1 5 years Inland Navigation Europe General Assembly Liège, 5 December 2005
2 Europe at the start of 21st century Faces some important socioeconomic challenges Maintain competitiveness Energy security Impact of pollution on health and climate Rising congestion leading to rising costs A group of waterfreight promotion offices and waterway managers goes European Support entrepreneurs to benefit from waterways in a cost-effective, reliable and congestion-free way Develop and share best practices on moving freight by water to enhance competitive and sustainable mobility Neutral interfaces between business & policy
3 Inland Navigation Europe Background Socioeconomic challenges 75% waterway transport cross-border 75% of national legislation comes from EU Establishment Founded in 2001 With support of European Commission Initiative of Austrian, Belgian, Dutch and French waterway managers and promotion offices Mission statement Advocate measures making freight by water easy-to-use
4 INE strategy Targeted policy action can assist change 1st period Set IWT on the EU agenda Integrate IWT in policy initiatives Advocate European policy plan for IWT development
5 INE objectives 2001 A set of constructive and pragmatic targets 1. Improve IWT infrastructure 2. Implementation of River Information Services (RIS) 3. Modal shift and multi-modal integration 4. Strengthen environment and safety bonus 5. Enhance information and networking to foster awareness & cooperation Focus on development policy Win-win situations for industry and authorities
6 Infrastructure & RIS results Increase status waterway infrastructure in TEN-T 2 IWT priority projects in TEN-T guidelines: 18,30 Increased priority for IWT projects in TEN financial regulation RIS on political agenda & support for implementation Reference to RIS in TEN-T guidelines RIS framework directive IRIS implementation plan RIS in multi-annual programme
7 Multi-modal integration results Increase status IWT in Marco Polo MPI: lower thresholds via EP and MS MPII: clustering possible Spread IWT schemes to support innovation & new logistics concepts Copying of aid schemes across MS State aid guidelines IWT on course EU IWT comprehensive policy Focus on useful state and European aid mechanisms (handbook) Towards supportive administrative framework (screening exercise, focal points) Towards better access to capital (de minimis)
8 Main achievement NAIADES Publication EC IWT communication, January 2006 EU development programme Market, fleet, jobs & skills, promotion, infrastructure Framework for positive action Support EU innovation fund, dedicated IWT research, waterway infrastructure projects higher priority Coordination Screening barriers, one-stop-shops, funding handbook, state aid guidelines, promotion Legislation Vessels prescriptions, statistics, fuel quality, emissions, waste disposal, charging
9 NAIADES 1 year on IWT priority of Austrian EU presidency Jan-Jun 2006 Adopted by Council of ministers in June and by European Parliament in October 2006 Initiated measures at EU level Launch of studies for funding handbook & screening of barriers - technical vessel descriptions directive - statistics directive - dedicated research for IWT Initiated plans at Member State level NAP in Austria - 12-points programme in Flanders - IWT part of Marshall plan in Wallonia - Contrat d’objectifs in France - Convenant in Netherlands
10 INE strategy in coming years Proactive approach for implementation NAIADES FOCUS competitiveness Innovation & new markets by better regulation & access to capital mobility Contribution to congestion reduction by better & smart infrastructure environment protection & energy security Maximising eco and safety bonus by eco-innovation promotion Strengthening reputation of IWT by stronger EU network
11 water is the way to go INE Inland Navigation Europe phone