Lesson 40 Point of View and Story Diagraming for “The Stolen Party” Hold onto your Homework for right Now. Lesson 40 Point of View and Story Diagraming for “The Stolen Party” Purpose -to identify and distinguish among POV -to rewrite a text in another POV -to identify and diagram short story elements to gain an understanding of the author’s intended effects
Motif Mini Lesson Motif is a reoccurring object or idea in a work. A motif can also be something abstract, such as an emotion or quality like love, bravery or honesty. Motif is easily confused with theme. A theme is the main, overall idea or lesson the author is trying to teach in his book and cannot usually be stated in one word. The theme of a work may be profound, difficult to understand, or intended to teach a lesson or moral. . A motif is a smaller idea that we see come up again and again in the book. A motif can be used to help develop the theme. Questions to think about: Motif Are there objects, ideas, or concepts I have seen repeated in this book? What could that object, idea, or concept mean? What could that object, idea, or concept teach me about the theme of the story?
2.12 Point of View in “The Stolen Party” Open to page 118. Examine and discuss the differences among the three points of view. In the literary terms section of you journal, define the following terms on page 118: First Person POV Third-Person Omniscient POV Third-Person Limited POV
First Person I Me My We Our Benefits: Readers see events from perspective of an important character. Readers understand character better. Disadvantage: Narrator may be unreliable. Readers see one perspective. Example: “If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.”
Third-Person Omniscient They Them He She Benefit: Very natural Disadvantage: May not feel life like Example: A poor man had twelve children and worked night and day just to get enough bread for them to eat. Now when the thirteenth came into the world, he did not know what to do and in his misery ran out onto the great highway to ask the first person he met to be godfather. The first to come along was God, and he already knew what it was that weighed on the man’s mind and said, “Poor man, I pity you.”
Third-Person Limited They Them He She Benefits: Makes us feel close to one character Example: The girl he loved was shy and quick and the smallest in the class, and usually she said nothing, but one day she opened her mouth and roared.
Your turn to be the Writer! Now, use your understanding of POV to transform each excerpt on pages 118-119 into the other two points of view.
Advantage & Disadvantage Turn to your shoulder partners and discuss your writing. With your partner come up with the benefits and limitations of each type of narration. Fill in the chart on page 120.
2.13 “The Stolen Party” Story Diagram Go over the story and look for examples of each element that is listed in the story diagram. Highlight examples in the text and use the margins to jot down comments or notes regarding the textual examples you locate. After you have reread and marked the text, complete the diagram on page 121. Once finished, we will compare our diagrams with our shoulder partner’s.
Practice for Storyboarding You will be divided into small groups. Each group will be assigned an element of the diagram (exposition, conflict, climax, etc). You will choose a scene that exemplifies your element and draw it. Remember that your drawings can be either symbolic or representative.
Exit Ticket POV in “The Stolen Party” Return to the story and identify specific passages that show us the POV. Pick one paragraph from “The Stolen Party” which you will write from another POV.
Honors Homework 2.14 Read the short story “Marigolds” beginning on page 122. Do the corresponding activities on pages 132 and 133.