PUPIL COUNT RECONCILIATION Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
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Why reconcile the September pupil count to January pupil count? Approximately 25% of Wisconsin school districts are audited for membership each year Of those 25% of school districts, 60-70% of the audits result in an adjustment to the count Most of those adjustments are identified in the reconciliation from September pupil count to January pupil count
Why reconcile the September pupil count to January pupil count? In the past, school districts were not asked to provide this information unless they were audited for membership Requested by auditor Districts always should have been performing this procedure when reporting the data to DPI Prove out the counts Accuracy of reporting
NEW WITH JANUARY, 2008 PUPIL COUNT Beginning with the January, 2008 pupil count report, all districts are required to have on file a reconciliation of changes between the September and January pupils counts which includes additions and subtractions between these dates.
NEW WITH JANUARY, 2008 PUPIL COUNT The reconciliation may be done using the DPI worksheet The worksheet is currently available at: - Click on Reconciliation of September Count to January Count Click on Reconciliation of September Count to January Count The worksheet will also be available in January at: - Go into your district’s January pupil count where there is a link to the worksheet. The January pupil count data will not pull into worksheet until the district January PI-1563 has been filed The completed worksheet is to be kept on file at the district office and provided to DPI or auditor upon request
New Reconciliation Worksheet
Reconciliation of September Pupil Count to January Pupil Count Save the reconciliation to your computer The reconciliation must be kept on file in the district office If your district is selected for a membership audit, the reconciliation and all supporting documentation will be required to be examined and tested by your auditor DPI may request reconciliation and supporting documentation
QUESTIONS Kathy Guralski i.us Lori Ames Karen Kucharz te.wi.us Brad Adams