Wendi Evans Junior Counselor Rising Sun High School
What you need for graduation is the bare minimum. Credits Service Learning High School Assessments What you need to do beyond that is look beyond high school. Challenge yourself. Go beyond the minimum.
Things to Consider Environment Academic Program Cost Proximity Selectivity Where do I go for information? Internet Guide Books Visits On-campus College rep interviews at RSHS Create your list of colleges to apply to Ultimate choice (your “reach” school) Middle range (schools that match your scores a bit more closely) Safe school (the one that would be lucky to have you)
Regular Decision Submit an application by a certain date Receive a decision by a clear date Non-binding commitment Decide by May 1st Rolling Admissions Applications are reviewed throughout the year Decisions are made as applications are submitted Non-binding commitment May 1 st is usually the deadline
Early Action: Apply early with the intent to receive a decision early Early action is usually about two months prior to the regular decision deadline Non-binding commitment Still have until May 1 st to decide Early Decision You have made a commitment to this school as your first and only choice 100% sure that this is where you want to go to school Deadlines are early Commitment is binding
Get organized Letters of recommendation Don’t forget thank you letters Activity sheet/resume Transcripts Letters/Essays Write, review, rewrite
WHO? A teacher that you have had in a challenging class A coach that knows your character You want the recommendations to reflect a cross section of your teachers WHAT? Leadership skills, ability to work with others, work ethic and habits Avoid using a specific college’s name in letter WHEN? NOW HOW? Use the college’s form if provided Give teachers the Recommendation Request Form Give teachers a deadline & ample time to complete TIPS: On the application form, waive your right to view recommendation letters. This gives more credibility to the recommendation in the eyes of the college. Keep a copy in Guidance to use for more than one college THANK YOU NOTES!
Rigorous Course schedule Grades and test scores Extra-curricular activities Leadership roles Quality over quantity Volunteer Work Work Experience Personal Statement
DO: Follow directions Do everything Pay attention to deadlines Stay organized Follow-up & confirm receipt of your application DON’T Procrastinate Leave anything out Go overboard Use jargon or slang Lie, exagerate or embellish Ignore academic red flags
Apply Online Many Colleges/Universities are paperless Send a Thank You card to the representative if you meet with one Ask questions if you’re unsure
Scholarships Merit-based Need-based Utilize Financial Aid Options (75% of College Students Nationwide) Co-ops Work-study Programs Attend part-time Payment Plans Parents work at college that offers free tuition to dependents
Be Involved in the process Counselor/Student/Parent meetings Visit Colleges with your child Help organize the paperwork, but let your child do the majority “peeking over their shoulder”
Completing School/Counselor Report on Admission Application Transcripts ($2.00 each) Transcripts become unofficial if opened by someone other than college official Sent at mid-year (at your request) Final sent to college of your choice after graduation (automatic) College Representative Visits Scholarships Freebies Other informative resources