April 14, 2008
Indicate every resource type proposed for impact on the Application: Tidal Wetland (short form for some projects) Nontidal Wetland Waterway 100-year Floodplain **If you propose an activity in a Nontidal Wetland, then there will be a Buffer or Expanded Buffer impact** Nontidal Wetland Buffer Nontidal Wetland Expanded Buffer
Check each box for impacts, activity type, and project type. Extent of proposed activity on the Application must match activity shown on plan. If the activity descriptions do not match, the Application may be rejected. Include project dimensions Names of adjacent property owners Signature and printed name of landowner
Provide Clear Directions to site Street address if it exists If the lot has no street address, provide parcel number Street address of neighboring parcels, if available
Submit clear plans. Plans that are incomplete or illegible may result in rejection of application. Plans must be submitted on 8 ½ x 11 sheets for all applications. Include site plan and detail impact plans and cross sections For Nontidal Wetland and Waterway/Floodplain applications, also submit full size engineering plans. Extent of proposed activity on plans must match activity shown on application. If the activity descriptions do not match, the application may be rejected.
Submit Clear Plans (continued) 1. North arrow 2. Vicinity map 3. Legend 4. Scale 5. Site address, property boundaries and adjacent property owner name and address 6. Regulated resources for entire site. Distinguish between resources proposed for impact and those that will be preserved.
Each resource and its impact shall be shown with a symbol that is distinctive from other resources and impacts, and included in the legend. For example: Wetland ___ ____ ____ Wetland buffer ____ ____ ____ Stream/waterway ________________ Limit of disturbance ____X ____X____X Silt fence ______S_____S_____S Use features such as shading or cross-hatching to indicate impact site for regulated resource(s). Location point where samples or photographs were taken
On 8 ½ x 11 detail and engineering plan detail, show each impact site with area (square feet and acres) of wetland type, linear feet (stream/waterway) volume (cubic yards in floodplain). Stabilization notes for temporarily disturbed regulated resources Limit of disturbance Property boundaries Steep slopes Critical Area line Protected open space
On 8 ½ x 11 detail and engineering plan detail (continued) Local setback lines for regulated resources, if applicable Building setback lines Existing and Proposed structures Erosion and sediment controls Stormwater management Profile and cross sections of resource impact sites Mitigation site, if applicable
Tidal Wetlands Depending on scope of project, Long or Short Joint Federal/State Application will be required Include project dimensions Provide clear directions to site Street address if it exists If the lot has no street address, provide parcel number Street address of neighboring parcels, if available
Reduction of adverse impacts Include justification of project design. The preference is for the most beneficial and least environmentally damaging alternative. Marsh establishment or other natural shoreline enhancement is the first preference. You will be required to justify why natural ”living shoreline” is not appropriate.
Submit Clear Plans 1. North arrow 2. Vicinity map 3. Legend 4. Scale 5. Site address, property boundaries and adjacent property owner name and address 6. Existing structures on shoreline and property 7. Shoreline structures on neighboring property 8. Distance of proposed structure to property line
Submit Clear Plans 1. Name of waterway and opposite shoreline Measure the distance channelward (starting mean high water line on property and extend into channel) to the nearest shoreline. 2. Wetland boundary 3. Mean High Water Line 4. Mean Low Water Line 5. Shoreline shape
Submit Clear Plan (continued) Waterway Measurements 6. Channel width Measure the distance channelward (starting mean high water line on property and extend into channel) to the nearest shoreline. 7. Distance that structures extend into channel. A structure that extends too far out in the waterway may block access to the navigation channel and will not be authorized.
Fetch Distance White line shows correct method to measure distance to nearest shoreline. Yellow line is incorrect measure of shortest distance
Submit Clear Plans Waterway Measurements (Continued) 8. If project is done in combination with pier, show ¼ distance channelward (measured from mean high water into channel) 9. Water depth Take these measurements at low tide from the mean low water line. Show location where the water depth at one foot increments, starting at one foot, until the depth is shown at least 100 feet past the proposed structure or until it reaches a navigation channel.
Submit Clear Plan (continued) 10. Local setback line. If there is no local setback line, locate any piers 10’ from property line. If proposing a deviation from a required setback, provide written documentation of support from adjacent landowners and the approved local variance, if applicable. 11. Limit of disturbance 12. Erosion and Sediment Control Structures, if applicable 13. Planting and stabilization notes
Additional Information Wetland Delineation/Determination Completed and legible data sheets Monitoring well, soil data, or other hydrology data Photographs Wetland functions Mitigation plan, justification, replacement of lost functions Avoidance and minimization of impacts Alternative site analysis
Additional information (continued) Attempts to address constraints to reduction of impacts, e.g. waiver from local requirements Other field/habitat surveys Purpose and public need