GCOS Presentation at the Pre-sessional meeting of SBSTA 18 GCOS Second Report on the Adequacy of Global Observing Systems for Climate.


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Presentation transcript:

GCOS Presentation at the Pre-sessional meeting of SBSTA 18 GCOS Second Report on the Adequacy of Global Observing Systems for Climate

uBackground and Preparation of the Second Adequacy Report  Dr. Alan R. Thomas uMajor Conclusions and Findings from the Second Adequacy Report  Prof. Paul Mason

THE GCOS MISSION To ensure that the data required to meet the needs of users for climate information is obtained and made available for : uClimate system monitoring and climate change detection and attribution uAssessing impacts of, vulnerability to, and adaptation to climate variability and change, e.g., of terrestrial ecosystems and sea-level; uResearch to improve understanding, modelling and prediction of the climate system; uApplication to sustainable economic development

The GCOS is comprised of the climate components of the domain based observing systems including both satellite and insitu observations Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) WMO World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) Land/Water FAO+ Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) Land WMO Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Atmospheric Chemistry WMO WWW Global Observing System (GOS) Atmosphere IOC+ Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Ocean

GCOS and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) uCLIMATE CHANGE CONVENTION commits Parties to promote research and systematic observation uCOP-3 at Kyoto: Decision 8/CP.3 asked Parties to consider adequacy of observational systems and report to COP-4 uOrigin of first Adequacy Report uCOP-4 at Buenos Aires l Availability of first Adequacy Report l Decision 14/CP.4 on Research and Systematic Observation: 4Urges Parties to undertake programmes of systematic observation, including preparation of national plans and report in NC 4Inform COP of developments and difficulties re networks l Decision 2/CP.4 - GEF to fund developing countries to build capacity to participate in systematic observational networks.

UNFCCC/COP and GCOS Decision 5/CP.5 : Research and Systematic Observation uInvites Parties to provide detailed reports on global climate observing systems by Nov 2001, using guidelines developed by GCOS GCOS Steering Committee proposed the Second Report on the Adequacy of the Global Observing Systems for Climate WMO EC & SBSTA endorsed its preparation uRequests GCOS Secretariat to organize regional workshops to identify priority capacity-building needs and deficiencies in climate observing systems uUrges Parties to address deficiencies in observing systems, capacity building needs and funding options

Second Report on the Adequacy of the Global Observing Systems for Climate to the UNFCCC uGoals of the Second Adequacy Report were to: Determine progress since the first Adequacy Report (COP-4); Determine the degree to which current networks / systems meet scientific requirements and observing principles; Assess how well current and planned systems meet the needs of the Convention. uBasis for Action Based on national reports to UNFCCC / COP and other information Involve international experts (including IPCC experts) in analysing the adequacy of the current global observing systems for climate; Integrated approach to global climate observing systems, including the exploitation of new and emerging methods. uFinal Report available -

Second Adequacy Report Key Milestones u1-3 July GCOS Science Panel chairs finalise information base / define critical questions for meeting with IPCC experts. u12-14 August Meeting with IPCC experts on needs of Convention and metrics for observing systems as in TAR. u14-18 October Meeting of authors to organise, assemble and review initial Adequacy analyses. u20 Dec Mar Open review of the draft Adequacy Report (GCOS homepage) - available to Parties to SBSTA. u12-14 March 2003 – Final review of Report u7-10 April 2003 – Endorsement of Report by GCOS SC u2 June 2003 – Final Report available for SBSTA 18 (avail on GCOS homepage on 30 April 2003)