Heather Robertson
It is an identifying integrated circuit placed under the skin of an animal. The chips are about the size of a lager grain of rice and are based on a passive RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology What is Microchip Implant?
The microchip is placed anywhere on the animal right under the skin. It is sealed in biocompatible glass covered by a sheath to prevent migration. Where is it placed in the animal?
How it is Implanted
The most common method in cattle is the use of RFID ear tags. Other methods:
Passive Tag: No internal power supply Instead there is a small electric current is created in the antenna when an incoming signal reaches it Provides enough power to briefly activate the tag usually just long enough to relay the ID number or product name. Activated from a distance of ten millimeters to over 6 meters away. Can be smaller then the other tags and thinner than paper. The different types of tags:
Active Tag: Contain an internal power source Allows for a longer read-range and for a bigger memory on the tag Power source also makes it possible to store information sent by the transceiver They are slightly bigger than a coin Can be read from many meters away, and generally have a battery life of about ten years
Allflex FDX EID Ear Tag – Cattle - 20/package Price= $41.25 Different Brands and the Prices to use Microchips or RFID Tags
Allflex USDA HDX EID Tag - 20/Bag Price= $53.43 Continued
DTR® 4 Universal Reader Price=$1, Will read both FDX and HDX ID tags. Continued
Allflex Compact Reader Price =$ Just compatible to the Allflex brand Continued
SmartChip 15 Digit Microchip Price=$12 each Just Identification Continued
Destron BioTherm LifeChip Price= $20.00 each Identification + Temperature Continued
Destron Universal Microchip Reader Price=$ Continued
To track lost or stolen cattle To Help in different studies on cattle Help detect when heifers or cows are in heat Records the temperature of the cattle It can help identify where a cattle are originally from to track different diseases or illegal antibiotics were use before going to the slaughter house. Uses of Microchips
With the different brands of the microchips or the RFID tags there is a certain computer or device that has to read them. They do not all use the same program The Microchips may move and the RFID tags could fall out of the cattle’s ear. Disadvantages:
Can track all of your cattle When sorting you can have more than one chip read at a time. Can speed up checking in or out cattle at a feedyard or sale barn You will be able to better manage your heard Have the satisfaction of knowing exactly when to AI the heifers and cows. When buying different cattle you will be able to check and make sure they are not bring any unwanted dieses to your farm. Related Advantage
d.pdf d.pdf Cowboy Journal Animalcentral.net/blog/cattle-branding-season-and-the-importance- of-microchips/ Works Citied
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