Alain Baron European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE)


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Presentation transcript:

Alain Baron European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) Europforum XIX, Umeå, 24 October 2013 Strengthening the transport system of the Northern Dimension: when TEN-T meets NDPTL Alain Baron European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE)


TEN-T development since 1996 1996 TEN-T Guidelines for EU 15 (Dec. 1692/96/EC): dense basic network + 14 Priority Projects (“Essen”); 1997 Pan-European Corridors I – X (“Helsinki Corridors”); 1999 TINA (“Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment”); 2004 Guidelines revision - EU27 (Dec. 884/2004/EC): dense basic network (“old” MS) + TINA network (“new” MS) + 30 Priority Projects (TEN-T PP's: “Van Miert”); 2007 Extension of major TEN axes to neighbouring countries (“De Palacio”: COM/2007/0032); 2010 Recast of the TEN-T Guidelines (Dec. 661/2010/EU); 2013 TEN-T Policy Review + Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Definition of 30 priority axes and projects Integration of the national networks of the new Member States in the TEN-T Nomination of European coordinators for 5 priority axes and ERTMS Sustainable transport requires attention to intermodality and interoperability (MOS and Rail become priorities) Financial regulation: concentration on cross-border and bottlenecks

The new TEN-T Correspond with the objectives of the Treaty; Reflect a European planning perspective; Form a dual layer (Comprehensive and Core) “network” connecting EU with neighbouring countries and the rest of the world; Comprise all modes of transport (and their linkages): road, rail, sea and inland waterway, ports, RRT's, airports; Take into account environment and climate needs, Comprise technological innovation: traffic information and management systems, infrastructure for innovative power and fuel distribution Overlap with other, also previous concepts: PETC’s, TEN-T PP's, De Palacio axes; ERTMS and rail freight corridors.

TEN-T Comprehensive & Core Network The Comprehensive Network is the dense basic network, to ensure regional accessibility, comprising all modes of transport; determined by Member States, acc. to certain rules (updating the TEN-T of 1996) The Core Network is a subset of the Comprehensive Network: the strategically most important nodes and links, comprising all modes of transport, equipped with innovative technology applications; determined by a special methodology: mixed geographical-traffic demand driven approach, 2 steps: nodes and links (replacing the TEN-T PP's of 2004); implementation by 2030.

TEN-T Core Network Corridors (1) 9 Core Network Corridors selected within the Core Network, to improve coordination of implementation: governance structure: 11 European Coordinators (1 per Corridor, + MoS, ERTMS) Corridor Forum (all relevant stakeholders); to optimise multimodal operation for passengers & freight (with particular focus on nodes); to enhance deployment of innovative technologies (pilot applications); Selected to include politically complex projects, in particular border crossing, following previous priorities. Rail and inland waterway considered as the backbone.


CEF Allocation (2014 – 2020) 23,2 B€, of which 10 B€ from Cohesion Fund are earmarked for cohesion countries; 80 – 85 % (“multi-annual programme”) for: - 3 horizontal priorities, - Core Network Corridors, - other sections of the Core Network. 15 – 20 % (“annual programme”) for - further projects of the Core Network and of the Comprehensive Network (in particular innovation, ITS); Innovative financing instruments (project bonds, PPP); In general, CEF does not apply for road projects (except: ITS, safe parking areas, alternative fuels).

CEF Funding Rates up to 50% for studies; up to 20% for investments in general; up to 30% for bottlenecks; up to 40% für border crossing projects (only rail and inland waterway); up to 50% für ITS-projects and innovation; up to 85% in cohesion countries (acc. to the rules of Cohesion Fund). Actual allocation of funds upon project applications: - calls by TEN-TEA, - project evaluation (by independent experts), - "EU added value", - project maturity (to ensure absorption of money), - ratio applied volumes vs. available budget. 10

3. The NDPTL

NDPTL Art 1. of the NDPTL MoU states that "the specific needs of the Northern Dimension Partnership for Transport and Logistics are to assist in accelerating the implementation of transport and logistic projects[…] and facilitating the approval of projects of mutual interest". Main goals of NDPTL are the following: 1. to strenghten the cooperation in the field of transport and logistics in the Northern Dimension area. 2. to accelerate the removal of non-infrastructure related bottlenecks, affecting the flow of transport in and across the region 3. to identify cross-regional projects of high priority in the transport and logistics area. 4. to provide the necessary assistance (including financial one) to project promoters, with the view to implement projects identified at point (3).

