6/12/20031 AASHTO Report from Task Force on Hydrology and Hydraulics Subcommittee on Design Boston, Massachusetts June 12, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

6/12/20031 AASHTO Report from Task Force on Hydrology and Hydraulics Subcommittee on Design Boston, Massachusetts June 12, 2003

6/12/20032 Highway Drainage Guidelines Model Drainage Manual 2003 HDG and MDM are forwarded to SOD –HDG new Chapter 15 balloted in Roy Jorgensen Associates, Inc., assisted Task Force. Technical update by the Task Force members. Very high quality professional documents. –HDG: 15 chapters. Dual Units. –MDM: 21 chapters. SI and US Customary editions. –H&H Glossary included with both HDG and MDM.

6/12/20033 On-going Research Projects 24-7(2)Countermeasures 24-14Scour at Contracted Bridge Sites 24-15Bridge Scour in Cohesive Materials 24-16Channel Migration 25-12Wet Detention Pond Research 21-07Development of Portable Scour Measuring Equipment 24-18Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Abutments 24-19Environmentally Sensitive Channel and Bank Protection 24-20Prediction of Scour at Bridge Abutments

6/12/20034 On-going Research Projects Continued 24-07(146)Development of Software Verification Protocol for H&H Models 15-24Hydraulic Loss Coefficients for Culverts 24-23Riprap Design Criteria, Specifications, and Quality Control 24-24Criteria for Selecting Hydraulic Models 24-25Risk-based Guidelines for Determining the Need for Investigation of Unknown Bridge Foundations 24-26Effects of Debris on Pier Scour at Bridges 24-8Scour at Bridge Foundations Research Needs. Projects funded FY98: 3 projects 24-14, 24-15, FY01: 3 projects

6/12/ Problem Statements to be Submitted by H&H Task Force Time Rate of Scour at Wide and Skewed Bridges Coordinated Update of Rainfall Maps in United States (NOAA/NWS moving too slowly. Funding as NCHRP project will help) Effects of Fractured or Degradable Rock on Pier Scour at Bridges Procedure for Determination of Joint Probability of Design Peak Flows at Stream Confluences Development of Bench Test Method for Determining Manning’s n- value for Culverts Effects of Riprap on Fish Habitat Evaluation of Long-Term Performance of Stormwater BMPs.

6/12/20036 Problem Statements Drafted Scour at Bridge Foundations-- Research Needs Development of a Specification to Mitigate Hydroplaning Effects Develop Hydraulically Efficient Bridge Rail Development of a Prediction Model for Ice Jam Formation In-Situ Scour Measuring Device Integration of Water Quality and Drainage Structure Design Coastal and Tidal Waterway Stability and Scour Turbidity and Wash Load Effect on Scour Depth

6/12/ HDG and MDM Technical updates –Capture changes in HDSs, HECs, and software –Preliminary list of enhancements is available –HDG new topics: MS4 guidelines, workflow, groundwater, hydroplaning. –HDG and MDM: Chairs are working on lists of enhancements. Improve usability –Easier to use –Increase sales

6/12/20038 Task Force Membership

6/12/20039 Task Force Participation

6/12/ Special Recognition Phil Thompson FHWA Secretary to Task Force Retiring June 2003 Phil has provided 14 years of dedicated and distinguished service to the Task Force. The FHWA will appoint a new secretary soon.