WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 2 2 Currently Takes 45 to 60 Days Three Different Agencies Involved in the Process: –U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) –DLA Distribution Center – Anniston –DLA Disposition Services – LESO Process to Request Weapons for Initial Allocation
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 3 3 LEA (Law Enforcement Agency) – Submit request to SC SC (State Coordinator) – Review Submit to LESO LESO –Create Checklist Send to TACOM TACOM – Send back to LESO w/ associated cost LESO – Send completed checklist to SC SC – Send completed checklist to LEA LEA – Send check to TACOM via tracked mail Send tracking number to SC Allocation Process
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 4 4 SC – Send tracking number to LESO TACOM – Process Customer Support Form and payments Create MRO and send to Anniston ANNISTON – Receive MRO Contact LEA to ensure authorized personnel (POC on checklist sent by LESO) will be available to sign when delivered by postal carrier (FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc.) When LEA receives weapons: –LEA – Submit serial #’s and photos to SC via FEPMIS –SC – Submit serial #’s and photos to LESO via FEPMIS –LESO – Verify serial #’s and photos Allocation Process
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 5 5 Weapons Allocation Limits M-16 Rifles – 100% M-14 Rifles – 50% M Caliber Pistols – 100% Military Series Shotguns and M-79 Grenade Launchers (Available through LEA to LEA transfer only) – 10% Allocation Limits are based on the number of adequately compensated officers with FULL arrest and apprehension authority –NOTE: Reserve Officers do not count toward allocation limits
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 6 6 Tribal Agencies are able to receive weapons through the 1033 Program –Agency must provide documentation that one officer has been deputized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) –Once deputized, they are considered Federal Law Enforcement Officers and are issued a Special Law Enforcement Commission Tribal Agencies
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 7 7 LEA will submit initial transfer request to the appropriate State Coordinator for approval State Coordinator will submit request via to LESO –In the subject line: State Abbreviaiton_Agency From_State Abbreviation_Agency To_Weapons Type_QTY –Example: CO_Blue PD_CO_White CSO_M16A1_15 –In the body: FT/PT Officers –Example: FT20/PT5 LESO will reply with either “Approved/Denied”, stating reason for denial Weapons Transfer Process
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 8 8 If no LEA in home State needs the weapons a State to State transfer may be conducted Conducted like LEA to LEA transfer except: –SC will notify LESO of available weapons by type and quantity –LESO will contact States to see if an interest exists –If a State expresses need for weapons the gaining SC will contact the losing SC to coordinate transfer –The gaining SC will submit a transfer request to LESO to include a list of serial numbers –LESO will complete the station modification in FEPMIS –If no State is found, LESO will contact losing SC and turn-in request will commence Weapon Transfer State to State
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 9 9 Send to LESO LESO will put out data call nationally of weapons available SC’s have 7 days to respond with interest If there is no response LESO will send SC attachments via signed Turn-In Form, Weapons Turn-In Instructions, and DD Form 1348 Before submitting request for Turn-In, attempt transfer within state Request to Turn-In Weapon
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 10 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 10 SC requests to Turn-In damaged weapon to Anniston Needs to accompany request: –DD Form 200 (FLIPL, Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss Worksheet) –Photos of damaged weapon LEA will not be suspended for damaged weapon Damaged Weapon
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 11 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 11 Weapons Turn-in One Page Instruction Page can be found on LESO Weapons Page Chief Executive Official and State Coordinator Signatures are Required Digital Signature Capability
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 12 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 12 Weapon Templates All Weapon Form Templates can be found online –LESO Webpage: Click on the “Forms” Tab –Templates must be filled out completely –State and Local LEAs must submit the completed templates to their State Coordinator for approval State Coordinator will submit to the LESO for action –Federal and Tribal LEAs submit completed templates directly to LESO
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 13 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 13 Lost, Stolen, Missing Weapons Chief Executive Official of LEA: –Must report missing weapon to the State Coordinator’s Office immediately by or fax –Must ensure that every attempt is made to locate and recover the missing weapon –If the weapon is not recovered, the Chief Executive Official must report the missing weapon to all appropriate state and federal agencies (State Police, NCIC (National Crime Information Center Database), BATF, etc.) –Must submit an Official Report detailing the events leading to the loss or theft of the weapon and the actions taken to locate and recover it Must be on agency letterhead and signed by the Chief Executive Official Must include results of internal investigation, a copy of the official police report, any digital photos taken, and verification that the missing weapon was entered into or reported to the appropriate agencies Must be submitted to the State Coordinator’s Office within 30 Days
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 14 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 14 State Coordinator’s Office: –Must report the missing weapon to LESO within 24 hours of it being reported by the LEA –Must report if the weapon was not recovered within 72 hours of the initial report –Must submit the LEA’s Official Report detailing the events leading to the loss or theft of the weapon and the actions taken to locate and recover it Must be on agency letterhead and signed by the Chief Executive Official Must include results of internal investigation, a copy of the official police report, any digital photos taken, and verification that the missing weapon was entered into or reported to the appropriate agencies (NCIC report) Must be submitted to the LESO once received Must include an endorsement signed by the Governor Appointed State Coordinator –Signature by the State Point(s) of Contact will not be accepted Lost, Stolen, Missing Weapons
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 15 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 15 LESO: –Automatic placement of LEA on Suspension List, minimum 30 days –Direct LEA to: Input lost weapon into NCIC Upload a screenshot of entry into FEPMIS within 72 hours or reported loss Complete a preliminary Police report and forward a copy to LESO within 72 hours –Provide initial notification to DLA OIG within 24 hours –Must follow up with the SC and DLA OIG after 72 hours of the initial report –Will archive the serial numbers of the weapons that have been lost or stolen Serial Numbers will remain searchable, but will not appear on the LEA’s active inventory Lost, Stolen, Missing Weapons
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 16 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 16 Demilitarization and Destruction of Weapons LEAs are not authorized to Demilitarize or Destroy any weapons allocated through the 1033 or 1208 Programs –Non-Functioning and Damaged Weapons must be returned to the Anniston Depot To Return Weapons the LEA must complete a Weapon Turn-in Request and forward to the State Coordinator for action –Serviceable Weapons Should be Transferred to another LEA If a LEA cannot be found within your state, contact LESO we will find an LEA in another state
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 17 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 17 Weapons acquired through the 1033 Program may be modified to any desirable configuration. Non- permanent changes that can be made: –Replace the upper receiver –Replace the barrel –Replace the hand guards –Replace the butt stock All original parts must be retained. Weapons must be returned to the original configuration at the time of turn-in or transfer. Weapon Modifications
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 18 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 18 ATF Forms 5 and 10 ATF Form 10 (Registration Form) –All State and Federal Agencies are required to register M-16 and M-14 rifles with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) ATF Form 5 (Transfer From) –State and Federal Agencies transferring M-14 and M-16 Rifles, and M-79 Grenade Launchers to a new LEA are required to submit an ATF Form 5 to the BATF. Forms are required to be sent to the BATF It is the responsibility of the LEA to register weapons LEAs and State Coordinators must retain a copy for their records. DO NOT SEND COPIES OF THE FORMS TO LESO
WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 19 WARFIGHTER FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 19 Machine Guns, Destructive Devices, and Other Firearms –It shall be unlawful for any person – (d) to receive or possess a firearm which is not registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record; or (e) to transfer a firearm in violation of the provisions of this chapter 10 year felony to possess these weapons without a license or to transfer them to an unlicensed person Title 26, U.S.C. Section 5861(d) & (e)