Model-Based Testing Using Spec Explorer Aditya Mathur Purdue University CS Software Testing Spring 2011 Material extracted mostly from: “Model-Based Testing of Object-Oriented Reactive Systems with Spec Explorer”, Margus Veanes, Colin Campbell, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Wolfram Schulte, Nikolai Tillmann, and Lev Nachmanson, Published by: Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4949, Pages 39-76, 2007.
Objective The purpose of this presentation is to introduce modeling using the Spec Explorer tool from Microsoft. The example presented here is from a paper cited in the title slide. Familiarity with Chapter 3 of the textbook is assumed. 2Spec Explorer
Model Based Conformance Testing RequirementsImplementation Test harness (send inputs, receive outputs, and compare) Model Generate (manual) Tests Generate (automated) Test outcome 3Spec Explorer
Example: Chat Room Chat Room Client 4Spec Explorer
Chat Room: Operation Each client may post text messages. Each message is delivered to all clients logged into the chat room. Pending messages from a client are delivered in the order sent. Messages from multiple senders are interleaved arbitrarily. 5Spec Explorer
Client status // Client entered the chat room or not bool entered; // Queue of messages sent by other clients but not received by this client Map > unreceivedMsgs; 6Spec Explorer
Client Actions: Creator Create a new instance of a client. State changes so that Empty message queues between the new client and the previously created clients. 7Spec Explorer
Client Actions: Creator // Create a client [Action] Client() { this.unreceivedMsgs = Map; foreach (Client c in enumof(Client), c != this){ c.unreceivedMsgs[this] = Seq{}; // Empty sequence this.unreceivedMsgs[c] = Seq{}; } entered = false; } enumof(T): set of instances of type T in the current state. Denotes an action in the abstract state mach ine. 8Spec Explorer
Client Actions: Enter Changes the state of a client to indicate that it has entered the chat room. 9Spec Explorer
Client Actions: Enter // Model client entry into the chat room [Action] void Enter() requires !entered; { entered = true; } Method pre-condition 10Spec Explorer
Client Actions: Send Appends a new message to the queue of unreceived messages in all clients in the chat room. 11Spec Explorer
Client Actions: Send message // Send a message [Action] void Send(string message) requires entered; { foreach (Client c in enumof(Client), c != this, c.entered) c.unreceivedMsgs[this] += Seq{message}; } 12Spec Explorer
Client Actions: Receive Extracts a message sent from a given sender from the sender’s queue in the client. 13Spec Explorer
Client Actions: Receive [Action(Kind=ActionAttributeKind.Observable)] void Receive(Client sender, string message) requires sender != this && unreceivedMsgs[sender].Length > 0 && unreceivedMsgs[sender].Head == message; { unreceivedMsgs[sender] = unreceivedMsgs[sender].Tail; } 14Spec Explorer
Client Model Program class Client { bool entered; Map > unreceivedMsgs; [Action] Client() [Action] void Enter() [Action] void Send(string message) [Action(Kind=ActionAttributeKind.Observable)] } 15Spec Explorer
Action types Controllable: Input by the user client, send, enter Observable: Output from the system receive 16Spec Explorer
Client Model Scenario Start Passive state: Active state: Timeout 17Spec Explorer
Model Programs in Spec Explorer Finite set of actions or update rules (Acts); e.g. client, send, enter, receive Vocabulary function symbols State: values, or interpretations, of state vocabulary symbols Execution of an action method in a given state leads to the next state where some state variables may have changed. State variables: V in ; (e.g., entered, unreceivedMsgs) Each action is associated with a pre- and a post-condition. 18Spec Explorer
FSM and Model Automaton FSM=(X, Y, Q, q 0, δ, O), where X is a set of input symbols, Y a set of output symbols, q0 in Q, δ is transition function and O the output function Model automaton=(Q, Q 0, Q f, δ, A ), where Q is a set of states, Q 0 is a set of initial states, Q f is a set of final states, and A is a set of actions, A=Ctrl U Obs, Ctrl is a set of control actions and Obs is a set of observable actions, Ctrl Obs = empty U Spec Explorer uses the notion of Model Automata: 19Spec Explorer
Model program and model automaton A model automaton is a complete unwinding of the model program. Exploration: Unlike an FSM with a given sets of nodes and arcs, the states and transitions of a model program must be deduced by executing sequences of atomic actions starting in the initial state. Model programModel automaton unwind 20Spec Explorer
Exploration for the Chat Example In state s 0, the precondition is true and hence Client constructor is invoked. The dynamic universe Client is updated by the addition of client c0. This is denoted by enumof(Client). The new state is denoted as s 1. The transition explored is δ(s 0, Client/c0)=s 1 21Spec Explorer
