Margaret Grieco - Social movements and new technology– March Social movements and new technology: a challenge to the existing order of business Margaret Grieco, Professor of Transport and Society, Napier University and Salaried Visiting Full Professor, Cornell University
Margaret Grieco - Social movements and new technology– March Introduction: a new campaigning environment n speed of bargaining n changing the existing contours of business air+Trade.htm air+Trade.htm n selling directly to consumers through e-shopping facilities: Equal Exchange, USA n Fair Trade certification
Margaret Grieco - Social movements and new technology– March Fair Trade households: consumer strength, consumer investment, consumer boycotts n consumers are now more reachable by campaigners n Fair Trade product lines in High Street stores 26/nfash26.xml&sSheet=/news/2005/03/26/ixhome.html 26/nfash26.xml&sSheet=/news/2005/03/26/ixhome.html n Fairtrade Fortnight promoting the FAIRTRADE Mark n Fair Trade investment practices n But many producers lack a clear understanding of Fair Trade oup/doc/fairtrade.pdf oup/doc/fairtrade.pdf
Margaret Grieco - Social movements and new technology– March Fairtrade towns: new civic cultures, new transparencies n The local council must pass a resolution supporting Fairtrade, and serve Fairtrade coffee and tea at its meetings and in offices and canteens. n A range of Fairtrade products must be readily available in the area’s shops and served in local cafés and catering establishments (targets are set in relation to population) n Fairtrade products must be used by a number of local work places (estate agents, hairdressers etc) and community organisations (churches, schools etc) n The council must attract popular support for the campaign. n A local Fairtrade steering group must be convened to ensure continued commitment to Fairtrade Town
Margaret Grieco - Social movements and new technology– March Fair trade ‘labor’ movements: the development of globalized organizational structures and institutions. n Sweatshop Watch ‘Empowering workers, informing consumers’ n Academic labor studies n US student campaigns s/campus/usatoday html s/campus/usatoday html n JustGarments company, El Salvador ‘offers 100% unionized, sweat-free garment production’
Margaret Grieco - Social movements and new technology– March Conclusion: transparency and the consciousness of global business n Big Pharma on the back foot n ‘new public relations’ n The people who are really doing the work tell the story to the world, directly (Bray) ew-Public-Relations ew-Public-Relations