Functional health benefits for elderly people related to social tourism policy promotion Online Conference on Multidisciplinary Social Sciences March 2013 Mireia Ferri Dr. Estrella Durá Dr. Jorge Garcés
Europe: increase of elderly and disabled people Initiatives to prevent dependency situations -> tourism Polibienestar Research Institute Our research Methodology Results Conclusions Index
Life expectancy in the EU-27 has increased by about ten years over the last 50 years (Eurostat, 2011). Europe: increase of elderly and disabled people Increased life expectancy does not necessary mean that the years are lived in good health (OECD, 2011). In 2010, the number of healthy life years at birth was estimated at 61.7 years for men and 62.6 for women -> the 80% and 76% of total life expectancy respectively (Eurostat, 2012).
Europe: increase of elderly and disabled people This situation represents a challenge for Governments who must respond to the increasing needs of long term care (Garcés, 2000; Garcés et al., 2004). Moreover: Europe is living an ageing process that represents a long term trend (Eurostat, 2010). Ageing process + prevalence of chronic diseases related with disability: Dependent and disabled people will also augment (WHO, 2011). The impact of ageing on public expenditure is projected to augment from the 23% of GDP in 2007 to 28% in 2060(Eurostat, 2009). The sustainable management of social and health systems = relevant position in currently European policies.
Initiatives to prevent dependency situations -> tourism Tourism = potential strategy to prevent dependency situations Because of health and wellbeing positive effects that some studies have linked with holidaying in other vulnerable groups. In fact, European and national organisms are displaying a growing interest in promoting tourism accessible for all.
Initiatives to prevent dependency situations -> tourism Accessible Social Tourism: All the initiatives addressed to involve people with special needs (mainly financial and accessibility needs) as active participants in tourism, at the same time promoting social benefits for their users and economic benefits for society (Garcés and Ferri, 2012). Social Tourism Policy: It has the objective to increase the quality of life and wellbeing of citizens making tourism accessible to persons with special needs, generating at the same time health and social benefits for their users and impacting in the efficiency of social and health systems (Garcés and Ferri, 2012).
Polibienestar Research Institute Polibienestar is a public research institute belonging to the University of Valencia (Spain). It is specialized in research, innovation and social technology, technical advice and training in the field of social policies. Its final objective is the improvement of the welfare and quality of life of society. Polibienestar includes 16 high-level researchers. They belong to 8 departments of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Medicine, Psychology, Economics, Law and Teacher Training.
A multidisciplinary approach METHODOLOGY: The interdisciplinary methodology allow getting more and better knowledge and integrating the experience accumulated by the team of professors and researchers of the University of Valencia. Their cooperation is giving excellent results: scientific publications, projects and transfer of research to society. RESEARCH LINES: Efficiency and quality of systems long-term care. Design and usability of residential alternatives socially sustainable. Social welfare and health. Attention to diversity and students with special educational needs. Project and Portfolio Management. Innovation Management. Sport and social integration. Third sector and socio-economic reengineering. Corporate Social Responsibility. Social Tourism accessible for all.
Our research “Pilot research of tourism benefits in elderly people” Objective: To study the tourism relationship with the functional health of older adults
Our research 43 older people with 65 years or more selected from six leisure centres that organise leisure activities for elderly in the city of Valencia (Spain) and surroundings. Sample: Data collection: Self-designed questionnaire mainly composed by standardised instruments.
Our research Variables measured and instruments used: Tourism habits -> self- designed instrument Self-perceived health -> Spanish version of SF-36 (Alonso et al, 1995) Capacity to carry out Instrumental Activities of Daily Life -> Lawton & Brody Index (1969) Cognitive status) -> Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (Pfeiffer, 1975) Social integration -> Berkman-Syme Social Network Index (Berkman & Syme, 1979) Use of social and health services -> self- designed instrument Socio-demographic data -> self- designed instrument
Our research Methodology : Statistical analysis was carried out: Descriptive analysis: to know the demographic characteristics of the sample and to define the tourism habits of older people and their travelling experiences and attitude. Bivariate comparative test between two groups (elderly people who travelled during the previous year and elderly people who did not travel during the previous year): to detect significant differences on their functional health and use of social and health services (t-Student and Chi-Squared at 0.05 significant level).
Our research Results show: Positive relationship between tourism and older adults self- perceived health. Positive relationship between tourism and elderly woman capacity to carry out Instrumental Activities of Daily Life. Small proportion of older travellers in the lowest grade of social integration compared to elderly non-travellers. Elderly travellers use less social and health services than elderly non-travellers.
The main aim of this pilot study was to offer a first pilot study about the potential relationship between tourism and the functional health of older adults. Conclusions Some positive relationships between tourism participation and a better self-perceived health and higher functional capacity Accessible Social Tourism => tool of Social Tourism Policy
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