Special Concerns for Manufacturing and Marketing Functional Foods ACI Conference on Dietary Supplements, Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Hilton San Francisco Suzan Onel, Partner May 16, 2007K&L Gates
2 “A rose is a rose is a rose” Gertrude Stein
5 What are “functional foods”? Food Drug Dietary Supplement Medical Food
6 A. “Food” Articles used for food or drink, including chewing gum Consumed for taste, aroma or nutritive value FFDCA §201(f); Nutrilab v. Schweiker
7 B. “Drug” Intended to diagnose, cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease Other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body FFDCA §201(g)
8 C. “Dietary Supplement” A sub-category of food Intended to supplement the diet Labeled as a “dietary supplement” Is not represented as a conventional food or as the sole item of a meal or the diet FFDCA §201(ff)
9 D. “Medical Food” A subcategory of food Formulated to be consumed or administered enterally Under supervision of physician Intended for specific dietary management of disease/condition which has distinctive nutritional requirements 21 C.F.R. §101.9(j)(8)
10 E. “Functional Food” Conventional food products with health promoting ingredients or components that go beyond their nutritive value a/k/a “Designer Food” and “Nutraceuticals” No legal definition Need to assess “intended use,” ingredients and claims to determine legal category
11 Examples:
12 Why does it matter? It determines legal requirements for marketing the product in the U.S.
13 Topics Critical issues to consider when positioning a product Claims Ingredient safety standards Manufacturing requirements Substantiation Current regulatory status
14 I.Critical Issues Claims Product description Structure/function claims Health claims Nutrient content claims
15 Product Description – Context Matters Benecol, Organic GingkO’s Cereal, Kitchen Prescription Creamy Split Pea Medical food “Delicious orange flavored beverage” “Premium Belgium Chocolate Bar” “Smart Cookie”
16 Structure/Function Claims Focus on maintaining the healthy function of the body or on a mechanism of action Specifically authorized for DS Additional “nutritive value” requirement for conventional food
17 Structure/Function Claims Truthful and not misleading Does not claim to diagnosis, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a disease or health related condition
18 What is “Nutritive Value”? FDA defines as value in sustaining human existence by such process as promoting growth, replacing lost nutrients, or providing energy Ill-defined; since 2001, being broadly interpreted (21 C.F.R. §101.14(a)(3))
19 Structure/Function Examples: “Calcium builds strong bones” “Fiber maintains bowel regularity” If no link to nutritive value, subject to regulation as a drug
20 Health Claims Same requirements for DS and conventional food Authorized health claims By regulation By authoritative statements By letter for qualified health claims Unauthorized health claims are subject to regulation as a drug
21 Health Claim Examples: Claims linking a food with a disease or health-related condition; limited to risk reduction claims Specific language requirements Calcium and Osteoporosis Folic Acid and neural tube defect
22 Nutrient Content Claims Same requirements for DS & conventional food Authorized by regulation Characterize the level of a substance in food based on RDI or DRV Unauthorized claims misbrand the product
23 Nutrient Content Examples: “high” fiber “low” fat “good source” of calcium “healthy” “fortification” with echinachea, ginseng, etc. not authorized
24 I.Critical Issues (cont.) Ingredient Safety Standards Food ingredients in conventional products must be: Approved food additives, Prior sanctioned, or GRAS Status is specific to particular intended use and use level
25 Contrast to dietary supplement dietary ingredients: Exempt from the food additive definition Can go to the market with no premarket FDA review unless contains a “new dietary ingredient”
26 Requirements for Food Additives Authorizing regulation Food additive petition Animal and clinical test data of safety Standard: Reasonable certainty of no harm Timeframe: 2-4 years
27 GRAS Substances “Generally recognized as safe” by qualified experts under the conditions of the intended use based on publicly available information Same safety standard as food additives
28 Process GRAS regulation – 21 C.F.R. Parts 182 and 184 Self-affirmation by company itself, expert, or expert panel no communication with FDA necessary some regulatory risk GRAS notification Pursuant to FDA 1997 Proposed Rule (62 Fed. Reg ) FDA 6+ month response time and inventory on website
29 GRAS Notification Requirements Description of substance Proposed use and estimated intakes Methods for detecting and quantitating the substance in food Safety and toxicology data and information, including unfavorable information, safety studies, adverse reaction reports, consumer complaints, etc.
30 Ingredient Examples Gingko St. John’s Wart Echinachea Stevia Compare to use in dietary supplements
31 I. Critical Issues (cont.) Manufacturing Requirements Food – Current GMPS 21 C.F.R. Part 110 et seq. Dietary Supplements – 2003 proposed rule (68 Fed. Reg )
32 II. Substantiation of Claims Labeling – FDA Product description – context Health claims – regulation or letter of enforcement discretion Nutrient content claims – regulation Structure/Function claims – “truthful and not misleading”
33 Advertising – FTC 1994 FTC Guidance to harmonize standard with FDA “Competent and reliable scientific evidence” Flexible standard based on nature of claim and qualifications
34 Examples of Substantiation Issues Cherry Juice Ocean Spray Wonderbread Jogging in a Jug
35 III.Current Regulatory Status FDA public meeting on 12/5/06 Key question: adequacy of current regulatory framework to ensure that food marketed as “functional food” is safe and lawful Primary issues: notification system for ingredients notification system for labeling claims “nutritive value” limitation on s/f claims
36 Why Choose One Category Over Another? Timing Ingredient status Claims Market Sector A rose by any other name may smell as sweet… but will be regulated differently.
37 Any questions ??? Suzan Onel, Partner K&L Gates 1601 K Street, NW Washington, DC (202)