NDPTL : what has been achieved until now? (1) In 2011 - Setting up of the secretariat. - First indentification of transport / logistics needs through a study « NORDIM » financed by COM. – Financing of 4 « small scale » projects (2 infrastructure and 2 « soft measures».Total 600 K€ (EU budget) -> finalization of the studies late autumn 2013. In 2012 Fund rules adopted Amounts allocated from some partners (1st assembly of donors) COM = 1.4 M€, FI = 1 M€, NO = 0.5 M€ DE = 0.1 M€ Endorsement of the maps of the NDPTL network -> possible inclusion of the maps in the new TEN-T (delegated acts).

NDPTL : what has been achieved until now? (2) In 2013 First call for projects. Call open to all interested parties. Assessment made by NDPTL secretariat through an agreed methodology. Does not rank projects, but give them a "value". 11 proposals received and 8 endorsed by the NDPTL Steering committee. - Studies / most of them are "phased" projects / average requested a 200.000 € / few cross border but most of them present an interest for the entire region Assembly of donors has now to select the most interesting projects to be supported (co-financing, maximum rate = 50%) Next steps : new call (end 1st Q 2014) – if enough funds available an additional call may take place before end of 2014.

NDPTL Fund (1) Created to support projects complying with the NDPTL objectives. Projects to be eligible must have a clear regional added value (cross-border : not mandatory). Financial Participation to the fund : on a voluntary basis, but all NDPTL partners are eligible to it. Projects can be submitted by all stakeholders (State and regional administrations, public or private entities).

NDPTL Fund (2) If projects are supported by private entities/ regions they can be submitted prior to the approval by given MS – approval will be given by SC. However, the financial coverage (50%) must be secured. The Fund aims at bridging the gap between the start phase and the maturity stage of the project (leverage effect). Other actors may then intervene (IFIs / EU/ MS) Our targets : concrete actions / small scale/ soft/logistics.

EU Transport cooperation in the Northern Dimension: a challenging environment (I) Weakeness and difficulties: Multiplication of initiatives : not managed by the same bodies / often not coordinated or overlapping. Scarcity of resources compared to other programmes. EU culture versus non-EU partners. Border effects (interoperability) Multiplication of interlocutors (customs / police / transport agencies / finance and FA ministries) Cross-regional interests not always recognized This initiative is a mix between Infrastructure cooperation and policy integration. At this stage, covers mainly Eastern Partnership.

EU Transport cooperation in the Northern Dimension : a challenging environment (II) Potential: "New frontier" : un-explored potential for transport and trade. Looking forward : from remote areas to new entry gates of long distance trade. Financing needs : often rather low. Transport needs : more logistics than infrastructure Strong impetus from local partners to support initiatives. This initiative is a mix between Infrastructure cooperation and policy integration. At this stage, covers mainly Eastern Partnership.

EU Transport cooperation in the Northern Dimension: how to improve it? Joining forces not dividing: (1) Inside EC (2) At regional level (3) Between EU MS and with non-EU MS Defining common objectives (1) Accessibility (2) Sustainability (3) Complementarity of actions Pooling financial resources to lever projects This initiative is a mix between Infrastructure cooperation and policy integration. At this stage, covers mainly Eastern Partnership.

Conclusions of the TEN-T round table (2) (1) new business opportunities will require adaptation of the transport system; (2) there are many initiatives that compete in the region (NDPTL, BEATA etc..). Participants strongly supported the need to develop synergies between these initiatives (best use of ressources) and identified NDPTL as the main policy body to steer these initiatives; (3) strong support on "ready to go projects" - putting more emphasis on logistics or small scale projects that could bring immeditate benefit to the region;

Conclusions of the TEN-T round table (1) (4) High sensitivity of the region to environment and weather conditions - new transport developments (such as North Sea Route) will have to face such constraints; (5) Financing : no miracle expected but need to clearly identify priorities and set up the appropriate regulatory framework to implement projects. IFIs ready to contribute to the projects if such conditions are met. (6) Suggested closer involvement of stakeholders (including industry) to define these priorities, this could also be the way to attract private companies to participate in project financing through PPP.


"Green Corridors" Base of the concept: Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan (DG MOVE, 2007): - Green Corridors, - e-freight, e-maritime, … "Green Corridors": The idea is to bundle, along a corridor, all measures to enhance overall efficiency and sustainability, including minimising: - CO2 emissions, - other negative impacts on environment and human life, This comprises measures in following fields: - multimodality and modal shift, - improvements of transport infrastructure, - innovative traffic management and driving systems (covering all modes of transport).