Integrate Autodesk® Topobase™ with other systems and get more value out of your data Sebastian BaumhekelClaudia Zeh Programmer/SW EngineerTechnical Consultant
Topobase – a short overview
Introduction to Topobase
Overview Infrastructure asset management solution Integrates CAD, map, asset GIS and customer information Adds spatial information to this existing data Provides a more comprehensive view of your infrastructure Built on AutoCAD® Map 3D and Autodesk MapGuide® Enterprise Stores data in an Oracle database
Introduction to Topobase Main features Provides customizable forms for entering attribute data Workflows integrate standardized steps and apply business rules on entered data Data is stored in native database formats Spatial and topological information add value to your Data
Topobase architecture
Topobase Client Built on AutoCAD® Map 3D Combines AutoCAD® and GIS functionality Is the client for the desktop
Topobase Web Built on Autodesk MapGuide® Enterprise Lightweight interface Is the client for the web
Topobase Administrator Interface for managing data models and configuration Provides industry-specific modules and business rules out-of-the-box Is the administration tool
Topobase API TopobaseBuilt-InImports/ExportsDatalinks (FDO)Customization/APIClientside (.NET) Serverside (PL/SQL)
Topobase API Topobase Server API Server side, running on the Oracle database Based on PL/SQL and Java Allows using direct SQL commands on Topobase features Topobase Framework API Client side, running on the desktop and web Based on the.NET framework Allows creation of plugins for workflows, business rules and further customization
Why do we need to integrate systems?
The benefit of system integration A view on a company’s departments and their data
Open architecture of Autodesk Topobase Topobase connecting to different systems using it’s open architecture Autodesk Topobase ERPFinanceOthers...CRM
Levels of integration
Overview Static imports/exports Database levelWeb services LinkagelooseVery tightTight, but standardized Availabilityonly a data transfer path is needed one database contains both systems all systems need to be online and reachable Data redundancyyesnone
Level 1: Integration with static imports / exports Topobase (primary system) Any other system (duplicate data) Network data Point coordinates Topobase (duplicate data) Any other system (primary system)
Level 2: Integration on database level using data base views and triggers Topobase Other System Anschlusspunkt Verteiler 2AB An example for this level of integration is a customer who is integrating the maintenance data of his utility network contained in a database with geometry data in the Topobase. So he is able to not only view the attribute data in his maintenance application, but also view the geometry of the network and visualize the network geometry using the maintenance data.
Level 3: Integration using web services Topobase Other System Network
Summary Autodesk Topobase provides you with a wide range of possibilities for system integration There are different levels of data integration The level itself is determined by your company’s needs of availability, up-to-dateness and the affordable costs of the whole integration
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