Deborah Gore Division of Water Resources
G.S C (a1) Report Discharge of Untreated Wastewater to the Department Permit issued under this Part Discharge of 1,000 gallons or more to surface waters Report within 24 hours In addition to applicable permit requirements
G.S C (b) & (c) Publication of Notice of Discharge of Untreated Wastewater Issue press release for discharge over 1,000 gallons Changed time to issue a press release from 48 hours to 24 hours Public Notice for spills over 15,000 gallons
2:30 PM Sunday: Security guard at ABC Corporation notices the level of a surface impoundment that is part of their NPDES permitted wastewater treatment system is low 3:30 PM: Env Manager discovers a pipe from the impoundment leaking into Green Creek 4:30 PM: At this time does not know How much has leaked The chemical composition of the leak How long it has been leaking If any damage to Green Creek Violation of G.S
G.S C: Report orally within 24 hours. II, E, 6: Report any noncompliance that threatens public health or environment to RO within 24 hours; written report in 5 days II, E, 9: Report unusual circumstances to RO within 24 hours or next working day; written report in 5 days Call the appropriate Regional Office or Emergency Operations Center [ ]
Initial report: Estimated volume of leak; when the leak started; nature of wastewater; where its leaking from and leaking to; if the water body is a drinking water supply C, (c) …for which a permit is issued under this Part. Press release within 24 hours (1,000 gallons or more) Public Notice if 15,000 gallons or more
The wastewater leaking from the impoundment has the same composition as the wastewater permitted to be discharge to Green Creek under ABC Corporation’s NPDES permit Report orally to RO or EOC within 24 hours; follow-up written report in 5 days Press release in 24 hours (1,000 gallons or more) Public notice in 10 days (15,000 gallons or more)
ABC Corporation operates a wastewater collection and treatment system under an NPDES permit. ABC has a spill of 1,500 gallons untreated wastewater to the ground II, E, 9 – Noncompliance Notification II, E, 7 – Other Noncompliance
ABC Corporation operates a wastewater collection and pretreatment system that discharges to a POTW. ABC has a spill of 1,500 gallons of untreated wastewater contained in an onsite pond.
Waters of the State include any stream, river, brook, swamp, lake, sound, tidal estuary, bay, creek, reservoir, waterway, or other body or accumulation of water. They can be surface or underground, public or private, natural or artificial. Finally, they must be contained in, flow through, or border upon any portion of this State (including any portion of the Atlantic Ocean over which the State has jurisdiction). Call within 24 hours Press release required
II, 6 Duty to Mitigate II, 7 Facilities Operation, Bypass II, 30 Potential Problems III, Slug/Spill Control Measures
ABC Corporation operates a wastewater collection and pretreatment system that discharges to a POTW. ABC has a spill of 1,500 gallons of untreated wastewater contained in an concrete containment area. Report to POTW
ABC Corporation operates a wastewater collection and pretreatment system that discharges to a POTW. ABC has a spill of 1,500 gallons of untreated wastewater that makes it to Green Creek. Report to POTW Call within 24 hours Press release required
ABC Corporation operates a wastewater collection and pretreatment system that discharges to a POTW. ABC has a spill of 20,000 gallons of untreated wastewater that makes it to Green Creek. Report to POTW Call within 24 hours Press release required Public notice required
5 gallons of diesel fuel spilled; reaches a storm drain Storm drain discharges to Green Creek No evidence fuel has reached Green Creek
G.S Required Notice (b) Report to Department within 24 hours if: 25 gallons or more is spilled; Causes a sheen on surface water or; Within 100 feet of surface water G.S Removal of Prohibited Discharge Any person having control over oil or other hazardous substances… shall immediately undertake to collect and remove… restore the area affected by the discharge as nearly as may be to the condition existing prior to the discharge.
24 gallons of diesel fuel spilled onto concrete pad Runs into parking lot but contained at property line, 50 feet from Green Creek
Fire at ABC Corporation Fire suppression foam and process chemicals exposed during the fire are washed down to a storm basin Reaches Green Creek Fish kill observed downstream due to low DO
G.S Discharges (a) Unlawful Discharges (b) Excepted Discharges e. Any act or omission by or at the direction of a law- enforcement officer or fireman