Vocal copying of individually distinctive signature whistles in bottlenose dolphins by Stephanie L. King, Laela S. Sayigh, Randall S. Wells, Wendi Fellner,


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Presentation transcript:

Vocal copying of individually distinctive signature whistles in bottlenose dolphins by Stephanie L. King, Laela S. Sayigh, Randall S. Wells, Wendi Fellner, and Vincent M. Janik Proceedings B Volume 280(1757): April 22, 2013 ©2013 by The Royal Society

Spectrograms showing three examples each of the (i) signature whistle of the animal being copied, (ii) signature whistle copies and (iii) the signature whistle of the copier; sampling rate: Hz, FFT length: 1024, Hanning window function. Stephanie L. King et al. Proc. R. Soc. B 2013;280: ©2013 by The Royal Society

Coefficients of associations (CoA) of the pairs of animals that copied (black) and did not copy (white). Stephanie L. King et al. Proc. R. Soc. B 2013;280: ©2013 by The Royal Society

Multi-dimensional scaling plot based on all acoustic parameter measurements. Stephanie L. King et al. Proc. R. Soc. B 2013;280: ©2013 by The Royal Society