The Message From The Medium Indian Readership Survey By, Bharat Maddali (10DM-030)
Purpose To reveal potential for the print media, TV, radio, cinema and Internet in various regions according to population, age and gender
Mapping the Reach Increase in print media reach as one moves to upper class towns is expected
1999 scenario Print media –Dailies reach out to 30.5%. Language publications to 26.7%, magazines to 17.9% and English publications to 6.3% –Dainik Bhaskar leads followed by Daily Thanti. –Saras Salil – No. 1 magazine Television –DD1 reaches 41.3% population –Zee and Sony very low viewership –In Mumbai 97% understand Hindi but 84.2% watch Hindi programs. Biggest mismatch in English and Gujarati. –In Delhi 99.6% understand Hindi and 83.3% watch Hindi programs.
1999 scenario Statewise mapping UP, Orissa, Bihar and Rajasthan West Bengal, MP, AP GujaratKerala, Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra Print Television Low High
1999 scenario Radio reach is around 18% for age group while cinema reach for age group is around 20.9% Reach of radio and cinema is almost same for men while cinema has very low reach among women Internet reach very low
IRS 2011 Overall media reach through conventional media in India is still hovering around 64.7 per cent In spite of all the technological advances, even today, two out of every five Indians are not reachable by any conventional media.
Print Media Dainik jagaran and Dainik Bhaskar have maximum reach Times of India – most popular English daily No. 1 magazine- Vanita
Television TV reach is the highest. TV ownership has increased but reach has not kept pace with it. Possible reasons –growing economy –increase of nuclear families requiring more TV sets –The viewership marginally fell during late evening prime time (7–11 pm), while slightly increased during early evening prime time (4-7 pm). with the declining Non C&S households, Doordarshan is getting marginalized. DTH is driving the growth of television today
Radio Listening Time spent listening to radio is increasing and place of listening is changing
Internet Internet growth has risen by 32.5% compared to previous year Regular usage is very high, allowing quick reach build up. Access to Internet is still highest from the cyber cafés, but now it is increasing rapidly in mobiles.
Internet Although Internet penetration is very low in rural India compared to that of urban, it is growing.
Conclusion Radio reaches people easily Television is fastest growing and most powerful mass medium in rural India Print media faces problems of both reach and access coupled with low literacy rates Other conventional outdoor media includes – wall paintings, POP displays( danglers, display signs and boards, tin plates, display racks and dispensers) Mass media communication can only create brand recognition. Non- conventional rural-centric media and BTL activities are more important in rural markets.