Spartan Space Overview of the online Space Inventory System and Categorizing Space
Spartan Space Overview The Office of Planning & Budgets (OPB)/Facilities Planning and Space Management (FPSM) has implemented a web based application and reporting tool that interfaces with our FAMIS application. It allows space coordinators to update information on their assigned rooms online. This enhancement is expected to greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the space management system. It will reduce administrative time spent by FPSM and units, minimize the number of data entry errors, and will limit the wait time to see changes posted for both large-scale facility updates and every day changes. This system will provide easy access for units to update space changes on an ongoing basis. 2
How Data Is Used/Importance of Data It is important that we keep an accurate record of our facilities for many reasons. This data is used for negotiating the F&A (Facilities & Administrative) Rate. Data from the space inventory is used for reporting & benchmarking against our peers in surveys such as National Science Foundation Science & Engineering and Higher Education Facilities Management Association. The facilities data is used in conjunction with Contracts and Grants data (Research Expenditures) and Human Resource data (FTEs) to evaluate space requests, planning new facilities, performing space analysis and audits, and benchmarking. The above data is also used for the Space Metrics to evaluate how we are utilizing our facilities at the University level, the MAU level and Department level. 3
University Space Assignment Policy (excerpt) The relevant dean, unless otherwise specified by the Provost, has the authority to assign and to reassign space that is currently occupied and assigned to the college among its internal units to meet the programmatic plans of the college. The college or major administrative unit designee for space will review all assigned space assigned for research and creative endeavors, inclusive of jointly-administered space, at least every 3 years. A consistent process across units for reassessing need and renewing the assignment will be put in place based on the criteria that follow in this document. It is expected that unit administrators conduct regular annual reviews of space allocation within their respective administrative units, and make appropriate alterations in allocation of space consistent with this policy. The full University Space Policy can be found at 4
The Post Secondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual (FICM) The Post Secondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual (FICM 2 ) is used across higher education institutions to classify space assuring that summary data will be meaningful and comparable. “The FICM is a tool that can help institutions initiate, conduct, report, and maintain an institutional space inventory that can provide answers to such basic questions as how much space is available, what kind of space is it, to whom is it assigned and how efficiently is it being used and maintained. The information permits institutions to assess the adequacy of their current space and allows them to begin planning for future space needs. 1 ” The coding system is used by higher education institutions. 1 The Post Secondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual (FICM) May The Manual can be accessed online at 5
Room Use Categories There are 10 major space use categories of assignable space and 3 major space use categories for non-assignable space. A printable list of all Room Use Categories and Uses is available at AssignableUnassignable Classrooms (100 series)Circulation Area (WWW series) Laboratory Facilities (200 series)Building Service Area (XXX series) Office Facilities (300 series)Mechanical Area (YYY series) Study Facilities (400 series) Special Use Facilities (500 series) General Use Facilities (600 series) Support Facilities (700 series) Health Care Facilities (800 series) Residential Facilities (900 series) Unclassified Facilities (000 series) 6
Room Use Codes Each Room Use Category has several Room Use Codes. A room will be coded with only one Room Use Code and that will be the primary use of the room. FPSM is the only security group authorized to change the room use code. If a unit would like to request the room use be changed they should contact FPSM This insures that a room is coded for its original purpose and that units are not changing the room use without further considerations/consultation. Complete descriptions of the Room Use Categories and Room Use Codes are available at section
