AdequacyBalance Calorie Control ModerationVariety 5 Components of a Nutritious Diet Food provides all essential nutrients Not emphasizing one group over another Eat different foods from each group Only consumes calories (energy) needed No excess fat, salt, or sugar
ORIGINAL FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID Provided Balance and Moderation for Nutritious Diet (2 out of 5 Components) Original Food Guide Pyramid
Servings: 6-11 Serving Sizes: Cooked cereal= ½ cup Cold cereal= ½-1 cup Rice/Pasta= ½ cup Bread= 1 slice Bagels, muffins, rolls= ½ slice CARBS (BREAD, RICE, CEREAL, & PASTA)
Servings: 3-5 Serving Sizes: Leafy Vegetables= 1 cup All other Vegetables= ½ cup Vegetable juice= ¾ cup VEGETABLES I eat my vegetables!
Servings: 2-4 Serving Sizes: All Fruits= ½ cup or (medium sized) Medium sized fruit= regular sized light bulb Fruit juice= ¾ cup FRUITS
Servings: 2-3 Serving Sizes: Milk/Yogurt= 1 cup Cheese= 1-2 ounces 1½ ounces cheese= 9-volt battery DAIRY (MILK, YOGURT, & CHEESE)
Servings: 2-3 Serving Sizes: Meat, Poultry, Fish= 2-3 ounces 2-3 ounces of meat= deck of cards Beans/nuts= ½ cup Eggs= 1 large egg PROTEIN (MEAT, POULTRY, FISH, BEANS, EGGS, & NUTS)
Servings: Use Sparingly Serving Sizes: Butter, Margarine, Oil= 1 teaspoon Mayo/Salad Dressing= 1 tablespoon FATS, OILS, & SWEETS
Added Adequacy and Variety for Nutritious Diet (4 out of 5 Components) Recommended Physical Activity with the Stairs MyPyramid
Servings: 6 3 servings should be Whole Grain CARBS (BREAD, RICE, CEREAL, & PASTA)
Servings: 3-5 Eat vegetables with different colors VEGETABLES
Servings: 2-4 Only 1 serving should be juice FRUITS Only drink ONE of me as a serving! Eat more Fruit!!!
Servings: 2-3 Switch to Low fat or Skim DAIRY (MILK, YOGURT, & CHEESE)
Servings: 3-4 Only 1 serving from red meat PROTEIN (MEAT, POULTRY, FISH, BEANS, EGGS, & NUTS) Less Red Meat!!!!!
Use very little or None at all! FATS, OILS, & SWEETS You don’t really need me!!!
Added Calorie Control for Nutritious Diet (All the Components!) MyPlate Click to go to Website!
ABOUT THE MYPLATE Familiar visual of Dinner Time Meant to Control Calories better Emphasizing more Vegetables and Fruits Less Carbs Very minimal Fats, Oils, Sweets
WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR PLATE Half of Plate= Vegetables and Fruits Other Half= Carbs and Protein Small Portions! Glass of Low fat or Skim Milk
INTRODUCING MYPLATE Click to watch MyPlate Video!
REFERENCES Sizer & Whitnety (2011). Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning USDA (Revised 2012). Getting Started with MyPlate. Retrieved from