WP6: Scaling up Danube Funding Mechanisms WP lead: DLR/BMBF Ulrike Kunze (DLR) and Ralf König (FFG) General Assembly Meeting Vienna, December 11, 2014
Objectives of the Work Package support T2.1 (EUSDR Policy Dialogue) assess options for joint funding mechanisms in the Danube region (existing or under preparation) in collaboration with concerned stakeholders support coordination of joint funding mechanisms in the Danube region examine possibilities for scaling up funding mechanisms towards an Art. 185 TFEU measure (= joint programme with EU contribution) or other measures consider role of planned DRRIF (Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund); if DRRIF established, support call secretariat, communication processes
WP 6: Scaling up Danube Funding Mechanisms T6.1 Support to the Funding Parties Platform (FPP) Task Lead: FFG (Austria) Further involved partners: DLR/BMBF, ZSI/BMWF, CEI, ASM-CIP, ANCS, UNS, RCISD, BIC, IMPEER-NASU, MIZS, MCA T6.2 Scaling up joint funding mechanisms Task Lead: DLR / BMBF (Germany) Further involved partners: ZSI/BMWF, BIC, UNS, FFG, SIG, CEI, RCISD, IMPEER-NASU, ASM-CIP, MEN, MIZS, MCA T6.3 DRRIF Contact Points / Secretariat Task Lead: DLR / BMBF (Germany) Further involved partners: UNS, CEI, URAK (printing)
Task T6.1: Funding Parties Platform Objectives and activities establishment of STI Funding Parties Platform (FPP) close cooperation/synergies with – EUREKA network/contact points in Danube region – Ulm Follow-up Working Group – EUSDR PA7 DRRIF-Working Group and Feasibility Study – STI funding agencies, networks/associations in Danube region & EU countries (regional/national level) Support to the preparation of a possible STI funding call under DRRIF during project implementation period WP 6 – Scaling up Danube Funding Mechanisms 4
Task T6.1: State of play and first steps EUREKA and the Danube - Multilateral Meeting June 18, 2014, Bergen/Norway – Special meeting of EUREKA-Danube HLRs and NPCs – Discussion of possibilities of a EUREKA Danube Region Multilateral Call in 2015 (and beyond) To make use of a variable geometry within the EUREKA network to promote industrial R&D projects in the Danube Region Multilateral Meeting „EUREKA Danube Region Initiative (E!DI)“ November 04, 2014, Zürich/Switzerland – 1 st preparatory meeting for EUREKA Danube Region Multilateral Call 2015
“Enhancing transnational research & innovation cooperation in the Danube Region: Joint EUREKA – Danube-INCO.NET workshop” December 11-12, 2014, Vienna/Austria – 2 nd preparatory meeting for EUREKA Danube Region Multilateral Call 2015 – Discussion (finalization ?) of 2015 call details – AT, BG, HR, CZ, DE, HU, RO, RS, SK have signalized to support projects by public funding – Participants: Danube-INCO.NET partners, EUREKA HLRs & NPCs from the Danube Region and EUREKA secretariat (Brussels) Task T6.1: State of play and first steps
„E!DI“- Multilateral Call 2015 Finalization of call documentsJanuary 2015 Opening of callMarch 9, 2015 Deadline for project outlinesApril 30, 2015 Deadline for EUREKA project applicationsJune 17, 2015 Evaluation and funding process, selection of projects check and evaluation of project applications are organized/carried out by the EUREKA national offices/national funding bodies June/July/August/September 2015 Labeling of EUREKA projects If at least two countries have evaluated positively, the project is eligible for the EUREKA label (E! Meeting in 10/15) Swedish NPC/HLG1 Meeting Start of projectsLate 2015
Call dissemination: EUREKA activities – announcement via the EUREKA communication channels (website, EUREKA news, eZine, LinkedIn, …) – similar at national level Call dissemination: To Do’s by project partners – call promotion via your national channels, networks or social media – check for relevant events in the first half of 2015 to initiate/support, organize a matchmaking/brokerage inform national event organizers about E!DI call in 2015 – keep (establish) close contact with your national EUREKA HLRs/NCPs and the E!DI funding agencies Task T6.1: Next steps „E!DI“-Multilateral Call 2015
Task objective: Establishment of a platform of STI funding parties/agencies/bodies – allocation of workshop preparatory activities to task partners screening of STI funding agencies and relevant/applicable funding programmes establishing/fostering links/relations to national funding bodies – workshop with Danube Region funding parties (incl. E! funding bodies) 2 nd /3 rd quarter 2015 – discussion and agreement on common/multilateral activities of STI funding parties aligning activties call (joint funding) for multilateral cooperative research projects – consideration of outcome of DRRIF feasibility study – supporting other relevant multilateral funding initiatives Task T6.1: Next steps in 2015
Task 6.2 Scaling up joint funding mechanisms: 2 objectives 1.Develop a vision for a Joint Danube Programme – considering role of DRRIF (Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund) and cooperating with concerned stakeholders 2.Examine framework conditions and assess option for a roadmap towards a possible Art. 185 Danube measure
1. Vision of a joint Programme Take into account developments of DRRIF and other relevant initiatives: examine framework conditions and possibilities exchange information and use synergies with concerned stakeholders: EUSDR PA7 activities (Steering group, DRRIF WG, DRRIF Feasibility study, JRC „Scientific Support to the EUSDR“) others: f. ex. EUREKA, Ulm Follow up WG, Danube Region Programme, …
2. Options for a roadmap towards a possible Art. 185 Danube measure Examine need, adequacy, pre-conditions, requirements, existing structures/instruments Use experiences from other projects: – Art. 185 initiatives: BONUS/Baltic Sea, PRIMA/Med. countries, AAL, EUROSTARS – SEE-ERA.NET PLUS
addresses stakeholders in the Danube region for potential coordination of programmes describes Deliverable D6.11 (“Roadmap”) finalised and uploaded in 3. Activities in the last months
Visit to BONUS Secretariat Helsinki, 08/09/2014 Exchange of information, discuss experiences, receive recommendations
Draft submitted to Quality Assurance end of October 2014 under discussion “Work in Progress”: will be updated during the course of the Danube- INCO.NET project Deliverable D6.11: Roadmap towards a possible Art. 185 measure
Discussion, conclusions and recommendations (I) Discussion of adequacy, specificities and limitations of an Art. 185 measure for the Danube region Recommendations: Generally: discuss a set of (critical) points and agree upon by participating countries before starting Chose adequate instrument; depends (not only but mainly) on – political and financial commitment of stakeholders – their interest and influence on a future potential programme
Discussion, conclusions and recommendations (II) Recommendations (ctd.): Provide “sufficient” amount of funding Estimate time frame of several years for establishment; foresee intermediary step(s) (Era-Net COFUND?) Be prepared to a complex procedure with involvement of many stakeholders Use pragmatic approach and flexible implementation: coordinated system of existing programmes, variable geometry, … Exploit synergies between European, national and regional funds
Task 6.3 DRRIF Contact Points/ Secretariat if DRRIF established during project’s lifetime: prepare and support implementation …. joint documents (call text etc.), dissemination material, information packages for key stakeholder groups (DRRIF Contact Points, applicants, evaluators and) a wiki with “Frequently Asked Questions” and answers given by DRRIF-Contact Points
Contact Dr. Ulrike Kunze Project Management Agency c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR) Berlin, Germany Phone:+49 (0)30 / Dipl.-Phys. Ralf König Austrian Research and Promotion Agency (FFG) Vienna, Austria Phone:+43 (0)