion Service & Library Staff Library as Place Information control (some dimensions can be improved further)