Occupants – Group and Person A room is assigned to an OOI (department) but can have occupants from different departments and can have occupants from multiple departments. This mainly effects Office areas and Lab Research Areas. All Offices and Lab Research space should have at least one person assigned to them, or use a “dummy” code as listed below: FPSM444444VISITING SCHOLAR FPSM555555FACULTY EMERITUS FPSM666666STUDENT EMPLOYEE FPSM777777GRAD ASSIST EMPLOYEE FPSM888888FAC or STAFF UNKNWN/NOT FOUND FPSM999999VACANT/NO ONE IN LOCATION FPSM333333TEMP ONCALL EMPLOYEE A PI should be listed as an occupant in a lab that they and/or their team members are occupying. A PI should also be listed as an occupant with a 1% share in any offices that their team members are using in order to associate a set of rooms with a researcher/research activities. 8
Function Codes Function Codes or functional categories are used to link space allocations to financial data and/or institutional missions. There are four main functional categories. Instruction Research Other Sponsored Activities Other Institutional Activities A room can have one or up to five function codes. 9
Function Code 1.0 Instruction Instruction includes all activities that are part of an institution’s instructional program. This includes both credit and non credit courses for academic, vocational, and technical instruction, extension sessions and community education. In academic units, many Offices and Class labs have a percentage of the room coded as instruction. 10
Function Code 2.0 Research This category should include all activities specifically organized and separately budgeted to produce research outcomes, whether commissioned by an agency external to the institution or separately by an organizational unit within the institution. At MSU we generally do not use the 2.0 generic category, we further categorize research for reporting purposes to the more specific codes below: 2.10 Institute and Research Centers 2.28 Sponsored Research 2.29 Non Sponsored Research (Departmental Research) Most Research Labs on campus have a percentage of their function coded as 2.28 or
Function Code 3.0 Public Service This category includes identified activities that are established primarily to provide non-instructional services beneficial to individuals and groups external to the institution. Examples: Community Services Cooperative Extension Services Public Broadcasting Services An example of Units that have space coded functionally as Public Service would be: Broadcasting Services, CYF 4-H Youth Department of Community Sustainability 12
Function Code 4.0 Academic Support This category includes support services for the institution’s primary missions; instruction, research, and public service. This would include services such as Libraries, Museums & Galleries, Educational Media Services, Ancillary Support, Academic Administration, Academic Personnel Development, and Course & Curriculum Development. At MSU we further break down this category for reporting purposes: 4.1 Libraries – Official and organized central and branch libraries 4.2 Departmental Administration – Includes all activities directly supporting Deans and Department Chairs 4.3 Museums & Galleries 4.0 Other – Academic Computing Services, Educational Media Services, Academic Personnel Development Most Deans Offices will have a percentage or 100% of their office space coded as 4.2 Departmental 13
Function Code 5.0 Student Services This category includes admissions, registrar offices and those activities whose primary purpose is to contribute to the student’s emotional and physical well-being and to his or her intellectual, cultural, and social development outside the context of the formal instructional program. MSU Student Health Center, Career Services and Placement, and Associated Students of MSU are all examples of Units that would use the function code 5.0 Student Services. 14
Function Code 6.0 Institutional Support This category includes 1) central executive level activities concerned with management and long range planning of the entire institution; 2) fiscal operations; 3) administrative data processing; 4) employee personnel records; 5) logistical activities; 6) support services to faculty and staff who are not part of auxiliary enterprises; and 7) activities concerned with community and alumni relations, including development and fundraising. At MSU we break this category down further to: 6.1 General Administration 6.2 Public Relations/Development/Alumni Affairs 6.3 Sponsored Projects Administration The function codes falling under Institutional Support are generally for Central Support Non- Academic units. Administration for Academic Units would fall under 4.2 Departmental Administration 15
Function Code 7.0 Operation & Maintenance of Plant This category should include the operation and maintenance of physical plants for all institutional activities, including auxiliary enterprises and independent operations. Physical Plant Administration Building Maintenance Custodial Services Safety Security Space Management Occupational Health Utilities Landscape and Grounds Major Repairs and Renovation The 7.0 Category is used for rooms assigned to the Infrastructure, Planning and Facilities (IPF) unit. 16
