Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 1 SI O S Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System SIOS Designing a coherent observational systems from chaos Kim Holmén International Director Norwegian Polar Institute Roberts et al. 2010
Environmental and climate related challenges require an Earth System approach that no single institution or nation can fulfill alone. Observation systems have not been developed with the same systematic approach as Earth System modeling. Observational strategies need to be designed around multi-disciplinary considerations. Challenges with organizing a decentralized infra-structure such that the mutual benefits are obvious. Necessity to formulate clear scientific goals that are only reachable if everyone contributes (over time).
Kim Holmén. page 3 Host contribution for the first three years of the SIOS implementation phase: Norway suggests that a setup team of up to five persons is gradually put in place from 1 October The setup team will be responsible for setting up the SIOS organization and its core services. Norway will invite all partner countries to join in the interim phase while offering to cover the costs of up to four out of five persons in the setup team, including offices and meeting facilities etc. for the team. We also aim at contributing with minimum one third of additional implementation cost for the core services that will be provided by the SIOS KC. We call for partner countries to identify their expertise and ambitions for contributing to the implementation plans, since such contributions will be of critical importance for further progress.
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 4 SI O S The SIOS Knowledge Center will provide an intellectual environment where sampling strategies and observational practices are developed. will stimulate the development of new observational techniques for environmental monitoring in the Arctic. will be an international meeting place for developing the science of long term environmental monitoring in Polar Regions. The core observational program of SIOS will be stable over time yet dynamic. It will be modified and expanded as called for, based on the insights attained through the Knowledge Center.
Ny-Ålesund Upper/Lower Atmosphere coupling Advanced Meteorological station Land/ice/atmosphere exchange Fjord/Shelf seasonality (inc. sea-ice) Long range transport Permafrost seasonality Seismicity Biodiversity monitoring Ripfjorden Upper/Lower atmosphere coupling Advanced Meteorological station Land/ice/atmosphere exchange Fjord/Shelf seasonality Long range transport Permafrost seasonality Seismicity Biodiversity monitoring Longyearbyen (Hub) Upper/Lower Atmosphere coupling Advanced Meteorological station Land/ice/atmosphere exchange Fjord/Shelf seasonality Long range transport Permafrost seasonality Seismicity Biodiversity monitoring Hornsund Upper/Lower Atmosphere coupling Advanced Meteorological Station Land/ice/atmosphere exchange Fjord/Shelf seasonality Long range transport Permafrost seasonality Seismicity Biodiversity monitoring Hopen Upper/Lower Atmosphere coupling Advanced Meteorological Station Long range transport Seismicity Biodiversity monitoring Ocean monitoring Network for Atmospheric Coupling
SIOS will start in 2014 A knowledge centre in Longyearbyen A “super site” in Ny-Ålesund Implementing Ny-Ålesund flagship programs is part of the big picture Investments in new infrastructure: –Through SIOS –With SIOS –For SIOS