Florida 4-H Legislature & the Citizenship Mission Mandate Tracy Tesdall, 4-H Regional Agent Wendi Armstrong, Youth-Adult Partnerships Dr. Dale Pracht, Organizational Strategies Specialist 2012 Southern Region 4-H Biennial Conference Mar 21, 2012
Civic Virtue A citizens commitment to democratic ideals & practices to good character in everyday life
National 4-H Citizenship Mission Mandate Citizenship Service Community Service Service- learning Community Youth Development Personal Development Leadership Mutual Respect and Understanding Character Development Problem Solving Civic Engagement Voice Informed Decision Making AdvocacyActivism Civic Education Government Principles Personal Roles and Responsibilities History Heritage, Cultural and Global Competency
Florida 4-H Legislature
Adult Orientation http://my.brainshark.com/AdultOrientation
Goals of 4-H LEG
4-H LEG prep materials Lesson 1 –Understanding the three branches of government –How a bill becomes a law –What is a mock legislature? What is Florida 4-H Legislature? Lesson 2 –Government overview & the democratic process (civic/political literacy) –Understanding formal & informal government structures. –Apply moral and ethical valuing processes to public policy making –Researching and gathering information on issues
4-H LEG prep materials Lesson 3 How to identify an appropriate strategy for a given situation & legislative bill analysis Become aware of societal issues and potential solutions Apply logic and identifying potential solutions within the context of issues Lesson 4 Understand parliamentary procedures. Gain communication skills. Listen to varying viewpoints. Respect the opinions and rights of others.
4-H LEG prep materials Lesson 5 (Spotlight on Lobbyists I) –What is a lobbyist/What is the role of a lobbyist –Characteristics of a Good Lobbyist Communicating your point of view Apply moral and ethical valuing processes to public policy making Lesson 6 (Spotlight on Lobbyists II) (online module) –The 4-H Lobby Groups: An In-Depth Look What is a lobby group? What are the lobby groups? The Philosophy of Each Group & the lobbyist’s role
4-H LEG prep materials Lesson 7 (Spotlight on Lobbyists III) –Developing reasons supporting your point of view - Persuasion –Preparing to be a 4-H LEG Office hours Amendments Responsibilities of a 4- H LEG “page” –4-H LEG lobbyist schedule Adult Orientation –4-H LEG: How to Survive a Youth Driven Event What is a youth-driven event vs a youth-adult partnership? What is 4-H LEG The manuals What can adults expect to see or do The Schedule Adult assignments
National 4-H Citizenship Mission Mandate Citizenship Service Community Service Service- learning Community Youth Development Personal Development Leadership Mutual Respect and Understanding Character Development Problem Solving Civic Engagement Voice Informed Decision Making AdvocacyActivism Civic Education Government Principles Personal Roles and Responsibilities History Heritage, Cultural and Global Competency
Florida 4-H Citizenship- Leadership Program 4-H LEG/CWF Council/4-H Day at the Capitol Community Pride/State Project
New Developments in Florida Sandra Day O’Connor Act Florida Joint Center for Citizenship
Curriculum Available Know Your Government Series Leadership (My Journal & My Portfolio) Unlock Your Leadership Potential Leadership Skills you Never Outgrow Public Adventures Service Learning Windows to Asian Cultures
Summary Questions? Applications