Consultations on GCOS second adequacy report Bonn / 2 June Mandate in Article 4, paragraph 1 (g), of the Convention: Parties shall, inter alia, promote and cooperate in systematic observation and development of data archives related to the climate system in Article 5 of the Convention: To do so Parties shall, inter alia, support international and intergovernmental programmes aimed at data collection and systematic observation and efforts to strengthen systematic observation, taking into account the particular needs of developing countries
Consultations on GCOS second adequacy report Bonn / 2 June Adequacy of Climate Observations COP 4: First substantial discussion based on the submission by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) secretariat of the first adequacy report (Full title: “Report on the adequacy of the global climate observing systems”) Observations have major deficiencies, and do not fully meet the needs of the Convention SBSTA 15: Endorsed the preparation of a second adequacy report by GCOS Encouraged the GCOS secretariat to complete the report by SBSTA 18 in order to enable substantive consideration of the report to take place at COP 9
Consultations on GCOS second adequacy report Bonn / 2 June Actions already taken by COP/SBSTA: - inter alia- COP 5 Invited the launch of the Regional Workshop Programme run by GCOS Adopted separate reporting guidelines: Request Annex I Parties and invite Non-Annex I Parties to report on their actions regarding the global observing system for climate (and on data exchange), and to conform with the GCOS climate monitoring principles Request Annex I Parties to provide support for developing countries
Consultations on GCOS second adequacy report Bonn / 2 June Actions already taken by COP/SBSTA: - inter alia- SBSTA 16 (in response to the interim report by the GCOS secretariat) explicitly urged Parties to give priority to the following : Remedying deficiencies in traditional monitoring systems and taking advantage of the increasing contribution of new and emerging technologies Adhering to the climate monitoring principles provided in the UNFCCC guidelines for reporting Exchanging data, particularly with international data centres Enhancing capacity to access and communicate data and to use them as inputs to decision-making
Consultations on GCOS second adequacy report Bonn / 2 June Possible issues for consideration Needs / Priorities ? What are the long-term needs of the Convention? What are the short-term priorities? How to address needs in developing countries? Focus on limited number of issues ? Depending on cost-effectiveness, technical feasibility, political acceptability, … Funding options ? (see UNFCCC document FCCC/SBSTA/2003/9)
Consultations on GCOS second adequacy report Bonn / 2 June Documents Second Adequacy Report / April 2003 Full title: “The second report on the adequacy of the global observing systems for climate in support of the UNFCCC” incl. an executive summary with conclusions Report from the GCOS steering committee to SBSTA 18 / April 2003 incl. four overreaching recommendations FCCC/SBSTA/2003/9 on issues relating to the second adequacy report / March 2003 based on the draft of the second adequacy report from Dec 2002 please see also documents referred to therein On GCOS web site
Consultations on GCOS second adequacy report Bonn / 2 June FCCC/SBSTA/2002/INF.15 / October 2002 Title: “First compilation and synthesis of national reports on global climate observing systems” Based on 23 reports by Annex I Parties it gives - inter alia - overviews on: Domains/components of GCOS - Table 1 National planning and coordination arrangements relevant to GCOS Agencies responsible for different GCOS domains Capacity-building activities Data exchange, quality control, archiving Adherence to GCOS climate monitoring principles Characteristics/deficiencies of observational systems … Atmospheric, oceanographic, terrestrial, (space-based) observations