TEAM ORGANIZATION Education and Water Monitoring Action Group ( EWAG)
Activity Getting to know each other and the surroundings Point out where you live on a map and identify the closest waterway. Mention something that you know about the waterway or your relationship with it. This activity allows the students to: o form links between the river and everyday life; o explore their knowledge of the river; o discover new sides of the other students and the environment.
Team 6 – Choosing roles Throughout the project Coordinator Time manager Equipment manager Public relations manager Safety manager Site cleanliness manager
Team – Distribution of tasks Example for physicochemical analyses Turbidity Dissolved oxygen Temperature pH Hardness Coliforms
Turbidity OxygenTemperature pH Hardness Coliforms Work into task groups Task group pH Team 2 Turbidity OxygenTemperature pH Hardness Coliforms Team 1
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