Office of Naval Research Sea-based Aviation: A National Naval Responsibility (NNR) Dr. Thomas J. Beutner, SES Director for Aerospace Sciences Research Division Air Warfare and Weapons Department (Code 35) Office of Naval Research (ONR)
To allow ONR to maintain the health/currency/technical superiority of identified Navy- unique S&T in order that: 1. A robust U.S. research capability to work on long term S&T problems of interest to the Department of the Navy is sustained; 2. An adequate pipeline of new scientists and engineers in disciplines of unique Navy importance is maintained; and 3. ONR can continue to provide the S&T products necessary to ensure future superiority in integrated naval warfare.
(1) Baseline capability of focus area; (2) Program funding and funding trends; (3) Scope of naval responsibility; (4) Scope, degree and stability of non-Navy funding sponsors; (5) Performer base (academia, government, industry); (6) Infrastructure (focus area leadership); (7) Knowledge-base pipeline (graduate and post-doctoral programs); (8) Facilities and equipment (ships, test tanks, etc.); (9) Integration with and/or transition to higher category programs ONR must ensure U.S. world leadership in these few unique areas through research, recruitment and education, to maintain an adequate base of talent and sustain critical infrastructure for research and experimentation. Nomination as NNR S&T areas identified as candidates for NNR status will undergo a detailed review and assessment by a special review board. The program will be assessed in the areas of:
Data Call Support The following questions support our data call. 1.Identify S&T areas currently addressed by your organization which support Sea-based Aviation. 2.Comment on adequacy of your investments/programs to address technical gaps for future Sea Based Aviation requirements or concepts. 3.Identify critical S&T facilities or test resources in your organization which support Sea Based Aviation.
Sea-Based Aviation: Taxonomy Structures Propulsion Propulsion Integration Ship Interface & Operations Avionics & Electronics Air Refueling Aerodynamics GNC/ AutoPilot / Autonomy Design Tools Sea-based Aviation 1.1 Fixed Wing Strike / ISR 1.2 Rotary Wing Lift/Mission 1.3 Fixed Wing Cargo 1.4 Rotary Wing Mission 1.5 Tilt Wing / Engine 1.6 Small Rotary Wing UAV 1.7 Small Fixed Wing UAV 1.8 Fan-in-Wing 1.9 High Supersonic 1.10 Airships / Hybrid Airships 1.11 Powered Parafoils 1.12 Sea Planes 1.13 Submersible Aircraft 1.14 TBD High Loading / Light Weights Composite Repair Material Coating Corrosion Wing / tail Folding / Sweep Fatigue Life Access Panels Structural Mode Characterization Icing Adaptability Survivability Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Example - Unique Sea-based Aviation Constraints Size, weight – Fixed wing flight deck area – Fixed wing flight deck thermal capacity – Fixed wing flight deck obstructions – Fixed wing flight deck maximum wingspan – Rotary wing amphib hangar size – Fixed wing Hangar size – Rotary wing amphib max rotor size – Rotary wing small deck max rotor size – Rotary wing small deck hangar size – Rotary wing small deck wheel loading – Rotary wing elevator capacity – Fixed wing Elevator capacity Physical interface – Fixed wing Catapult – Fixed wing Arresting gear – Rotary wing RAST – Deck motion – Rotary wing Deck motion Environment – Sea Spray, Salt fog, stack gas – EMI Operations – Fuel – Fixed wing engine response – Fixed wing landing sink speed – Rotor brake – Rotary wing Ditching Maintenance – Fixed wing engine change
Questions / Comments Dr. Thomas J. Beutner, SES Director for Aerospace Sciences Research Division Air Warfare and Weapons Department (Code 35) Office of Naval Research (ONR)