Aqueduct - large pipes or canals that carry water over long distances
Archipelago - a group or chain of islands
Atoll - ring shaped island formed by coral building up Atoll - ring shaped island formed by coral building up along the rim of an underwater volcano
Badland - rocky wasteland that has been carved Badland - rocky wasteland that has been carved by erosion into intricate and fantastic shapes
Basin - a lower bowl shaped track of land in which Basin - a lower bowl shaped track of land in which water drains into from rivers and streams, etc.
Bay - a small area of sea or lake partly enclosed by dry land
Beach - the sandy or rocky land at the edge of an ocean, sea, or lake
Canal - an artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for irrigation, shipping, or travel.
Canopy - top layer of a rain forest, where the tops of Canopy - top layer of a rain forest, where the tops of tall trees come together
Canyon - deep, narrow valley with high steep walls
Cape - a pointed piece of land that projects from a coastline
Capital - a city or town that is the official seat of Capital - a city or town that is the official seat of government in a state or nation
Cave - a hollow underground chamber, usually one with an opening in the side of a hill or a mountain
Channel - a narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water
Continental Divide - a line or ridge that separates rivers flowing toward opposite sides of a continent
Continent - one of the seven great land masses on earth
Dam - a barrier built across a waterway to control the flow or raise the level of water
Delta - triangular section of land built up at a river’s mouth that looks like the Greek letter delta (∆)
Desert - a dry region with little rainfall where few plants and animals live
Dune - a hill of sand formed by blowing wind
Fault - a crack or break in the earth’s crust usually caused by intense folding.
Fjord - a long narrow inlet of the sea between tall rocky cliffs
Glacier - a great mass of ice slowly sliding down a mountain slope or through a valley
Gulf of Mexico Gulf - a large inlet of ocean or sea that is partially surrounded by land. Gulfs are much bigger and deeper than bays.
Island - a piece of land that is smaller than a continent and completely surrounded by water
Isthmus - a narrow strip of land with water on both sides that connects two larger land masses.
Mesa - flat-topped elevated landform
Mountain Range - a long connected chain of mountains and hills
Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Ocean - the entire body of salt water that covers nearly three-quarters of the earth’s surface
Peninsula - a large piece of land that extends outward from a continent and is surrounded by water on three sides
Plain - a broad region of flat or gently rolling, treeless land
Plateau - a large highland plain that rises sharply above the surrounding land.
Rainforest - a dense tropical evergreen forest with an annual rainfall of at least 100 inches
Reef - a strip or ridge of rocks, sand, or coral that rises to or close to the surface of a body of water.
River - a long, large stream
Savanna - a tropical grassland containing scattered trees
Sea - a large body of salt water that is smaller than an ocean
Strait - a narrow waterway that connects two larger bodies of water Mediterranean Sea Strait of Gibraltar Atlantic Ocean
Strait - a narrow waterway that connects two larger bodies of water
Swamp - an area of low land that is flooded with water that has a variety of trees, plants, and animals
Tributary - small rivers and streams that feed into a larger river
Tundra - a huge treeless plain bordering the Arctic Ocean
Urban Area - a city or densely populated area associated with business and industry
Valley - a gently sloping depression between hills or mountains
Reef - a strip or ridge of rocks, sand, or coral that rises to or close to the surface of a body of water.
Rural Area - sparsely populated areas used for farming and agriculture
Savanna - a tropical grassland containing scattered trees
Tributary - small rivers and streams that feed into a larger river
Strait - a narrow waterway that connects two larger bodies of water Mediterranean Sea Strait of Gibraltar Atlantic Ocean
Tributary - small rivers and streams that feed into a larger river
Volcano - mountains formed when lava, or melted rock, rises through the earth’s crust
Waterfall - a stream that flows over the edge of a cliff