Vocabulary Preview
Physical Features
A physical feature is a type of land or waterway.
Waterway A waterway is a river, canal, or another body of water that boats or barges can go through.
Region A region is a large area in which places share common characteristics. Alabama is in the southeast region.
Landform A landform is a physical feature on Earth’s surface.
Climate Climate is the kind of weather a place has year after year.
Fall Line
A fall line is an area where there are waterfalls and rapids because of a drop in elevation.
Coastal Plain
The coastal plain is low, fat land along the Gulf Coast.
Delta A delta is a triangle-shaped area of land at the mouth of a river.
Tributary A tributary is a stream or river that flows into a larger river.
Human features
Human Features A human feature is something that is built or made by people.
County A county is the largest unit of local government within a state
Interstate Highways
An interstate highway is a major transportation route in our state. Interstates connect states together.