Accepting state Needed particularly in testing distributed and multithreaded programs. Why? A state is considered an accepting state if the accepting condition is true in that state. A test is allowed to terminate in an accepting state. An action the execution of which takes the implementation to a state where no actions are enabled is known as a succeed action. It forces the system into an accepting state. 22Spec Explorer
Accepting condition example enumof(Client).Size > 0 && // Exclude the initial state, and Forall{ c in enumof(Client), s in c.unreceivedMsgs.Keys; c.unreceivedMsgs[s].Length == 0 // states where pending messages have not been received. } A state that satisfies the above condition has no observable actions enabled. 23Spec Explorer
Scenario Control A model program may correspond to a large, or infinite state, automaton. Techniques: Parameter selection, method restriction, state filtering, directed search, state grouping Techniques are available to control the size of a model automata for a specific test purpose. 24Spec Explorer
Scenario Control: Parameter selection Select (s, m, v) for each state s, action m, and v sets of tuples. In Chat example: send has an implicit parameter this and explicit parameter message. These can be restricted using the pair: Set {(c in enumof(Client)); } Restrictions by triples may lead to reduction in the number of transitions and hence a smaller automaton. 25Spec Explorer
Scenario Control: Method restriction An action m is enabled in state s if all pre-conditions associated with m are satisfied. In Chat example: restriction: Clients send messages only after all configured clients are created and have entered the system enum Mode { Creating, Entering, Sending }; Mode CurrentMode { get { if (enumof(Client).Size < 2) return Mode.Creating; if(Set{cin enumof(Client),!c.entered;c}.Size<2) return Mode.Entering; return Mode.Sending } Strengthening the pre-conditions can be used to limit the scenarios. 26Spec Explorer
Scenario Control: Method restriction In Chat example: restriction: Clients send messages only after all configured clients are created and have entered the system enum Mode { Creating, Entering, Sending }; Mode CurrentMode { get { if (enumof(Client).Size < 2) return Mode.Creating; if(Set{c in enumof(Client),!c.entered;c}.Size<2) return Mode.Entering; return Mode.Sending } Enabling of actions can now be restricted using expressions such as currentMode==Mode.Creating; 27Spec Explorer
Scenario Control: State filtering A state filter is a set S f, where S init is in S f. [The subscript f stands for filter, and not for final.] In Chat example: Using state filter avoid states in which the same message is posted more than once before it is received. Forall{c in enumof(Client), s in c.unreceivedMsgs.Keys, m1 in c.unreceivedMsgs[s], m2 in c.unreceivedMsgs[s]; m1 != m2} 28Spec Explorer A transition from state s to state t is included in the automaton if t is in S f. S f is specified using a state based expression.
Test Generation Offline: Generate tests in advance from the model. 29Spec Explorer Online: Generate tests on the fly as testing progresses.
Test Suite Test suite T: Is another automaton generated from an automaton M. 30Spec Explorer States S T in T may use new state variables (test variables). Test variables make it possible to record test history; e.g., which states have been traversed so far. It contains two new methods called test actions: Observe and Timeout. Transitions corresponding to test actions are called test transitions. The Observe action encodes a decision to wait for an observable action. The Timeout action indicates that no other observable action happened. An accepting state is reachable from every state in S T.
Test Suite: Example Consider the following model program P: 31Spec Explorer enum Mode = {A,B,C} Mode mode = A; void F() requires mode == A {mode = B;} void G() requires mode == B {mode = C;} void H() requires mode == B {mode = C;} void I() requires mode == C {mode = A;} // Added to P to create P’. Accepting state: Where mode is C. Exploration: M generated from P and M’ from P’.
Test Suite: Generate Test automaton 32Spec Explorer Add a test variable n to indicate test number. T: (F, G) and (F, H )
Automaton Traversal algorithms 33Spec Explorer Algorithm(s) used in Spec Explorer: T covers all states in M T covers all transitions in M Each action is associated with a weight and cost using a state-based expression. Tests are generated to optimize the expected cost of a test.
Summary 34Spec Explorer Spec Explorer : Allows the creation of a model program P that captures the expected behavior(s) of the implementation under test (IUT). Generates one or more model automaton (M) from P using exploration subjected to scenario restrictions. Generates a test suite T from M either offline or online.