Librarians as Learning Leaders: Networked for the 21 st Century. Sandy Mayer & Wendi Jo Bost
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Librarians as Learning Leaders: Networked for the 21 st Century PLA at ALA Annual Conference 2013 Chicago, IL
Sandy Mayer – Librarian Southwest Branch Library Wendi Jo Bost – Public Service Administrator Who we are:
Independent Taxing District Main Library & 14 Branches Innovation Driven- Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity 1,000 sq. mile service area Over 1,000,000 residents Staff of 350 A Bit About the Orange County Library System (OCLS)
A Bit More….
What is “Librarians as Learning Leaders?”
Learning Organizations “There is a need to create structures where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive thinking patterns are nurtured, where collective aspirations are set free and where people are continually learning to learn together.” ~Peter Senge-author of The Fifth Discipline~
Learning Organizations Short and sweet definition: “An organization that facilitates the learning of its members and continuously transforms itself.” Pedler, M., Burgogyne, J. and Boydell, T The Learning Company: A strategy for sustainable development. 2 nd.ed. London; McGraw-Hill.
Learning Organizations A Learning organization can be a team, work group, department, committee, or whole organization. WHY YOU ASK? Because these times demand it.
What Happens at LLL?
Sample Agenda Librarians as Learning Leaders aim to keep the library relevant through the collab Hi Everyone – On May 14, the Librarians as Learning Leaders will meet from 2:00-3:30. So far for the agenda I have the following: Vera G. will talk about License to Learn. Kelly P. and Joan M. will talk about County Watch – should we renew? Ruth W. will discuss her Orlando Memory event experience. Would like to hear from any others about this as well. Update on Orlando Memory revisions and on EPOCH. We will go around and give everyone a chance to share what is new at your location, what you are working on, etc. Also feel free to ask the group any questions that you have. I look forward to seeing everyone next Tuesday. Please let me know what you would like to have added to the agenda. Debbie Tour Librarians as Learning Leaders aim to keep the library relevant through the collaboration of ideas and experiences, with continual focus on the future.
Nurturing a Learning Organization Attributes of Professional Learning Communities
Supportive and Shared Leadership Collective Creativity Shared Values and Vision Supportive Conditions People Factors
Why We Keep Coming Back!
Database Champions Database Revamp Team Outcomes: Ideas to Action
Biz Team Downloadables Support Team
(Electronically Preserving Obituaries as Cultural Heritage) IMLS GRANTS 2011 COMPLETED feasibility & usability studies WORKING ON software development Outcomes: Ideas to Action
It Does Not Stop at the Meetings What do you do with what you learn?
Why? “Adds to job satisfaction, if you like your job you are more committed to it and doing good things, you stay engaged and it makes it worth the costs” = travel expenses and time “LLL is impacting the organization…it focuses on solutions and the accomplishments are stunning” “It is a Librarian’s meeting with librarian’s agenda and content” We have seen an increase in job satisfaction-
Librarians as Learning Leaders - Make the Difference
Sandy Mayer Wendi Jo Bost