Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector Joint UNCTAD – ITU – UNESCAP Regional Workshop on Information Society Measurements in Asia-Pacific Bangkok, July 2006 ESCAP, United Nations Survey vehicles for ICT indicators in the business sector José CERVERA-FERRI Consultant, UNCTAD
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector ALTERNATIVE SOURCES AND DATA COLLECTION METHODS Administrative registers Business registers Economic censuses Sectoral business surveys ICT-specific business surveys
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector ADMINISTRATIVE SOURCES Topics: –Information about ICT sector (suppliers of ICT services) (Supply side) –Information about the firms subscribing to their respective services (Demand side) Pros: –Subject to mandatory provisions (administrative or legal), have to be transmitted to Regulatory Authorities (Ministries of Communication and their subsidiary or related bodies) –Reduced cost –Easy automatic processing Cons: –Limited international comparability of indicators –Breakdowns not available (v.g. by activity sector, by size of firm) –Assignment to central location (firm vs establishment) –Under-registration of “users’ deaths”
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector BUSINESS REGISTERS Topics: –basic ICT infrastructure-related information about firms and establishments (identification variables) –Basic data (firm demography, employees, turnover) of the ICT sector Pros: –Key infrastructure of the business statistical system –Integrated with other statistical operations Cons: –Limited number of ICT-related variables –Breakdowns possible by standard classification variables (economic activity, size, turnover) –Under-registration of deaths (over-estimation of denominators under- estimation of ratio indicators) –Non-registration of groups of firms –Non-identification of firms belonging to international groups
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector ECONOMIC CENSUSES Topics: –Basic ICT-related indicators Pros: –Exhaustiveness –Geographical and sectoral desaggregation –Maintenance of the business register –Possibility of analyzing at the establishment level Cons: –Unefficient vs sample survey if large business sector –Low periodicity not suitable for rapidly changing environments –Very high cost –Limited number of variables
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector SECTORAL BUSINESS SURVEYS Topics: –General economic survey of main sectors (ex. Industry, energy, construction, services) –Specialised survey of certain sectors (ex. Agro-industry, Mining, High-Tech) –ICT modules included Pros: –Regular periodicity (annual, biennal) –Use of statistical samples Controlled error vs size of survey Possibility of more complete questionnaires (including ICT-modules) –Possibility of integration of ICT-modules into existing surveys Lower cost than ICT-specific surveys Integration of results Cons: –Some detailed breakdowns may not be possible (ex. Sector by size x region) –Information at the establishment level may not be possible for ICT-related variables –Requires business directory updated –Requires specialistion in the preparation of survey topics –Requires deeper training of interviewers –No coverage of the informal sector
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector SPECIALISED ICT SURVEYS Topics: –Business access and use of ICT, e-commerce (products, values, modes, barriers, etc.) Pros: –Specificity larger number of ICT-related questions –Experience of OECD countries can be adapted Cons: –Not always considered in National Statistical Programmes –Possible conflict of competencies between NSO and Ministries responsible for Technology and/or Communications –Requires pilot testing before implementation –Requires more capacity building in statistical offices (ICT concepts, measuring methods and instruments, analysis and dissemination)
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector SPECIALISED ICT SURVEYS (2) Alternative designs –Scope: economic activities covered OECD: –Manufacturing (ISIC D), Construction (ISIC F), Wholesale and retail trade & reparation (ISIC G), Hotels and restaurants (ISIC H), Transport & communications (ISIC I), Real estate, renting and business activities (ISIC K) EUROSTAT: –NACE D,F,G,H (not all countries cover restaurants and bars), I, K and O (only 92 = recreational, cultural and sporting activities). Separate survey to ISIC J (Financial intermediation) –Size: Cut-off of 10 employees –But important policy isues regarding smaller firms
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector Data correspond to 2005
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector ICT TOPICS by SOURCE Administrative sources Business registers Economic Censuses Sectoral surveys ICT-specific surveys Basic access to ICT Advanced ICT access and usage Internet activities and e-commerce Barriers to ICT
Survey vehicles for ICT indicators of the business sector NEXT STEPS Assessment of relevance and demand for ICT indicators at the national level Institutional arrangements for the responsibility on ICT-related surveys –Identification of stakeholders (NSO, line ministries, ICT authorities, business associations) –National co-ordination –Inclusion on National Statistical Plans Capacity building on measuring the use of ICT in the business sector
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