Goal Setting for Life How can goal setting help me improve health, performance and appearance?
What is a goal? A result towards which effort is made for maintenance or improvement. Have you ever set a goal for yourself? Why did you set it?
What is Goal Setting Goal-setting involves establishing Specific, Measurable, Aggressive, Realistic and Time-bound objectives. Have you ever reached a goal you set?
Types of Goals Short-term goals – achievable in 2-4 weeks Long-term goals – achievable in 2 months or more
S.M.A.R.T. Goals S – Specific M – Measureable A – Aggressive R – Realistic T – Time-bound
S – Specific Goals are straight forward Details focus efforts and clearly define what is to be accomplished Example: A general goal would be “increase upper body strength” but a specific goal would say “I want to increase the number of push-ups I can do.” Can you think of another example?
M – Measureable Must be able to answer the questions; “how much?”, or “how will I know when it is accomplished?” Example: A general goal would be “I want to do more push-ups” but a measureable goal would be “I want to increase the number of push-ups I can do by 4.” Can you think of another example?
A – Aggressive Requires effort to achieve beyond what has been achieved before. If you could complete 10 push-ups would an aggressive goal be to complete 11 push ups? What would be an aggressive goal to set for push-ups?
R – Realistic Goal needs to be achievable, reachable and relevant. If you set a goal to lose 25 pounds in 1 week is that realistic? What would be a realistic goal for weight loss in a week?
T - Time-bound Goal should be achievable in a given time period Example: “I want to increase the number of push-ups (specific) I can do by 4 (measureable) by the end of the month (time-bound).
Setting Your Own Goals! What are some goals you could set for yourself in school? What are some goals you could set during physical education? What are some goals you could set for your overall health? Goal Setting Sheet