LCME Student Survey UMSC Self Study Presented by Liz Podczerwinski March 12, 2009
Survey Response Chicago 412 (50%) + 7 Grad students M1 137 (75%) M2 111 (56%) M3 93 (45%) M4 71 (30%) Joint Degree Students 7
Student Response Urbana 120 (55%) + 33 Grad Students M1 78 (61%) M2 18 (47%) M3 13 (45%) M4 11 (42%) Joint Degree Students 33
Student Response Rockford 111 (70%) M2 31 (57%) M3 41 (70%) M4 39 (85%) Peoria 105 (70%) M2 38 (84%) M3 37 (65%) M4 30 (64%)
Student-Faculty- Administration Interaction Strengths Faculty availability and access to medical school administration in Urbana, Rockford & Peoria Concerns Awareness and responsiveness to student concerns in Chicago Recommendation Maintain communication through information sessions and “Dialogue with the Deans” Hire additional staff and provide training with students in order to better address student concerns
Student Support Overall all sites “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with: Academic counseling availability Availability of tutorial help Availability of counseling about careers & residency Availability/adequacy of financial admin services
Student Support Concerns Perception of equality of services between sites in Rockford and Peoria Recommendation Provide students with information on how student fees are used Provide students with a newsletter describing services/projects in progress across all the sites
Students Health Strengths Confidentiality of medical services across all sites Concerns Adequacy of student health insurance in Rockford Availability/adequacy of dental services in Rockford and Peoria Recommendations Maintain adequate and equal health insurance across 4 campuses Provide better dental coverage
Library and Electronic Learning Resources Strengths (all sites marked “very satisfied” on majority of items) Access to library facility services Access of electronic library from home/hospital/school Websites designed by faculty and students Quality of librarian’s knowledge
Learning Environment Strengths Student Diversity Confidentiality of student records Concerns Availability of student relaxation space in Chicago and Urbana Classrooms/testing facilities/labs/study space in Chicago in terms of: Equipment Lighting AC/heat Comfort
Learning Environment Recommendations Expand/modernize relaxation spaces Address issues regarding equipment, lighting, AC/heat, and comfort (painting walls/ceilings and repairing broken seats)
Education Program as a Whole Strengths Quality of clinical instruction during M3/M4 year Concerns Timeliness of feedback after clerkships in Chicago Quality of clinical exposure prior to clerkships in Urbana Ease of scheduling 4th year electives in Chicago- currently improving via new online scheduling Recommendations Evaluate how each campus offers M1/M2 clinical exposure and adapt
M1 & M2 Coursework Strengths Overall, students marked “satisfied” or “very satisfied” Concerns with individual courses Pathophysiology- organization and teaching methods in Rockford Essentials of Patient Care- teaching methods, organization, methods, student motivation, fairness of exams in Rockford Histology- teaching methods, importance of clinically relevant material, and student motivation in Chicago Pharmacology- teaching methods in Chicago Recommendations Faculty to communicate with other campus faculty to learn how courses are taught there
Clerkships Strengths Overall students from UPR track marked “very satisfied” regarding core clerkships and Chicago marked “satisfied” Dedicated faculty/physicians to teaching Help prepare students prepare for USMLE CK & CS exams Concerns Overemphasis on Family Medicine in Rockford Recommendations Provide students with more opportunities to explore (sub)-specialties or consider extending surgery to include ortho, ENT
Thank you! Important to note that there was <50% M3 & M4 response rate in Chicago and Urbana Questions? Comments? Please contact Liz Podczerwinski at or Adam Meisel at or Colleen Dickinson at