Function Code 9.0 Auxiliary Enterprises An auxiliary enterprise is an entity that exists to furnish goods or services to students, faculty, or staff, and that charges a fee directly related to, although not necessarily equal to, the cost of the goods or services. This also includes Division I Intercollegiate Athletics. The Union, Intercollegiate Athletics Facilities, the Kellogg Center, Residential buildings, and Culinary Food Service are examples of Auxiliary Enterprises. 17
Function Code 10.0 Independent Operations This category includes those operations that are independent of, or unrelated to, the primary missions of the institution but that may enhance these activities. This category is generally limited to major federally funded research and development. Northstar Select Sires is an example of an Independent Operation 18
12.0 Service Center An operation that provides a service or product or a group of services or products for a fee to users principally within the institutional community. The services may range from highly specialized to typical or necessary functions. Often they could not be provided as effectively or efficiently if provided by external sources. A service center develops a rate for the service activity based on actual incurred costs and charges users based on actual usage. University Farms – UFSC Buildings are buildings with rooms coded for this functional use 19
13.0 Unoccupied Space Space that at the time of the inventory is either vacant (not assigned to any faculty or staff members) or under renovation. 20
Spartan Space – Using the Application Spartan Space can be accessed at
My Locations The My Locations Screen will show any Edits you have in progress, and items waiting for your approval or approval from others, any changes that have been rejected, and all the locations that your security allows you to edit. 22
Search Locations The Search Locations Screen allows you to search for rooms by one or many criteria. For example, you can look for all rooms on a floor in a building, you can look for rooms by the PI assigned to them, you can search for all rooms assigned to a specific department, or any combination of these criteria. 23
Search Locations Once you’ve entered your search criteria and entered the submit button the results of your search will appear in the screen below. 24
Updating Allocations From your Location Search Results screen click Update Allocations for the room you wish to edit. 25
Updating Allocations On the Room Detail Screen click on the Edit Department Allocations link. 26
Updating Allocations – Effective Dating The Effective Dates can be changed every time an allocation is changed, but it is REQUIRED when anything in the top section changes – Room Use or Assigned Group. The Effective From date needs to be greater than today. The Effective To date can be left blank or an end date can be entered. The Room Use can only be changed by someone in the FPSM Security Group. The Assigned to can be changed by a USC within their own MAU. 27
Updating Allocations Enter any changes to the Department information and click save on each line. If there are multiple departments have your cursor in the department you want to add employees to and update employee information in the Employee section and click save next to each line. Make the appropriate changes to the Function Codes and click save on each line. When all changes have been made, click on the Return to Room Details Screen. 28
Submit Changes On the Room Detail Screen review your changes and if everything is correct click on the Submit and Approve link If you do not Submit and Approve changes, your changes will be pending and will show up in the My Locations screen under Edit In Progress. 29
Security Groups/What can Be Updated There will be 4 security groups established initially: FPSM Space Coordinator College/MAU Unit Space Coordinator (USC) Department Space Coordinator (DSC) Read Only Group 30
Security Groups/What can Be Updated Security Groups & Routing Read OnlyPeople assigned to this group will have read only access to all reports and data Department Space Coordinator (DSC) People assigned to this group will have read only access to all reports and data, and will have the ability to change data for the departments(s) space that they are associated with in certain fields as indicated below. MAU/College Unit Space Coordinator (USC) People assigned to this group will have read only access to all reports and data, and will have the ability to change data for all departments(s) within their MAU allocated space that they are associated with in fields specified below. Facility Planning and Space Management (FPSM) This group is for FPSM employees who will have full access to view and update. Security Group Read OnlyDSCUSCFPSM Assignmentvv, nv, c, a Function Codevv, c, nv, c, av, c, a, n Occupant Groupvv, c, nv, c, a Occupant Personvv, c, a, nv, c, av, c, a, n Room Use Codevvvc Capacityvvvv n= notified of changec= changea= approvalV= view 31
Spartan Space Instructions & Training Materials 32 This presentation and all supporting materials and instructions for Spartan Space can be found through the OPB Website or by clicking on the help button once you have logged into Spartan Space.
Questions? 33