Long Beach City College Distance Learning Plan Implementation Oversight Task Force Report, Feb 2011 Dr. Julian DelGaudio and Dr. Amit Shai, Task force.


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Presentation transcript:

Long Beach City College Distance Learning Plan Implementation Oversight Task Force Report, Feb 2011 Dr. Julian DelGaudio and Dr. Amit Shai, Task force co-chairs WHERE WE ARE WHERE WE ARE HEADED HOW WE GET THERE LBCC DISTANCE LEARNING REPORT Board Goal: MEASURE AND IMPROVE STUDENT SUCCESS: By February 2011, review a plan to increase by 20% the number of students served by fully-online course offerings that count towards graduation, earning a certificate, or transfer.

-2- Where we are DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges Surveying the State of DL at LBCC

DL PLAN BACKGROUND Plan Alignment: LBCC mission; CA Education code; Title V regulations; CCCCO DE guidelines; ACCJC; CCC State Academic Senate; LBCC Curriculum standards. In Spring ’08, the CPC established a DL Plan task force charged with developing a five-year DL master plan. Outcome: The first LBCC DL Plan was published on May 1, Value: serving students who otherwise could not make it to class on campus. Plan Areas: Courses, students; FPD; Gov & Institutionalization; Marketing. Each has its own objectives and expected outcomes. -3- Where we are DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges

DL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OVERSIGHT TASK-FORCE The DL Plan was approved by CPC in Fall ‘09 and a DL Plan Implementation Oversight Task Force was established to oversee the implementation of the 49 action items included in the plan. 4 members (three faculty) Implementation involves many college constituents Collaborative writing tool Outreach to constituents -- their role in the overall implementation as appropriate -4- DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges Where we are

Classes Data TermNumber of online Classes offered in all LBCC Schools Fall Fall Fall a- ONLINE CLASSES AND ENROLLMENT DATA – Number of classes (1/6) DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges Where we are 43% increase

Online Student Enrollment TermEnrollmentUnduplicated headcount FTEs FALL FALL FALL ONLINE CLASSES AND ENROLLMENT DATA – Student enrollment (2/6) -5b- DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges Where we are Enrollment – 41% increase Unduplicated– 16% increase FTEs – 34% increase

GE Courses on-campus and online (meeting core requirements) TermTotal GE Courses in all areas GE Courses offered online Online GE/total courses on GE plans Fall % Fall % DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges ONLINE CLASSES AND ENROLLMENT DATA - GE courses (3/6) -5c- Where we are

Online Faculty Data TermFull-time Faculty Part-time FacultyTotal Unique Faculty Fall Fall Fall DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges ONLINE CLASSES AND ENROLLMENT DATA – Online Faculty (4/6) -5d- Where we are 24% increase 39% increase 13% increase

Online Student Success Data TermSuccess RatesRetention Rates Fall %62% Fall %68% Fall %70% DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges ONLINE CLASSES AND ENROLLMENT DATA – Student Success (5/6) -5e- Where we are 8% increase 4% increase

DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges ONLINE CLASSES AND ENROLLMENT DATA (6/6) SUMMARY COMPARATIVE DATA (FALL ‘08-FALL ‘10) -5f- Where we are Fall 2008Fall 2010Change Online Classes % Enrollments % Unduplicated Headcount % FTEs % Online Faculty % Student Success 49%53%+4% Retention 62%70%+8%

DL STUDENT DEMOGRAPHICS – DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges -6- Where we are Student Demographic Data - Ethnicity (DL vs. LBCC) Term Ethnicity WAAHIS Fall % / 29%18% / 14%27% / 35% Fall % / 27%18% / 14%26% / 34% Fall % / 26%19% / 15%28% / 37% Student Demographic Data – Gender, Age (DL vs. LBCC) Term GenderAge MaleFemale Fall % / 47%70% / 53%35% / 40%29% / 29% Fall % / 48%66% / 52%36% / 39%29% / 27% Fall % / 48%66% / 51%35% / 33%28% / 22%

ACHIEVEMENTS COURSES AND FACULTY: * Moving on with the times: telecourses converted to DL. * Local definitions of DL classes updated. * Schedule of DL classes. * Cross-disciplinary video content. * In-house professional development for faculty new to DL at LBCC. STUDENTS: * E-learning environment: available to all LBCC departments for use in their DL classes. * Online students services and academic resources are equivalent to those provided to on-campus students. * Open source e-portfolios systems for ASLO and student performance tracking are being evaluated for implementation in the near future. * “Success in Distance Education” (S.I.D.E. Road Interactive Courseware) is integrated in all LBCC DL classes and available to all students through a separate course (CPAS 805). * Surveying * all LBCC students and faculty to identify students’ demand for DL and faculty’s take in meeting this demandSurveying * DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges -7- Where we are

CHALLENGES * GE Classes – Move to increase number of online GE classes in all areas. * Need to provide continuity of DL offerings through the strategic offering plan in each department. * Need to offer about 50 curriculum-approved courses (including already approved 11 GE classes). * Need to address DL needs college-wide: Current faculty contract needs to be updated with DL matters. Establish faculty mentorship for LBCC instructors who are new to DL. * Need to increase DL offerings to meet student demand: 54% of students surveyed* would have pursued an online degree if offeredsurveyed Number of unduplicated headcount is down in Fall ‘10 compared to Fall ‘ DL plan background DLPImpOS task force Online classes and enrollment data Student demographics Achievements Challenges Where we are

Towards a college within the college – elements: Full online degrees & certificates Online honor classes Large offerings of GE online classes Strategic offering plan for each Department Marketing DL classes beyond our immediate area Where we are headed -9-

Strategies to meet the challenges at no extra cost: Earmark resources for DL classes in each department. Priority offering of online classes that are included on any GE plan in all areas. Addressing Contractual DL Matters and other proven successful practices. Examples: * Update faculty contract to include DL matters * Reduced Teaching Unit load in exchange for faculty professional development in teaching and developing online classes. * College service & Flex credit for faculty engaged in mentoring faculty who are new to DL and other related FPD activities listed on the DL plan. * Include DL in new faculty orientation. How we get there -10-

STUDENTS Response rate: 12% 1100/~ % have taken some DL classes at LBCC. 82% consider distance learning (DL) classes a viable option for them to complete their education at LBCC. 54% would pursue a fully online Associate degree or certificate at LBCC if offered. STUDENTS AND FACULTY SURVEYS FINDINGS HIGHLIGHTS Purpose: To identify student demand for online classes and faculty take in meeting this demand FACULTY Response rate: 24% 319/ % have not taught a DL class at LBCC. 79% consider distance learning (DL) classes a viable option for students to complete their education at LBCC. 31% are not interested in putting the extra effort needed to develop and teach DL classes, in response to the special needs of DL students. 51% believe that the offering of an online Associate degree will not serve our students' academic needs better. 33% believe a positive attitude towards DL by their department Chair and/or Dean is very critical. -11-

Long Beach City college Distance Learning Plan Implementation Oversight Taskforce Report, Feb 2011 Dr. Julian DelGaudio and Dr. Amit Shai, Task force co-chairs LBCC DISTANCE LEARNING REPORT THANK YOU: Stephanie Powell, Dance Instructor & Choreographer, Task force member Dena Laney, Systems Librarian, Task force member Wendi Lopez, Distance Learning Program Specialist II Dr. Eva Bagg, Associate Dean, Institutional Effectiveness Janice Miller, Research Systems Analyst II, Institutional Effectiveness -12-