Tangata whenua values Piloting the process in Murihiku.


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Presentation transcript:

Tangata whenua values Piloting the process in Murihiku

Murihiku - Awa (rivers) of Murihiku - Four Murihiku Papatipu Rūnanga

Accessing available planning frameworks The IRMP for the Murihiku region, Te Tangi a Tauira, has 4 overarching principles: The IRMP for the Murihiku region, Te Tangi a Tauira, has 4 overarching principles: Te Wairua (Spiritual); Te Wairua (Spiritual); Maoritanga (Cultural) Maoritanga (Cultural) Kaitiakitanga Kaitiakitanga Mahinga kai Mahinga kai

Identifying attributes Each of the four principles is further defined in the iwi plan. Each of the four principles is further defined in the iwi plan. We use these as our attributes, for example We use these as our attributes, for example

Te Wairua Karakia – prayer, incantation Karakia – prayer, incantation Ki uta ki tau – from the mountains to the sea Ki uta ki tau – from the mountains to the sea Kotahitanga - unity Kotahitanga - unity Mana – integrity, respect, authority, pestige Mana – integrity, respect, authority, pestige Mauri – spiritual essence, life-force Mauri – spiritual essence, life-force Maoritanga - describe the actions of being Maori and living according to Maori customs. Maoritanga - describe the actions of being Maori and living according to Maori customs. Noa – without restriction Noa – without restriction Rangatiratanga – chieftainship, self determination Rangatiratanga – chieftainship, self determination Tangaroa – diety of the sea and fish and other marine life Tangaroa – diety of the sea and fish and other marine life Tapu – sacredness, forbidden, restricted Tapu – sacredness, forbidden, restricted Wairua - spirit Wairua - spirit Whakanoa – to remove tapu Whakanoa – to remove tapu Waitapu – sacred waters Waitapu – sacred waters Wai whakaheke tupapaku – water burial sites Wai whakaheke tupapaku – water burial sites Whakapapa – genealogy, cultural identity Whakapapa – genealogy, cultural identity

Mahinga kai Hapua – coastal / estuarine lagoon, where natural food collects Hapua – coastal / estuarine lagoon, where natural food collects Kaimoana – seafood, especially shellfish Kaimoana – seafood, especially shellfish Kainga nohoanga – village permanently occupied Kainga nohoanga – village permanently occupied Mahinga kai – food and the places for obtaining natural foods, methods and cultural activities involved Mahinga kai – food and the places for obtaining natural foods, methods and cultural activities involved Nohoanga – temporary campsite for seasonal gathering of food / kai and natural resources Nohoanga – temporary campsite for seasonal gathering of food / kai and natural resources Taiapure – local fisheries areas. Taiapure – local fisheries areas. Tauranga ika – fishing ground Tauranga ika – fishing ground Waimataitai – coastal sea and waters in estuaries where the two areas are missed, brackish. Also includes areas of coastal swamp. Waimataitai – coastal sea and waters in estuaries where the two areas are missed, brackish. Also includes areas of coastal swamp.

Identifying primary attributes Each of the attributes was assessed against five criteria: It can be used to distinguish between different catchments or parts of a catchment. It can be used to distinguish between different catchments or parts of a catchment. It describes features of a catchment, in particular the waterway. It describes features of a catchment, in particular the waterway. It can be directly assessed by a quantifiable indicator. It can be directly assessed by a quantifiable indicator. It relates to something tangible that can be measured. It relates to something tangible that can be measured.

Attributes were discounted if they relate more to implementation of the method rather than being representative of the river. For example, Tangata whenua with rights of mana whenua, mana moana (often represented by papatipu runanga) may see application of this method as an expression of their rangatiratanga and a tangible means of upholding their ahi ka. Within their takiwa, they are likely to seek a catchment approach to any assessment consistent with ki uta ki tai. By responsibly participating in activities such as applying this method, they are protecting the waterways for whanau, manuhiri, kaumatua – consistent with the vision of Mo tatou a mo nga uri a muri ake nei. Attributes were discounted if they relate more to implementation of the method rather than being representative of the river. For example, Tangata whenua with rights of mana whenua, mana moana (often represented by papatipu runanga) may see application of this method as an expression of their rangatiratanga and a tangible means of upholding their ahi ka. Within their takiwa, they are likely to seek a catchment approach to any assessment consistent with ki uta ki tai. By responsibly participating in activities such as applying this method, they are protecting the waterways for whanau, manuhiri, kaumatua – consistent with the vision of Mo tatou a mo nga uri a muri ake nei. Attributes were discounted if they relate to a general practice or an activity (karakia, tikanga, kawa, wananga) rather than a water related activity. Attributes were discounted if they relate to a general practice or an activity (karakia, tikanga, kawa, wananga) rather than a water related activity. Attributes that alone do not represent a measurable attribute but when considered collectively with a series of attributes are likely to lead to the protection of a tangata whenua value. Attributes that alone do not represent a measurable attribute but when considered collectively with a series of attributes are likely to lead to the protection of a tangata whenua value.

Primary attributes Hapua Hapua Kaimoana Kaimoana Kainga nohoanga Kainga nohoanga Mahinga kai Mahinga kai Mauri Mauri Nohoanga Nohoanga Marae Marae Rahui Rahui Tauranga ika Tauranga ika Waimataitai Waimataitai Waiora Waiora Taonga Taonga Whenua Whenua Taonga pounamu Taonga pounamu Waitapu Waitapu Waipuna Waipuna Tauranga waka Tauranga waka Wai whakaheke tupapaku Wai whakaheke tupapaku Waitohi Waitohi Whakapapa Whakapapa Waiwera ngawha Waiwera ngawha Topuni Topuni Wahi ingoa Wahi ingoa Wahi tapu Wahi tapu Wahi taonga classes Wahi taonga classes Whanaungatanga Whanaungatanga

Whakapapa Whakapapa Mauri Mauri Whanaungatanga Whanaungatanga Water Classifications Water Classifications Wahi ingoa & Whakatauki Wahi ingoa & Whakatauki Mahinga kai Mahinga kai Settlements Settlements Wahi tapu Wahi tapu Wahi taonga classes Wahi taonga classes Nga mahi (ahua o te awa) Nga mahi (ahua o te awa) Management mechanisms Management mechanisms

Significance Some values in common but this cant be assumed Some values in common but this cant be assumed Individual, whanau, hapu, iwi Individual, whanau, hapu, iwi Local, regional, national Local, regional, national Catchments as boundaries Catchments as boundaries

Next steps Assigning measures (some defined already) Assigning measures (some defined already) –SMART not SMARTA Putting the framework into a template Putting the framework into a template Having a hui with Kai Tahu ki Murihiku on 2 nd December Having a hui with Kai Tahu ki Murihiku on 2 nd December