COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 1 Cross Border Information Services Lucia Karpatyova VUD – Transport Research Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 1 Cross Border Information Services Lucia Karpatyova VUD – Transport Research Institute

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 2 Introduction (to Cross Border Information Services) Lucia Karpatyova Cross Border Electronic Reporting in the Danube Countries Mario Sattler Electronic Reporting Jos van Splunder

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 3 Agenda Motivation Shortcomings of today’s cross border procedures Cross Border Management Cross Border Information Services Link to Electronic Reporting

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 4 Motivation Inland navigation Environmentally friendly Economic mode of transport especially for longer distances: crossing at least one country and / or administrational border Border crossing leads to long waiting times and inefficiencies in the transportation process Lack of information Lack of modern information technologies Missing link between traffic and transport information Solution: harmonisation and standardisation of cross border procedures by using standardised means for reporting

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 5 Shortcomings Information collected by different means – voice communication (VHF, phones), paper form – legally binding character Information is not exchanged between responsible authorities in different countries (not even on national level in one country) Redundant information are provided by actors when sailing through countries and crossing borders

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 6 Cross Border Management Cross border management is the process of defining, planning, implementing and controlling the efficient and effective flow of people, means of transport and goods, passengers, animals and their accompanying information across country (regional) and / or administrative (organisational) borders for the purpose of complying with requirements of authorities and safeguarding commercial interests. Definition of Cross Border Management as proposed in COMPRIS WP6

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 7 Cross Border Information Services Provide crucial information to facilitate seamless cross border management for the seamless operation and services in inland water transport and short sea shipping, by means of electronic reporting.

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 8

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 9 Cross Border Information / Services

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 10 Voyage reporting service Core Cross Border Services Reporting about the planned and actual voyage to the respective waterway authority in the country. The information provided within this service is crucial for all other services as well. Providing pre-arrival voyage information Providing actual voyage information Voyage relating Cross Border Information Services

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 11 Cross Border Services Notification about dangerous cargo on board of a vessel to the competent authority Provision of necessary information about dangerous cargo to other authorities, e.g. in the case of emergency Dangerous Cargo Notification Service Cargo / Animal Unit Cross Border Information Services

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 12 Cross Border Services Stands for the governmental service, which ensures the compliance with and execution of customs regulations as well as the clearance of the cargo and the collection of import and export duties. Clearance of imported / exported goods when crossing the borders of the country / customs union Supervision of goods movement before releasing for free circulation Supervision of compliance with customs regulations (imposing of customs regulations) Supervision of goods in terms of stop function to protect market (imposing restrictions on products) Customs service Cargo / Animal Unit Cross Border Information Services

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 13 Cross Border Services Stands for governmental services, which ensures the compliance with the respective immigration regulations. It executes the control of persons crossing the borders. Control of persons crossing borders Supervision of compliance with immigration regulations (imposing of immigration regulations) Supervision of persons in terms of protection of the country’s territory Information: cargo, voyage Immigration service Persons related Border Information Services

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 14 Core Cross Border Services Ensures the proper data to be submitted to different authorities and statistical offices with regard to the inland waterway transport. Cargo / trade statistics Information on intensity of the traffic flow representing by the number of passages Information on vessel traffic that is a cluster of passing floating objects Information: cargo, voyage Statistics service Other Cross Border Information Services

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 15 Future Cross Border Services Standardisation progress and harmonisation are under development and implementation stays behind (time and focus) Conditions for implementation: Common understanding between involved authorities Update of electronic reporting system / application to the needs of this service Infrastructure on the authority / commercials side (existing or new) Interface between applications used at the authority and commercials

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 16 Conclusions (1) Missing harmonised approach alongside the European inland waterways covering different cross border information services Use of different forms for reporting on voyages, vessels, cargo and persons on board Use of different means for reporting (electronic way, paper way, VHF radio, fax, phone) Different data requested by authorities in countries responsible covering the needs of cross border services Different or missing cross border procedures applied within services (specific service business areas) Missing harmonisation and standardisation of data for reporting on European level

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 17 Conclusions (2) Lack of information sharing between authorities within the same or neighbouring administrative areas / countries Limited electronic reporting possibilities, especially on the Danube Insufficient incorporation of up-to-date tracking and tracing information in the reporting processes Missing transparency in terms of complying with other modes of transports (namely SSS and maritime) Lot of paperwork and bureaucracy in the field of IWT and SSS

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 18 Recommendations (1) To continue the work based on COMPRIS WP6 and ERI knowledge (involve Danube countries into ERI) in order to Ensure continuity of standardisation that has already started Trigger harmonisation process in newly identified cross border services Guarantee the common approach of all European countries Provide guidelines on the implementation of electronic reporting applicable and acceptable on a European level To hand over the CB topic to the High Level Working Group comprising the national and international authorities affected by CBIS To build up and foster the reporting infrastructure (on shore/on vessel), especially where this infrastructure is missing

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 19 Recommendations (2) To implement electronic reporting systems enabling the up- to-date information sharing between involved actors (logistical as well as authorities) To incorporate up-to-date tracking and tracing information in the reporting processes for the fulfilment of seamless cross-border services To ensure the compliance of cross border data with those exchanged in maritime and short sea shipping in order to guarantee the transparency of information and link between modes of transport To harmonise the legislation regarding reporting on inland waterways in Europe

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 20 Electronic Reporting Electronic Cross Border reporting is a method for the international exchange of information that crosses borders via electronic means (e.g. Internet) based on established message standards (e.g. EDIFACT,XML) Electronic Cross Border reporting solution for effective provision of information for the fulfilment of Cross Border Information Services

COMPRIS Demonstrator, Bratislava, 30th September 2005page: 21 Thank you for your attention! Lucia Karpatyova Transport Research Institute Pristavna Bratislava