Thematic Session on EU Transport Infrastructure Policy Brussels, 14 November 2013 Helmut Adelsberger European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE)
Political Framework(1) White Paper on Transport 2050 (published March 2011) - White Paper 2001 "modal shift" - Revision 2006 "co-modality" - White Paper 2011 "modal integration" General Objectives of the White Paper: higher efficiency of transport and infrastructure use; optimised logistic chains (efficiency, sustainability; innovative transport management and information; less CO2 due to innovative propulsion and fuels => We need a "green" transport system!
Specific Objectives of the White Paper (2050) Political Framework(2) Specific Objectives of the White Paper (2050) With transport volumes still growing: Reducing CO2 emissions of transport by 60%; Eliminating conventionally driven vehicles from cities (2030: - 50 %); Reducing emissions of maritime transport by 40%; Increasing modal share of rail and inland waterways to 50% in medium and long distance transport (2030: 30%); Tripling the length of high speed rail network by 2030; Connect large airports to rail; Deploy innovative technologies (e.g. H2, LNG; ERTMS); ….
Possible Approaches and Measures 1. Multimodality and Modal Shift: Legal framework and transport market conditions (laws, regulations, taxes, tolls, subsidies, …) => applicable only to a limited extent! Improving multimodal mobility and logistics. 2. Improvements of Transport Infrastructure: Improving multimodal mobility and logistics (in particular rail, inland waterways, ports, terminals, …): TEN-T => high investments! 3. Innovative Traffic Management and Drive Systems: ITS, ERTMS, RIS, … Electric, H2, LNG, bio-fuels, ...)
TEN-T development since 1996 1996 TEN-T Guidelines for EU 15 (Dec. 1692/96/EC): dense basic network + 14 Priority Projects (“Essen”); 1997 Pan-European Corridors I – X (“Helsinki Corridors”); 1999 TINA (“Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment”); 2004 Guidelines revision - EU27 (Dec. 884/2004/EC): dense basic network (“old” MS) + TINA network (“new” MS) + 30 Priority Projects (TEN-T PP's: “Van Miert”); 2007 Extension of major TEN axes to neighbouring countries (“De Palacio”: COM/2007/0032); 2010 Recast of the TEN-T Guidelines (Dec. 661/2010/EU); 2013 TEN-T Policy Review + Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Definition of 30 priority axes and projects Integration of the national networks of the new Member States in the TEN-T Nomination of European coordinators for 5 priority axes and ERTMS Sustainable transport requires attention to intermodality and interoperability (MOS and Rail become priorities) Financial regulation: concentration on cross-border and bottlenecks
The new TEN-T Correspond with the objectives of the Treaty; Reflect a European planning perspective; Form a dual layer (Comprehensive and Core) “network” connecting EU with neighbouring countries and the rest of the world; Comprise all modes of transport (and their linkages): road, rail, sea and inland waterway, ports, RRT's, airports; Take into account environment and climate needs, Comprise technological innovation: traffic information and management systems, infrastructure for innovative power and fuel distribution Overlap with other, also previous concepts: PETC’s, TEN-T PP's, De Palacio axes; ERTMS and rail freight corridors.
TEN-T Comprehensive & Core Network The Comprehensive Network is the dense basic network, to ensure regional accessibility, comprising all modes of transport; determined by Member States, acc. to certain rules (updating the TEN-T of 1996) The Core Network is a subset of the Comprehensive Network: the strategically most important nodes and links, comprising all modes of transport, equipped with innovative technology applications; determined by a special methodology: mixed geographical-traffic demand driven approach, 2 steps: nodes and links (replacing the TEN-T PP's of 2004); implementation by 2030.
TEN-T Core Network Corridors (1) 9 Core Network Corridors selected within the Core Network, to improve coordination of implementation: governance structure: 11 European Coordinators (1 per Corridor, + MoS, ERTMS) Corridor Forum (all relevant stakeholders); to optimise multimodal operation for passengers & freight (with particular focus on nodes); to enhance deployment of innovative technologies (pilot applications); Selected to include politically complex projects, in particular border crossing, following previous PETC's, TEN-T PP's, De Palacio axes, ERTMS and rail freight corridors (where part of the Core Network). Rail and inland waterway considered as the backbone.
TEN-T Core Network Corridors (2) Baltic-Adriatic North Sea - Baltic Mediterranean Orient/East Med Scandinavian-Mediterranean Rhine-Alpine Atlantic North Sea - Mediterranean Rhine-Danube (Final version of map not available.)
TEN-T Policy Review – the Process Green Paper February 2009 Expert Groups Oct. 2009 – May 2010 TEN-T Days Zaragoza June 2010 1) Formal Decision by Council and EP: late 2013 (?) Negotiations with Council, Parliament and Trilogue: late 2011 – mid 2013 Draft Guidelines (EC Proposal): 19 October 2011 TEN-T Planning Methodology Public consultation 30.04.2009 Network Planning, Impact Assessment: February – June 2011 15.09.2010
CEF Allocation (2014 – 2020) 23,2 B€, of which 10 B€ from Cohesion Fund are earmarked for cohesion countries; 80 – 85 % (“multi-annual programme”) for: - 3 horizontal priorities, - Core Network Corridors, - other sections of the Core Network. 15 – 20 % (“annual programme”) for - further projects of the Core Network and of the Comprehensive Network (in particular innovation, ITS); Innovative financing instruments (project bonds, PPP); In general, CEF does not apply for road projects (except: ITS, safe parking areas, alternative fuels).
CEF Funding Rates up to 50% for studies; up to 20% for investments in general; up to 30% for bottlenecks; up to 40% für border crossing projects (only rail and inland waterway); up to 50% für ITS-projects and innovation; up to 85% in cohesion countries (acc. to the rules of Cohesion Fund). Actual allocation of funds upon project applications: - calls by TEN-TEA, - project evaluation (by independent experts), - "EU added value", - project maturity (to ensure absorption of money), - ratio applied volumes vs. available budget. 15
"Green Corridors" Base of the concept: Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan (DG MOVE, 2007): - Green Corridors, - e-freight, e-maritime, … "Green Corridors": The idea is to bundle, along a corridor, all measures to enhance overall efficiency and sustainability, including minimising: - CO2 emissions, - other negative impacts on environment and human life, This comprises measures in following fields: - multimodality and modal shift, - improvements of transport infrastructure, - innovative traffic management and driving systems (covering all modes of transport).
"Green" Core Network Corridors The concept includes operational aspects, which allows: a particular focus on multimodality and modal shift, supported by e-freight, etc.: - ports, road-rail terminals, - airports; an extension to include passenger transport; a particular focus on urban nodes: - optimised linkage long, medium, short distance - city logistics, - public transport. This is in fully line with the goals of BESTFACT.
Long-Term and Final Goals Input expected from past, current and future projects/studies, e.g.: SuperGreen, Bothnian Green Logistic Corridor, Swiftly Green, BESTFACT, … Extension from Core Network Corridors to the entire Core and – finally – Comprehensive Network: => a "Green TEN-T" => a "Green Transport System".
Core Network Baltic Region
The Bothnian Corridor (1) • The economic artery of Northern Europe • The most important mining industry in the European Union • The strong growth of Northern Europe has a significant impact on the economy in the European Union.
The Bothnian Corridor (2) • 90 % of EU iron ore mining in N. Sweden • Significant share of EU production of Zn, Cu, Ag, Au, … • 20 mill. ha forests in N. Bothnia and Lapland
The Bothnian Corridor (3) Haparandabanan: Opening 15 January 2013! North Bothnia line (270 km) Umea – Lulea: As part of the TEN-T core network to be implemented by 2030!