Learning Teaching Enhancing Supporting Sharing ISLN March, 2015
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Social Studies Teacher Leadership Network Update
Social Studies I can explain how the Considerations for Curriculum Development (CCD) demonstrates the intent of a standard and guides thinking about the curriculum.
“The standards are coming! The standards are coming!”
Thinking Ahead – Understanding Clear Academic Achievement Standards
Summer 2015
Highly Effective Teaching & Learning I can strengthen the structures of professional learning in my district.
Last time
Top Ten Good Ways to Ensure BAD Professional Learning
Professional Learning
Professional Learning Guidance document
With your Group... Read your assigned PL standard. Discuss: What does this PL standard means to you? Why is it important? Create a visual representation of your discussion. Choose someone to share with the whole group.
District Spotlight Professional Learning to Support Innovative Practice
Science Teacher Leadership Network Update
Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted. Albert Einstein
Develop understanding for the purposes, users and uses of a balanced assessment system. Science
Shifts in Assessment Practices FROM: Separating successful from unsuccessful learners Primarily summative Focus on large-scale assessments Teacher directed TO: Ensuring universal competence/success Balance of formative and summative Balance large-scale w/ classroom assessment Teacher and student focused
Standards are the Foundation for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Identify important learning Manageable in number Clearly articulated Developmentally reachable by students Organized in learning progression Mastered by the teachers
Balanced Assessment System “To maximize student success, assessment must be seen as an instructional tool for use while learning is occurring, and as an accountability tool to determine if learning has occurred. Because both purposes are important, they must be in balance.” From Balanced Assessment: The Key to Accountability and Improved Student Learning, NEA (2003)
Essential Classroom Assessment Teachers are assessment literate. Classrooms reflect a balanced assessment system. Teachers are skilled users of both formative and summative assessment.
Formative Assessment CCSSO FAST SCASS Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended outcomes.
Assessment in Support of Learning Assessment quality must address the impact of the results on the learner and the learning. Assessments must: go beyond merely providing judgments about student performance to providing rich descriptions of student performance. evolve from being isolated events to becoming events that happen in ongoing series to reveal patterns. go beyond merely informing instructional decisions of teachers to informing decisions also made by students. Rick Stiggins, 2006
Balance Both Sides of Assessment Summative Formative Large-scale Classroom
Assessment: Knowledge of Students In-depth knowledge of specific students National State District Classroom Assessments Assessments Assessments Assessments Marzano, 1996
Science Teacher Leaders Network Develop understanding for the purposes, users and uses of a balanced assessment system. Why is a BAS essential? To understand current status of assessment development in KY.
Summer Professional Learning June Elementary-Integrated learning experiences with science as the central context. July7-8 High School-Focus on intentional embedding of crosscutting concepts and practices into current units. Teachers will bring the units they are interested in revising. July Middle School-Progression and coherence of practices and cross-cutting concepts (based on phenomena) This will be tied to student growth goals. Also instructional and assessment ideas for 3D learning. We will also offer 2 days to K-8 based on content needs after a survey is taken at the March meeting.
ISLN Review and List of “To Do” TopicSuggested Follow Up In District Professional Learning (PL) If you didn’t already, think about how to engage teams in the activities around professional learning. Science Consider summer PL options for your science teachers Social Studies Don’t forget Summer Writing Days July 6 th and 7 th ! Be thinking about ways to support Social Studies Teachers
Don’t forget to give us feedback. Please complete the evaluation